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File: 92 KB, 793x503, scammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13752465 No.13752465 [Reply] [Original]

This is the CEO of the largest exchange in crypto. You wonder why people like Warren Buffett think it's a scam? No doubt half of you retards will say that he's based because there are no regulations and all of that garbage but how can you actually justify the fact that arguably most powerful person in Crypto is literally a chink pump and dump scammer like the rest of them?

>> No.13752480

It's unregulated
You wouldn't be saying that if it was your exchange

>> No.13752479

The exchange is reliable and their IEOs made me a ton of money. I don't see how these made it a scam?

>> No.13752498

because he's pumping shitcoins just to inflate his own junk token so you all FOMO into his "lotteries" lmao.

>> No.13752508

by scam you mean it steals money from people
so far I haven't seen Binance stealing from anyone.

>> No.13752513

why do virgins hate cz?

>> No.13752558
File: 237 KB, 1000x1000, 1555680954604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13752561


Then you are a dumb lying gook or just a pajeet

He is a virgin despite his money

>> No.13752579

this desu

>> No.13752588


>> No.13752592


>implying Warren Buffeted profited off anything other than being positioned to take advantage of the unimpeded financial boom offered to America by the crippling effects of WW2 on all its competitors and the early stages of globalism which allowed for the mass production of goods on scales and at costs hitherto unheard of

Every rich person under capitalism is fundamentally exploiting the stupidity or weakness of others. It's all a pump or dump unless you're a literal visionary who manages to invent some crazy useful shit and not get fucked by your financiers which is probably less than 50 people in all of modern history.

>> No.13752621

Low IQ and jealousy
Based CZ has em on the ropes

>> No.13752622

nice whataboutism fag. Doesn't change the fact that CZ is an asian hustler

>> No.13752626

its not a good look though. I agree with OP i can see why it makes most elderly people nervous. We need good Dex's

>> No.13752634

>after confirming with team we have decided not to completely unravel BTC

>> No.13752639

KEK. nearly forgot about that one

>> No.13752642

But they've all been failing recently
Exchanges closing down because you can't keep a dex open without big profit

All of the biggest exchanges survive because they make great profit

>> No.13752656

>Implying he wasn't just saying anything to maybe get the hackers to rush and make a mistake
If they believed him they would attempt to cash out immediately maybe

>> No.13752667

I also find this highly strange business behavior. Like wtf, he is not even trying to hide the pumping.

>> No.13752700

> hurr durrr he is not pumping my coin so this is suspicious!

>> No.13752702

The chinks never had a Wall Street.
The newly Middle class get rich quick scheme.

>> No.13752762

now let's compare today's price to the '2h in the market prices' and realize half of them are deep red.

the propblem is that launchpad prices are too fucking low compared to market release prices and this is because ppl FOMO like crazy at release not CZ's fault exactly but then again he keeps pushing this shit - can't blame him if you ask me

it's bad

>> No.13752769

Warren Buffet is the king of scammers.

>> No.13752800

>imagine missing the point of what he said completely

>> No.13753780

Nasdaq and Jp Morgan pump IPOs too. They call them underwriters so it doesnt sound so bad but its the same concept.

>> No.13753800

Nice try warren buffet, now GFY

>> No.13753811

I can believe he is actually shilling pump and dumps in his own Twitter. Something is up, now I'm convinced binance is in some deep shit right now.

>> No.13753819

Like the "legitimate financial world" is any fucking better. At least CZ seems human, shows emotion and isn't personally trying to make our lives miserable.

>> No.13753823

Maybe they lost more than 40m...

>> No.13754020


man crypto is so crynge lol

>> No.13754181


>> No.13754246

Imagine not investing in some coins handpicked by a billionaire

FET, MATIC and ONE holders will make it

>> No.13754337

Unironcally going all in on ONE once it’s available

>> No.13754357

Imagine thinking a chinese billionaire has your best interest at heart

>> No.13754381

crypto is all scams lol, but then again most things in this world are scams

>> No.13754413

I literally do not care what people think about him. Ive made some serious money all thanks to cz and binance. I think you guys hating on him are fucking retarded. Go and play by the 'nonexistent' rules, lets see how far you will go.

>> No.13754420

This reeks of desperation. Seems Binance might be in deep shit after that hack.

>> No.13754428

imagine thinking he doesnt

>> No.13754716

The way cz handles problems, his openness during the hack, the downtime etc. He is as level as they come. Don't forget fund are safu. He could be a faceless corporation like coinbase but he takes the time to interact with his customers. Cz based cryptochinkpilled

>> No.13754796

he really is a master scammer. "crowd intelligence" LMAO

>> No.13754864

cringe: the post

>> No.13754878

What the fuck did I just read

>> No.13754902

this this this ....

>> No.13754919

who gives a shit if he has the our best interest at heart? Next IEOs will do at minimum 2x. Basically free money

>> No.13754937



>> No.13754988


>> No.13755014

>the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.13755019

>no bread
>no gifto
>both down 90%
How convenient

>> No.13755025

chink exchanges don’t make shit. they only profit from money laundering and manipulated pump&dumps.
the only exchanges that profit from actual trading are gdax, bitstamp, kraken, bitfinex, gemini, polo and bittrex.
bitfinex launders money too tho

>> No.13755044

even if you win 1 ticket allows you to buy tokens for just 300 dollars. no matter how it will pump
you will lose more when your 150 bnb dump to death

>> No.13755099

what do you suggest?

>> No.13755118


>BNB will dump after BTT IEO
New ath
>BNB will dump after FET IEO
New ath
>BNB will dump after Celer IEO
New ath
>BNB will dump after Matic IEO
New ath
>BNB will dump after ONE IEO
>BNB will dump after XXX IEO

>> No.13755153

That's bullshit. I have a trading bot running with 500usd. It trades for about 30 000usd volume. Figure out how much fees I pay every day...No, my bot doesn't make money, it looses around 8-12usd a week

>> No.13755170

Forgot to add that on binance and that I know a lot of bot traders (work in IT) and everyone uses Binance

>> No.13755200

you have to realize that being a dumb nigger FOMO-buyer is the secret to make money these days, mentally handicaped monkeys are making money with these shitcoins

>> No.13755385

I guess so anon. Just annoys me how people talk about this chink as if he's a beacon of trust when he's one of the most blatant scammers i've seen.