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13759570 No.13759570 [Reply] [Original]

Hi linkers
Some questions about storing Link:
I already have a Ledger but I want to diversify
1) Is Eidoo on smartphone any good? Is it safe?
2) Is MetaMask on Chrome good and safe?
3) Any other wallet you suggest?

>> No.13759906

Just buy two hardware wallets and keep them separate

>> No.13760080

Do you have a piece of paper?

>> No.13760105

That's probably the best idea but I feel bad when I think I'm using money that I could spend to buy more links

>> No.13760340

Why is she doing that?

>> No.13760354

she was scratching her brapper and letting her friend have a sniff

>> No.13760402

There are only 2 safe wallets
paper is the safest but its biggest weak point is: you
So if you remotely think that you could be something like a brainlet, go for hardware and do not look back

>> No.13760445

I was not the smartest kid in the class :(

>> No.13760843

Act accordingly, you must be extra paranoid with a paper wallet, otherwise you'll end up in some creepypasta about crypto

>> No.13760873

A while back someone on /biz/ was talking about his paper wallet with everything he owned on it, like $20k worth of BTC a couple years back. He said he was doing something or whatever and placed it next to the window. It was raining and when he came back it was all washed out. I'm still not sure if I believe it.

>> No.13761112

Hey frens, linklet here with a 5k "stack". Sorry for the blogpost I just want to confirm what happens when you withdraw from your 401k

I got in a bit of a financial jam a month ago and was going to sell half my LINK to pay off some debt and bills and then set up a payment plan to reacquire/keep accumulating but now we're mooning and I don't want to touch my LINK at all. Thank Sergey i didnt withdraw a couple weeks ago.

I unironically don't care that much about my 401k savings. Its nice to have something there and I plan to keep contributing but I want to withdraw 2-3k to get out of my jam without touching my LINK. I only have about 35k saved up in my 401k. (I also already borrowed 2k against my 401k last year to help my parents that has 1 year left of paying back, so i can't do another loan) I really want to just straight up withdraw 2-3k, pay these bills and let my linklet stack ride.

What im asking is if anyone knows what the consequences would be. I hear there is a 10% penalty from the IRS so that would be only 200-300 dollars and it would go towards my taxable income so I should maybe set aside 23% of what i withdraw to account for the tax burden i would have to pay next year (around 23% is what they take out of my paycheck currently and I usually dont owe/dont get a refund at the end of the year).

I get why people say don't withdraw because a 3k withdraw would only net me 2k after tax burden and penalty but if i withdraw 2k from my link stack im potentially losing out from huge LINK gains. I'd rather take the 1k hit and the missed gains from my 401k rather than missed LINK gains. Is my reasoning correct or am I naive about/missing something about withdrawing from one's 401k?

>> No.13761865

Water, fire, moving to another house, bad calligraphy, the variables are endless. Also 99/100 won't sign transactions on an air-gapped pc, which makes all the paper wallet thing worthless in the first place

>> No.13761929

How fucking deep do you have to lurk through Instagram to even find an image like this?

>> No.13761971

i would like to know too, being here it was probably LARP but i don't doubt it's happened to someone out there.