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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1374502 No.1374502 [Reply] [Original]

>you fell for the MGT meme

>> No.1374585
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>> No.1374616


At least we can all die together

>> No.1374621

I'll be back when the price hits 3 bucks or so.

Enjoy the dip bbs

>> No.1374723

I told you fuckers this would happen. A company with almost no money just bought another company with less money. Of course it's just diluting the shares. Today or tomorrow might be a good day to buy though. At this point don't panic sell, just hold you cucks.

>> No.1374805
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>> No.1374810

Get out now and get into TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP LLC

>> No.1374821


The lot of you fucking idiots.

MGT is not a stock you trade but invest in for the long term.

The first spike happened in May and dropped and held steady for a month like it's doing now.

Wait until august first to see a real spike when they start generating revenue with their bitcoin farm.

>> No.1374823


>> No.1374842

I swear this stock is pretty much unpredictable I've seen bears and Bulls lose so much on mgt. Favorite stock to laugh about.

>> No.1374858

I haven't bought any and don't plan to but it is fun to watch /biz/ spaz out.

>> No.1374971

>watching all these neets lose their neetbux after going after a "hot tip" on a anonymous Mexican Sugar Dancing appreciation forum

>> No.1375004

>Mexican Sugar Dancing

>> No.1375252

Just hold, you tards. Buy some more shares during the dip if you can afford them.

>> No.1375422

noko i know it's you

>> No.1375469

Just hold, you cunts! It'll recover. Might take a little longer though. If you sell now, you lose too much. You're in it for the long run now.

I didn't buy do I can actually sleep at night.

>> No.1375475
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locked in profits earlier today, may buy in the morning depending how things go, this is pretty oversaturated with hype, needs to reach equilibrium until August.

>> No.1375527
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>Just hold, you cunts!

>Just hold, you tards

If this was a good investment, wouldn't you guys want them to sell and make the price dip further? That way you could buy up some more of this amazing undervalued stock at an even lower price!

I mean, that's what you would want IF THIS WAS A GOOD INVESTMENT, right?

So why are you doing the exact opposite? It's almost as if you don't believe that MGT is a good investment... :^)

>> No.1375536

YOu idiots buy more

>> No.1376062
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Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me.

I will not be fooled twice


>> No.1376108

C'mon guys, this is joke right? I don't believe for a second that any one of you was actually burned by this.

>> No.1376109
File: 116 KB, 1104x833, mgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the MGT you guys are talking about, hahaha

>> No.1376144

This shit is getting too deep for me. I can't tell if people are actually falling for these meme stocks or just doing it ironically.

>> No.1376198

Who would read about mcaffee's life and then decide, "hey, this is the guy i will invest my hard earned cash with"...
The man is a druggie degenerate and obvious sociopath.