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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13757206 No.13757206 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say we're at the top of the next bubble and we've all made it through and it looks like we might have another crash coming up, so it's time to get out for a while. Now what? Most of us have never been rich before and don't have offshore secret accounts and wouldn't even know how to set one up. Financial advisers won't help us out because we don't have the money in a form they're used to. Getting our funds out of Coinbase will have huge tax implications (US). And it's highly likely cryptos will be universally accepted at that point (I can't just buy a house anywhere, and there's still tax implications).

What are your exit strategies?

>> No.13757226

migrate to a country that doesn't charge you insane tax for crypto

>> No.13757228
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>> No.13757264


Marriage is outdated af

>> No.13757283

there are many people who will buy your cryptos for dirty cash in South America

If only you knew..

>> No.13757307
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>Bitcoin is showing what real ownership means.
Oy vey, ownership that cannot be revoked by violence is so terrible.

>> No.13757320
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>still living in a country that taxes crypto
>making it

>> No.13757430

You got the same problem any "digital nomad" has. There's plenty to be found on banking & countries. It's still very niche but the resources exist.

The other thing is the news of 20-30something guys getting killed trying to trade btc above 100k are stacking up. Maybe you primary fear shouldn't be the taxman.

>> No.13757448

>What are your exit strategies?
>implying I'll exit the crypto market
I can just short on Bitmex and I'll even triple to quadruple my earnings in no time. Of course I'll cash out a portion of my earnings (50-75%), I'm not stupid.

>> No.13757460

Bitcoin > XMR > Get on a flight > Get off a flight > XMR > Bitcoin

>> No.13757471
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and they havent had to deal w monero yet. once word gets out divorce lawyers are going to be out of business and it will become a choice whether or not you want to get fucked over in a divorce as a man (based on whether or not you correctly structure your holdings beforehand)

>> No.13757549

My dream is going to Puerto Rico, cashing out tax free, buying a savehaven barracuda and island hopping. That would be so amazing. Diving with whales in Dominica, eating conch in Bahamas, doing rich people shit in St Barth’s.

I hope ChainLink makes me $5M and I can do this. I’m a pretty misanthropic person and I think this would be a comfy life.

>> No.13757556


>> No.13757585


A baseball bat can still beat the encryption.

>> No.13757589

If you are a US citizen you can't just go to PR and cash out tax-free. You have to live there for something like 5 - 10 years before the no capital gains tax rule applies to assets acquired prior to moving to PR. Taxation is theft and fuck the IRS, but read the rules before you do anything so you don't get fucked, anon.

>> No.13757608
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Good thing I carry a glock for dealing with Tyrone and the government can't use torture.

>> No.13757655

no,only if the person decides to talk

>> No.13757658

Dude, smallest offshore cards are like $1k and let you cash out up to 50k
With this pocket change youd be able to find the guyz wholl help you unleash ur millions. Dont panic

>> No.13757696


I think if crypto does end up as valuable as most people here think it will the rules as we know them will be shown to be the toilet paper they are.

>> No.13757704

Unless he puts a bullet in your head and parties up with his newfound millions.

>> No.13757729 [DELETED] 

Have sex

>> No.13757762

Had sex, what now?

>> No.13757768

>discussing your finance with roasties

>> No.13757786

Just make a sell order on localbitcoins for cash? Ezpz
Bring a weapon

>> No.13757811

Get the fuck out, normalfaggot.

>> No.13757824

Dai doesn't have kyc

>> No.13757850

Suck me

>> No.13757892


>telling your wife about your fake internet money


>> No.13757906

>Getting our funds out of Coinbase will have huge tax implications (US
Huge tax implications?.
$0 to $39,375 - 0% tax
$39,376 to $434,550 - 15% tax
$434,551 or more - 20% tax

Hey shithead, you supposedly went from NOTHING to "millions". Cut 20% off of "millions" and you'll still have more than you ever would be able to accrue in the real world, AND you don't have IRS anxiety

>> No.13757911
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get disintermediated

>> No.13757922

Seriously though if you're getting a divorce what stops you from buying crypto with all your money and then "losing" your keys. Paper wallet only obviously. Any laws against this?

>> No.13757943
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yeah but it's run on the honor system

>> No.13758078

>Seriously though if you're getting a divorce what stops you from buying crypto with all your money and then "losing" your keys. Paper wallet only obviously. Any laws against this?
Is your fear of divorce related to the idea that the women is earning much less than you and thus gets a lot of 'your' earnings? Because you're marrying wrong if that's happening. If you marry someone who earns the same, you divide the assets equally which means you break even since you both contributed the same. I don't get the anxiety. If you don't want to get fucked over in a divorce, don't marry an unemployed wench.

>> No.13758124

I'm an engineer. She works on HR. So my earning potential is 2.5x hers.

>> No.13758159

I am a brainlet. What does pic related mean?

>> No.13758161

rofl, you're cute

>> No.13758182

Have a second private key for a smaller wallet so you have plausible deniability

>> No.13758183


Don’t LARP, faggot.

>> No.13758184


>> No.13758192


Which DEX has decent enough liquidity to stable up in DAI? Lmao, I’ll wait.

>> No.13758407

Oh really? https://www.newsbtc.com/2019/02/06/ceo-who-held-150m-in-crypto-died-in-a-region-known-for-having-a-fake-death-mafia/

>> No.13758472

I really hope you're trolling, but it obviously means that Bitcoin will become the go-to form of monetary exchange and "cashing out" won't be necessary.

>> No.13758508

Bancor is pretty good.

>> No.13759049

I have no crypto, I just want out of the debtjew. Give me money anons

>> No.13759121

spbp and old as fug

>> No.13759200

anything bad for lawyers is good for the world

>> No.13759213
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me too. please.

>> No.13759430

>one fake dead disproves everything

here's an example, go ahead disprove it.

>> No.13759503

Seen this back in 2013. The only true answer, oh yeah. All things considered, we are the first men alive who can truly secure our wealth. Your money is a key in your head, inseparable from you. You are your money.

>> No.13759551

Killed by a somalian too

>> No.13759612

t. Underage

>> No.13759657

Women who make as much money as you are hardwired to leave you for a man who makes more.

>> No.13759662

1 year, it's still US soil and it's the same as every other state

>> No.13759705

>and the government can't use torture.
I'm guessing you've never dealt with the US government before

>> No.13759724

even though our taxes are being used to exterminate our race and make us slave goyim I'm paying my taxes so I can at least enjoy the few years before collapse

>> No.13759725

bitcoin for gold. Hoard gold.

I told my gf I only had a few hundred in crypto (she saw me trading).

>> No.13759735

Way too many redditors here. Go back

>> No.13759751

They won't use outright torture. Locking you in a cell with five ni ggers? That might happen

>> No.13759793

yeah exactly
I got arrested for marijuana possession and the guards took my socks, underware, and put me in a cell with 4 beaners where I had to sleep on the floor
there wasn't any clean water, air conditioning, I used old sweaty dirty paperback books as pillows
had to immediately go into debt for spare dirty socks/underware

and that was for basic drug possession I couldn't imagine what you get for ripping the government off 6/7 figures

>> No.13759844


>> No.13759847

Up in Canada Trudeau retroactively purged the records of marijuana offenders. You better hope boomers are kicked out soon and real change to drug laws can happen.

>> No.13760004
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I'm not sure if it will happen that soon, might be another decade before we really see it, but then again everything seems to develop more quickly with the advent of the internet. I think we will see the same phenomenon that is happening in the job market. Basically it's been an employer's market for 20 years and now with the recent shift all the sudden businesses are being ghosted left and right because they have no idea how to mitigate turnover. They are so disconnected they cannot recognize that they are losing employees because they pay them a pittance and treat them like shit. They've inadvertently constructed these swollen, bureaucratic institutions that placate to nonsense like diversity instead of actual efficiency and merit. The companies that are surviving have either hoarded enough cash to weather the storm or they can uniquely grasp the importance of cutting waste and compensating their valuable workers. Likewise we will see citizens being treated like customers instead of cattle for the first time and as you know /biz/, the customer is always right. The advent of encryption, zero knowledge transactions, and digital cash will mean that governments no longer have compulsion over money via printing and taxation like they have for the last 500 years or so. The governments that choose to hold onto these legacy power structures will have the most to lose, because the ones that capitulate to welcome innovation will experience enormous transfers of wealth. All of these legacy systems are fighting to suppress the advancement of crypto because open source projects and decentralization completely disrupt the gilded cage they have built to protect themselves for generations.

>> No.13760061

If you don't like the system consider bitcoin one of the only weapons you can use to fight against it. Take it down one satoshi at a time.

Use wasabi wallet to "loose" all of your coins after you pull them from tyrant owned on ramps.

>> No.13760112


Blatant poojeet

>> No.13760177

>he thinks he can cash out


>> No.13760229


>> No.13760772

Gtfo normalfag.

>> No.13760818



Move to somewhere that lets you make money you fucking useless faggot.

>> No.13760860

What are implications of cashing out like 10k at a time over and over. What's the likelyhood of an audit?

>> No.13760972

if you're going thru the banking system regularly 100 percent

>> No.13761147

South american here, can confirm, take my money.

>> No.13761215

What kind of retard hires a career woman? LOL

>> No.13761239

XMR > BTC definitely not suspicious and would never be flagged as potential whitewashing

>> No.13761240


Well anon, you could have tethered on binance from 19k to 3k and bought back in if you knew the future, so that's an option.

>> No.13761292

jaw droppingly based and inconceivably redpilled

>> No.13761425

Add something about killing low iq monkeys whole sale and then I’ll call this based