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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 510 KB, 1200x840, 1554551203421smg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13744810 No.13744810 [Reply] [Original]

kraft heinz ketchup nap edition

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Best free stock screener

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101:

Options Markets 101:

Suggested books:
https://pastebin.com/jgA5zTuC (embed)

List of hedge fund holdings:

For LCI buyers:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

previously on smg:

>> No.13744844


>> No.13744862
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>For LCI buyers:

>> No.13744939
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Son, shorts have nothing between now and next earnings. Which will probably be good too.

>> No.13744990

Regarding Jam Cromer:
Don’t know about long term, but he told us to “trim our positions” and take profits at the end of April, which is the recent high. Said all the overhyped IPOs would drag the market down. Said DO NOT get in uber, and was cautious (but not cautious enough) about lyft.

Really glad I listened and sold some of my index fund when he said to.

He LOVES stocks so is basically a permabull. Always keep that in mind. When he is bearish, WATCH THE FUCK OUT. But just because he’s bullish doesn’t mean you should be.

He was so addicted to stocks that he sold everything and lived out of his car to afford it.

SMG hates him. Reddit hates him. /pol/ types think he is a mouthpiece for big business and Jewish conspiracies. But if you watch him closely, especially in the nonscriptes YouTube stuff, you’ll notice he has very little control of his mouth and would be a terrible pick if you wanted someone to help you spread propaganda.

He’s also entertaining though sometimes a little annoying. Just remember to read between the lines, and that he doesn’t always get it right.

>> No.13744995
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Ok, so I'm looking at this option chain for AMRN, and to be honest I've no clue what the fuck I'm doing. Heard options can be a nice way to make some cash while you wait for the main event to happen (or shit).

I know its a gamble but how do I prevent myself from getting fucked over. Which one of these is the best play here? (pic related)

>> No.13745004

Nonscripted* YouTube stuff

>> No.13745009
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>IQ going on sale
>BILI going on sale
>Tencent going on sale
>BABA going on sale
Don't buy yet, the Chinaman has another 50% to fall

>> No.13745022

These threads are the cancer of /biz/

s.age all fields

>> No.13745046

Ass Cramer is terrible to listen to. He has been wrong about so many things and lost people a ton of money.

>> No.13745063

Crypto is the cancer of biz. Before this place became a forum for Pajeet coins it was actually fun and somewhat useful. The saving money threads were good.

>> No.13745070
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>> No.13745129

Go back to to the other 99 shitcoin threads shitting up the entire catalogue.

>> No.13745136
File: 35 KB, 612x611, 1552846050782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that not how shorting works
all long & idiot retail buyers am utterly trapped @ $7.50

while there are almost NO shorts stuck
LCI would have move above $9 to threaten shorts
while any move down on LCI (down being direction all momentum at) would continue for obliterate longs

>> No.13745144

can someone tell me how to calculate dividends?
I'm fucking new and want to know how much gibs I'll be receiving. Thanks in advance!

>> No.13745199

Ah fuck it, next time T dips down to the 30.40 (or lower) range I may bag a few "token" shares. Hold them till I can make my big purchase. Can't help it, I owe T so much. Without his rally to $33 today I'd never been able to bag so many AMRN on the dip.

>> No.13745203

Greed is good

>> No.13745225
File: 60 KB, 396x396, F714A247-592C-47AC-9806-62DD04C0F866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only good thread left on /biz/. Crypto killed the board and they should have created /cry/ years ago and ban all crypto threads from /biz/

>> No.13745232

See? A lot of people hate him around here, which is almost a reason to like him.

It’s never wise to have someone do all your DD for you.

>> No.13745272

Everyone hates tripfags and no one should ever listen to them.

>> No.13745280
File: 20 KB, 371x353, A9164C0D-57B5-4556-8690-27E88407135D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I’m in a good mood
Options are a great way of understanding investor sentiment. The volume on the 5/20 $20 strike was high and as you can see a lot of people lost money today but the put volume was low and people made good money on that. In this instance however, it’d be hard to judge what to choose regarding where the price is going as the volume for the calls outbid the volume for the puts so to me this smells of insider trading shit and probably doesn’t say much to the stock price itself today. It’s possible the pullback was needed and that those 143 dudes knew the stock would go down based on insider info so they made money and the call dudes were like me and you thinking “Well the stock is on the dip so buy now!” But in reality we would lose however now that those options have expired the price could see a potential reversal as know one knows where it goes next. Check the options for the next month and see what it looks like that should give you a better look at the sentiment and how to play from there. Be warned though. Those options are a perfect example of the bull trap thesis showing how even people who are certain they know the stock needs to go up can be very wrong.
I use option chains to determine big plays on a stock before making a commitment.

>> No.13745311

>Fed Chair Powell: Business debt rising but not posing threat to system



>> No.13745321

Sure in a way. I gotta T Divvy spread sheet. Say your 20 yrs old. Say you buy 166 T shares and let Drip (divvy reinvestment) work. You don't buy any more shares. You hold for 29 years (You'd be 49).

You'd be getting over 40k in basically "free" money each year. Time is your friend, the sooner you start, the more Profit you make. The older you start, the more "seed" capital you need to get the ball rolling.

>> No.13745326
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>obliterate longs
90% Institutions. Outperforming peers. Sorry bud, shorts are fucked and are propped up by political hijinks. There's only one thing wrong with this stock right now, and it's literally your feelings.

>> No.13745404
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What? This is the only thread on /biz/ that actually deals with business and finance. Crypto threads are the cancer that has overtaken what was once a thread for fellow autists to learn entrepreneurship, investing, economics, real estate, wealth management etc. Freaking out over digimons on a business thread. Unbelievable.

>> No.13745414

>The only good thread is a bad thread
Okay, bucko

>> No.13745451

cryptofags are a cancer that ruin every board they touch
they should unironically confined to /trash/

>> No.13745469
File: 227 KB, 502x395, dearliberals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should send all the tripfags to /trash/ too while we're at it. Can't stop that momentum now!

>> No.13745473

Don't make my mistake. I kinda fucked up my 20's/early 30's. Didn't save enough. Now I'm kinda paying for it. AMRN is my only hope to make up for those mistakes and come out on the up side. Then I can bag my T babies, dump money into my bank accounts and do other shit without worrying about anything.

>> No.13745489

This is how they keep us down. Fill the board with nonsensical pokecoin gamblers. Halts all discussion on wealth management, career progression, entrepreneurship, investing, real estate, in exchange for collecting digital poker chips.

>> No.13745497
File: 25 KB, 280x412, Screenshot from 2019-05-20 17-23-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based amarin investor. We're gonna be ok

who is (((they)))?

>> No.13745518

Will you suicide when AMRN shits the bed?

>> No.13745524
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Jews. Probably. Could just be some randos who are afraid of autists, portrayed by pic related, coming together to learn how to make shit happen in the world. Idk tho.

>> No.13745570
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-_-; "me feelings" completely pathetic

am telling you facts are longs trapped heavily around @ $7.50, $9, and $20
while shorts are chilling easy ATM

you wonder why institutional ownership almost = to short interest?
because they taking buy side of shorts because they only ones buying this stock
if you buy LCI @ this price you literally bailing out big money from crap position

>> No.13745591
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You know, I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case. But honestly, knowing how stupid most people are, I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a corollary of Occam's razor - anons are bad at business because everyone's bad at business. Thus, the /biz/ threads are necessarily bad. Or people are too afraid of risk too, idk.

>> No.13745597

>short interest 55%
>Institutional ownership 90%
>Almost equal
I don't think so, anon.

>> No.13745606

Don't bother cripple waifu, he's just parroting LCIguy who is trying to dump his bags on these newfags

>> No.13745680

Big money wouldn't sit around 3/4 of a year for someone to bail them out. And insitutions have been increasing positions. They sold out if they wanted last August. Since then it's overshorted. Shorts aren't chilling.

>> No.13745706

Yeah, no. If the company goes bankrupt, shorts don't owe shit. Every institution would lose money on that deal, and the only one to drop recently was Deutsche (Ror!) which is fine by me because they're literally the last institution who's judgment I would trust.

LCI attracted their heavy short interest in August 2018, when it looked like they were going bankrupt. They've been doing well since then, and are no longer on the chopping block, so to speak. Their stock was historically trading much higher when they were doing much more poorly. They are far isolated from the class action lawsuits, and have a large capital reserve to cover their asses. They're trading below book price, outperforming peers, and are making a strong comeback with several contracts secured this year alone. They're not going backward, and certainly not going bankrupt as one could argue in August 2018. This is one of the best value stocks of the year, and if you don't want in, fine IDGAF. But stop misleading people when you have nothing to back your claim.

>> No.13745742

I don't think that's the case here. This board used to be really good. Once the crypto trading card pajeets rolled in, they came in by the truck load. They like it, because they can gamble on coins, geek out over "the technology", and FEEL like they're doing business while not understanding jack about it. Replace crypto with any sort of card game and you'll see them behave in the same manner.

>> No.13745769

Isn't AT&T selling off assets to maintain dividends?

>> No.13745806

desu we should figure out a way to just have a stickied crypto general, 1000 post limit that just continuously cycles. Get rid of all the garbage here.

>> No.13745872

That's not a bad idea. Could make one, contain them.

>> No.13745934

Why won't Hiroshimoot give cryptofags their own fucking board? Is it just because we haven't spammed the administration board enough? If there's serious shit going down in the crypto board, and it affects real world business, we can just have a sticky.

Getting job, career, business advice with stories and insight from 4chan would be fantastic. Y'know, an actual business board.

>> No.13746017
File: 28 KB, 600x328, 555comeonnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys sound like you missed the Crypto train...NOT TOO LATE! Crypto is here to stay

>> No.13746052

OH BOY CAN I?! So, how many trading coins are there? Which one is holographic and rare? How much economic value do they produce? Can't wait to make money! Just like all those guys who invested in baseball cards in the 80's!

>> No.13746108
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>he doesn't know
Stay poor.

>> No.13746109

If anything, we haven't even begun to see gains. BTC below 10k is a strong buy.

>> No.13746115
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The shorts will burn and the heathen non-believers will be cast into the lake of fire for all eternity for they chose not to heed the good word. This is a chance to make right by their wallets and they chose Satan.

>> No.13746122
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>> No.13746131
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Bull nap

>> No.13746173

No, srs. I'm ready to make some moeny! Tell me all about this crypto you speak of. What does it do?

>> No.13746187

Ror! Idk bout that anon. They'll probs suffer tho.

>> No.13746204

It drives up the market value of AMD, big fan

>> No.13746230

spoiler. China's going to take all their companies private at a stupidly low price then re-ipo on Chinese exchanges for stupidly high prices while the average American investor gets fucked

>> No.13746243
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>tell me about this crypto
>complains that the board is filled with too much information about crypto
How are you this basic?!

>> No.13746265

>Comes to /smg/, the one /biz/ thread not about crypto
>to shill crypto
>wont follow through

>> No.13746307
File: 524 KB, 519x562, FEFED7D8-F2F5-41A1-BFE1-C95E8BC05CC9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why won't Hiroshimoot give cryptofags their own fucking board
I suggested that 3 years ago and never got an answer. Anyone here uses IRC? If so asking the mods there might be worth a shot. /cry/ would be the perfect name for the new board.

>> No.13746311

This. I would speculate (((they))) are afraid the collective minds of /biz/ would get together and start waging proxy battles. Given some time, we could potentially accumulate enough collective wealth to pose a threat to (((them))). Hence why cryptofags are still allowed here

>> No.13746320
File: 136 KB, 710x474, 06_02_2014_manul_Pallass-cat_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you didn't buy bitcoin when it was sub $100 you missed the train. It only went berserk when China started to get in. China ruined bitcoin despite the fact that it hit 20K people started to see it as an investment instead of a currency to exchange for goods and services. The day China cracks down on bitcoin is the day it will crash back to nil and become a viable stable currency. Mining will become profitable again. I don't get why everyone is trying to re-create bitcoin e.g. bitcoin cash, chainlink, ethereum and the rest of all that garbage.

You can easily make 2-30 times your original money in the stock market using options or playing volatility, contract-for-difference (CFDs), margin and leverage accounts depending on your risk tolerance.

Literally a million different ways to make or lose money in the real world using legitimate investment and hedging strategies but shitcoiners are still clinging to their dead dream. Is it because you are all NEET or underage morons with no bank accounts? Perhaps... perhaps.

>t. cateoverlord of wisdom

>> No.13746341

My thoughts exactly. Not enough information tho. 4chan makes movements across the internet with memes, especially /pol/, but imagine the lot of us with a collective amount of real money to throw some weight around. Could make some waves. Not conducive to those higher up.

>> No.13746349


Comedy gold.

These threads are just shitposting and LARPing. Most of you are clueless. There is no value to these threads - just a waste of server space and one less spot in the catalog for a worthwhile thread.

And once again, /biz/ is a CRYPTOCURRENCY BOARD

>> No.13746351
File: 3.28 MB, 3000x2000, chainlinkp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave you something to look into with that image
Stop being lazy and do some research ffs.

>> No.13746377

I wouldn't mind crypto if it was like, 10 threads at a time. But man, 95% of this board is unreadable garbage. Like honestly. The only threads that consistently get any traction are /smg/ and anecdotal wagie stories. We could delete all the crypto threads right now and nothing of value would be lost.

>> No.13746378

Info doesn't matter when you're relatively small. You just buy shitty companies and liquidate them for more than they trade for

>> No.13746386

Much this. The intended use for digital tokens was as an alternate currency. Once people start hodl and using them as investment vehicles, it can't be used for it's intended purpose. Digimon chips are worthless, serving no purpose. Propped up by speculation. Poor souls.

>> No.13746387
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exhibit A >>13744348

>> No.13746442

/biz/ is a business and finance board. Crypto came in and bumped off all the good threads. More worthwhile threads and posters left the board. This is the last bastion of hope because while trading is fun, market watching is not, and so we autists require some form of social forum to keep ourselves from losing our minds.

Hard to fall for crypto with a small understanding of economics. You fall in a similar camp with commies.

>> No.13746456

nobody is interesting in hearing what you have to say, fuck off and stop shitting up the thread

>> No.13746469
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The faggotry of crypto is neverending. Best we can do is safeguard and segregate smg.

>> No.13746491

>comes to the one non crypto board to shill crypto
>doesn't follow through
>"stop being lazy!"
I think you've accidentally revealed your character.

>> No.13746509
File: 119 KB, 684x529, 885F88B7-048F-45E0-A96A-99E508BF096D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god. I’m retarded, I have to stop trading from my phone.

BiliBili has an after hours bump I wanted to use to exit my position, and I made a typo on my limit price, giving what was effectively a market order. I’m straight up giving money away :(

>best trader on /smg/ giving advice to the LCIguy cult
Why do you help the unworthy?

I can’t believe this guy has people so convinced that they’re doing his shilling for him.

>> No.13746513

You're right anon, it's my fault this time. I shouldn't have responded to him in the first place. It only encourages them. It wont happen again. Thanks!

>> No.13746568

All of /biz/ put together would have 0.0001% the spending power of an institutional investor

>> No.13746596

If rkg were correct, tute positions would be lessening to get out. Instead, they want in. Shorts are there because they overshorted and still want to believe it will go bankrupt.

>> No.13746597

I love birds

>> No.13746604

That's my point! What if it wasn't that way tho? And we had people earning significant returns from here? And we have sects of general solidarity? And this attracts more people seeking value? And /biz/ becomes a threat just like /pol/ has? Imagine real world shitposting like /pol/, but instead of fucking with the media, we fuck with markets?

>> No.13746621
File: 86 KB, 753x1200, st005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well holy shit do I just have the bird for you, anon.

>> No.13746624

Time will tell, Ive got no skin in the fight. But usually, when people are trying hard to get you to buy something, and one other person says “keep your money in your pocket” you might want to listen to that person.

Especially if that person loves guro and makes OC.

>> No.13746628


>> No.13746652

This is stonk murket general. We're here to discuss stonks. Some people like this one and invest in it and discuss why they did. Did I do something wrong?

>> No.13746655

It would be hilarious, I actually laughed out loud thinking about it ... Not gonna happen though
LCIguy has been shilling here without his trip recently. He needs someone to pump his bags ... Apparently Lannett is coming out with a generic Adderall which could provide the opportunity to finally get out of that shit hole position

>> No.13746724

It could. We have to make movement.

And no I don't think he has. I've invested in LCI. Looks very promising, comprises a nice chunk of my portfolio. Cost per share at 6.18. They're doing well and on the path to improvement. Only a matter of time.

>> No.13746764

It’s a straight up sell the news event, the generic adderall has been known about for a while now

Notice that LCI “buyers” never post their holdings and rarely ask questions or sound unsure, despite the Company being under investigation from the US department of justice and several states attorneys general?

Honestly it would not surprise me if LCI Guy were one of the shorts. He boasted about fucking over anons and selling LCI while telling others to hold.

>> No.13746773
File: 2.34 MB, 4032x3024, legitpepechdice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right so lets hear more about LCI and Galt..ffs.
I was just defending crypto since you guys are salty you didn't get in early enough and are too lazy to actually do some research. Why would you want a stranger to tell you truths/lies over the internet anon? Leave SMG and do some research ffs instead of complaining about people making money off of a new digital asset class. I love SMG but you guys sound so pathetic when you start talking about shit you have no clue about.

>> No.13746778
File: 79 KB, 1024x1003, 1553794652581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ was literally started as a crypto containment board.

Furthermore, if you are still long now, prepare to get fucked dry.

>> No.13746809

Post your holdings and your LCI position.

Long what? S&P? BTC? Long BALL short PINS? Gotta be more explicit in your FUD

>> No.13746827

you have the whole rest of the board to talk about crypto
if we wanted to learn about crypto, we would go there

>> No.13746839
File: 1 KB, 480x42, LCI Holdings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holdings for you faggot. The company is "under investigation" sure. Did you read the allegations? VP Cavanaugh is a plaintiff, the only plaintiff in LCI, who was working for Teva at the time of the allegations, which is the primary company under attack, as they're at the center of the scandal.

I remember the instance you're talking about. Someone was using his trip. Got caught. Forgot to switch back. Either pendulum or baggie. Pay attention.

>> No.13746855

holy fuck we must make it happen

>> No.13746883

Meant defendant. I know, I'm retarded.

>> No.13746890


>> No.13746904

Dude I sold everything, I have more puts in my pocket than pussies on my dick LMAO

>> No.13746919

Yeah, we all know his trip pass. Plus I can see you same fagging.>>13746890

>> No.13746939

Dude no lmao you're really smart lmao

>> No.13746947
File: 196 KB, 1920x1080, 40CB58F4-418A-4F88-B131-9B4CBF2541CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post your holdings AND LCI position
You only own one stock, and it’s being investigated by the DOJ? And You bought it at its closing price?

I hope you’re trolling me.

>> No.13746968
File: 780 KB, 672x786, 1555378008146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long /smg/ numbnuts.

Personally I'm 75% cash/bonds (not shitty corporate bonds) and 25% crypto. Feels comfy as fuck watching the tsunami coming.

>> No.13746974

Fuck you aint posting all my holdings. And no, I bought at varying points, averaging down to 6.18. It closed at the same price it opened today.

>> No.13746984

Nice try

>> No.13746997
File: 9 KB, 300x200, whatinfugg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me, no one cares if you post all of your holdings. No one will copy you. See >>13745497

>> No.13747010
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>> No.13747011

Why is the LCI meme even a thing? Why do you guys shill it so hard?

>> No.13747015

>32% of my RH portfolio is now BTC and ETH
oh god... how did I let this happen?

Glad that I’m holding more cash now though.

>> No.13747025

Is this not a stock market general thread? Should I not discuss the stocks i'm invested in? SHould I TaLk AbOUt cRypTO?

>> No.13747051

>I was just defending crypto
>Give no rationale
Sure is convincing

>> No.13747058

It would be amazing if it did. That said gookmoot will never do it

>> No.13747071

Some people get off on controlling the conversation, and hurting the wallets of internet strangers.

One guy here apparently rode it down to $6. Probably from $9.

>> No.13747096

Hahaha are you embarrassed? Afraid I’m going to crack your account and take your precious shares?

>> No.13747131

Yeah I wouldn't be surprised. Sold off my first batch around there. It nears that price then crashes. It's done that a couple times. Bought back in around 7, too soon. Bought more around 5.50. Now it's just a matter of time til it hits its book value again. Everything surrounding this company is weird, unique. It's entertaining to say the least. You've got a short selling activist, Marc Cohodes, Jew accusing them of fraud, but hardly mentioning Teva. And you've got a pro trader, Guy Gentile, who's high in the hodl.

>> No.13747148
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>> No.13747160

>still afraid to post his holdings

>> No.13747176

Ror! Where's yours then? Post your entire brokerage account for the internet to see.

>> No.13747188

>people unironically respect and listen to warren buffet even though he's a coke-drinking mcdonalds-eating boomer who literally got lucky compared to the 234928374239 other funds managers before him

given enough time even a monkey will type out shakespeare on a typewriter

>> No.13747203
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nightly reminder to market buy bowl america

>> No.13747247

should I continue shorting TEVA or no? On boomtwits they keep yammering about a b/o or merger, can anyone shed some light on this?

>> No.13747254

Y tho? Dont you control that whole company?

>> No.13747266
File: 304 KB, 1125x2001, 91C0A202-3ACF-4259-8FA1-4937ED32CAC0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be extremely painful.

I hope you’re not the real rorposter. Your smugposting and /pol/tier explanations hint at similarities to LCIguys style.

>> No.13747286
File: 264 KB, 620x286, bane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would be extremely painful

For you.

>> No.13747309


> The complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court in Connecticut, says that drug companies have since 2012 discreetly engaged with each other on price fixing, and that it has escalated into “one of the most egregious and damaging price fixing conspiracies in the history of the U.S.” Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, whose parent company is based in Israel, has been named as the ringleader of the price-fixing

>> No.13747316

shorting it is!

>> No.13747319
File: 61 KB, 160x248, 342FB142-C40E-4B88-872F-BA671720CAA5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. I really been fuckkng up lately. Did you read that part where I said I sold bili at market after hours?

Cucking myself was not part of my plan.

>> No.13747345

Doesn’t even make up a single basis point of the Jerusalem Jones Industrial Average...

>> No.13747350
File: 111 KB, 357x200, d6wxvfp-4748fbe3-2901-4ded-99c1-b659d76544b0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the advice of counsel, I invoke my Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination and respectfully decline to answer your question

>> No.13747355
File: 92 KB, 1080x1428, Screenshot_2019-05-20-21-23-28-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5% return over a month seems fair.

>> No.13747368
File: 55 KB, 428x640, 54facae8b173363b0084656f63054777--maid-dress-maid-outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. I respect your bravery. I'm still not posting all hodls. And yes am the real rorposter ror!! Hard to believe I have a reputation here now. I do post a lot tho. Phone posting now tho.

>> No.13747373

I wonder what he's thinking in this moment as he looks over his shoulder fearing another gaped experience. Oh well! gonna poor myself another shot of whiskey!

>> No.13747387
File: 21 KB, 751x393, Screenshot from 2019-05-20 19-33-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5%? Those are rookie numbers! YOU GOTTA PUMP THOSE NUMBERS UP!

hows the paper trade account with /smg/ stonks doing? Did u get AMD?

>> No.13747422
File: 294 KB, 1068x1512, SmartSelect_20190520-213548_Stock Trainer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet. I guess I'll have to, seems like sentiment for it is rising

>> No.13747424

very nice
I'm shorting as well, after the news came out of them shutting down 50 stores it made sense..
Shame though, if it were healthier I would have considered buying a good chunk for the divis alone..

>> No.13747433
File: 76 KB, 885x866, screenshot-robinhood.com-2019.05.20-18-33-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semiconductors getting absolutely blasted.

They're going to bleed out until the trade war with China is over. And even then, it'll take awhile for the sector to recover.

>> No.13747437

You’ve consistently tried to make a reputation for yourself... not unlike the trips.

You’re kinda making yourself less interesting in my eyes, but that’s OK. I really hope you don’t get fucked on LCI, (and maybe grow out of your polshit but that’s less important.)

>> No.13747469
File: 751 KB, 1076x1622, SmartSelect_20190520-214053_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What polshit? They do real life shitposting. It's even on plebbit. I want /biz/ to be able to do that, but with markets

>> No.13747521

Silence is a right desu. Privilege is confidentiality with your attorney.

>> No.13747544

I think you might have misinterpreted my order. I'm selling the puts for the month under the premise that ODP will not end below $2, or alternatively that $1.90 is a reasonable price per share.

>> No.13747546

I read about that on cnn or something the other night, kekked and posted it to smg.

No, trolling and lulz are great, the trolling of Shia lebouf is one of my favorite things the internet has don’t recently.

But that’s not really political. Just good times. Poltier bullshit is more conspiracy theories and muh jews are ruining my life, muh rainbow packaged bottles of lifetime are trying to turn my children gay, posting about how Harry Potter is “pozzed” instead of just being a British woman’s bullshit that got worse as the series progressed, etc.

...that was probably you who said that pozzed comment, wasn’t it?

>> No.13747581

Listerine, not lifetime.

I mostly hate the oversimplification, but I understand how it could make life easier. Like you don’t have to do any real thinking of you decide a conspiracy is behind everything. It’s not unlike the ultra religious.

>> No.13747609
File: 241 KB, 1070x650, SmartSelect_20190520-215145_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I remember it tho. Found it for you.

>> No.13747629
File: 122 KB, 1063x565, SmartSelect_20190520-215344_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was me in that thread

>> No.13747665

Sure desu. We could talk about why we allow Israeli/American dual citizens in Congress tho. But that's for /pol/

>> No.13747666

America is now warning security risk from DJI...
I get why they would warn against DJI and if I were to use a drone for some sensitive works I won't pick their products either, but it isn't a good timing to issue such warning unless they really have other motivation...

>> No.13747689
File: 87 KB, 736x1030, 1c68ce4b3b8de03193c633b3aeff654e--cool-anime-girl-anime-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi satan

>> No.13747742
File: 73 KB, 768x960, 2F075EC8-4380-41CE-BC43-084A80BA1ACD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still have no idea why the early futures traders were being so stupid. Then again, the day’s trading mirrored it a bit, when the sell off waned before intensifying.

Any new theses or positions, ratty? You getting a bit wrecked in 3M and Kroger too?

I still insist that the US is the one pulling the strings, that when we fund Israel we’re funding a country with mandatory military service, and every citizen is in the reserve military, so we’re basically funding a military outpost that does badass shit like stuxnetting Iran’s missile systems and getting us good intelligence on our enemies, while also taking the heat off of the US because shit gets real uncomfortable when we do the Abu Grehib type shit. They’re probably our most useful military installation in that part of the world, lolfuckyouBahrain.

Having them as convenient nearby targets for suicide bombers and other bullshit means less 911 style attacks on the US

>> No.13747760

Buy STM, immune as they don’t deal in chink shit and are mainly euro great dip right now
Buy puts on MRVL and MU those are gonna see some lows

>> No.13747800
File: 98 KB, 325x325, 1558271594844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Kroger the last few days

>> No.13747819
File: 847 KB, 2903x1611, wallhaven-298384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk anon. Sleep now

>> No.13747837
File: 222 KB, 650x680, Honesty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is 2323 shares at 6.67 cost basis. I've had 3k profit from LCI on prior runnups. I wish I had gone in heavier back when I first went in at 4 dollars.

>> No.13747861
File: 205 KB, 368x424, cxi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldnt say wrecked. Im only down 1% on kroger

3M is going exactly as planned. not really buying other stocks because focused on this specifically. If it drops to the second deviation on the monthly BB I double down, and if it drops 3 deviations Ill buy calls. Im giving this a probability of being profitable 99.5% within 45-60 days

>> No.13747900

Is it fake news that Chinese media claim Trump said he intended to sign an unequal treaty with China?

>> No.13747968

I like your planning, very deliberate.

Probably keeps you from fatfingering sales below market value, or injecting fat wads of cashe into speculative spider silk companies.

>> No.13748168
File: 45 KB, 650x481, 1544472951724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he comes

>> No.13748193


I believe, Anon.

>> No.13748237

Should I short VIX over 15 or do I have to be responsible and wait for 20+

>> No.13748269
File: 3.70 MB, 275x206, 1511111800142.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag to options trading here. If i'm not looking to commit big money to options, is buying a put on stocks that I think will decrease in value the way to go?

As opposed to buying a call where i pay a premium to get the right to buy shares at a potentially lower price, I get the right to sell at a potentially higher price. So I either just take the L from the premium or get the shares to sell, but I'm not paying for them if I exercise the bought put, right? I'd only pay for the shares if I exercise a bought call?

>> No.13748281

You shouldn't be trading options

>> No.13748300
File: 80 KB, 720x729, 1557504252413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all out of cash into stocks

>> No.13748309
File: 181 KB, 392x438, worthless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have the power of google at your hands, as well as countless hours of youtube and bigbrain research studies. On top of all that, we have our homeboy quants over at >>>/sci/

and yet, here you are. Flailing like a little tadpole; unable to grasp even the basic notion of what it means to purchase an option.

Go away nigger.

>> No.13748318

Omae wa mou shindeiru

>> No.13748326
File: 779 KB, 1080x6153, 70AFA385-D759-4233-8D94-BCAD16F3262B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude. You will lose a lot of money if you think the way you think go back and read my post to an anon earlier>>13745280
And actually fucking read. Noobs shouldn’t touch options until they’ve done enough lurking on the market to make sure fire plays that will net you some or a lot of profit otherwise you’ll end up like this guy
Do research on every company you plan to do to a put or call on
Check the charts and look at their highs and lows
Check the news on them look for bullish or bearish sentiment
Check the option chain and make sure you’re in line with sentiment (although sometimes going against sentiment can win you profit as well but that’s more advanced)
And never listen to stocktwits.

>> No.13748403

its not worth trading the vix at the current levels

>> No.13748452

Gay. I'll wait till 30

>> No.13748539

Had zero intention of starting until I did my DD and appropriate research, so thanks for the actual answer

>> No.13748606


Imagine, if you will, that the exchange is a gigantic tornado of razorblade covered dildos whirling around at over 9,000 mph looking to annihilate the supple young anus that is your bankroll.

Now imagine, if you will, that you’ve decided to back into this place ass first, bent over with no clothing on.

>This is (You)

>> No.13748614

I always post with my trip in here.. there are other people that are in LCI.. if you actually look into and know how all this works you'll see that LCI is way undervalued.. but you're lazy and have probably never actually made money in the market..

>> No.13748634


8:::::::::D~o ~o ~o O: <— (You)

>> No.13748693

You guys realize the market is about to blow out new highs right?

S&P 3200 is a real possibility

>> No.13748696

Holy fuck you are either trolling or fucking stupid.. you think longs are stuck?!?! Lmao.. they aren't the ones paying interest on a sideways position on a stock that has been beating earnings and having good news. You are a complete newfag if you're a falling for this manipulation by the shorts.

Institutions that are long are the ones in charge and there's a lot of them. They can pull there shares back whenever they want and fuck shorts hard but they aren't right now because they are sitting back letting shorts pay interest.. longs aren't in a hurry to sell because they know the stock is undervalued...

Holy fuck you're new

>> No.13748716

Let me save you some trouble

don't play with options, maybe after 4 or 5 years of real trading

>> No.13748740

I literally don't understand how options work but I keep seeing the price of chink stocks go down and I'm mad I never bought puts

>> No.13748765

you need to understand vol crush and theta decay before you even think about playing with options

>> No.13748904

There's a lot more to options than call = up, put = down, going into options unprepared is a good way to lose all your money

>> No.13748980

You're overselling the difficulty. It's not that much more complicated than straight investing, just riskier.

>> No.13749138

You're the dumbest poster ITT
Explain the greeks to me right now

>> No.13749143
File: 96 KB, 1100x1500, FB7DE12E-8861-4224-9A47-C1CE7B2CBBE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiderbros! I think we’re getting juked around by profit taking and shorts. I plan on selling tomorrow, as I think we could be going back into the 10-20 cent range until we get some more news. Seems the news breaks usually pre-market, and I haven’t been seeing the emails because of gmails catagorization if promotional emails.

I still believe in the long term story, but I think this could easily be manipulation to accumulate at a lower price. So I will try to scoop up when we get that lower price.

Risky either way, as we’ve seen how fast this pumps and how fast it dumps.

>> No.13749315

>Explain the greeks to me right now
Real professionals only consider intrinsic value at expiration. Anything that happens in between is a happy accident <3

>> No.13749331

The only ones that matter are theta and Vega, and Vega is basically a made up number based on demand

>> No.13749453

could be beneficial to merge with diy since its pretty slow and biz would be slow without crypto shit

>> No.13749479

I like that. Do-Your-Own finances. let crypto rot in /biz/ and we just all migrate there.

>> No.13749517

I told you to buy PDD puts Friday lol and yet no one here listened I think expect for one dude
I’m selling y’all pearls here it’s up to you to take ‘em

>> No.13749547
File: 120 KB, 814x946, 1558153461641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Running prediction is SPY 300 by end of June. I remain confident on that bet.

>> No.13749568

it would be great since it plays on both aspects of good finance and a proper can do work ethic. rebrand biz as /crypt/ so there is irony when bitcoin goes bust

>> No.13749613
File: 68 KB, 941x960, 1557111417089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone invite me to a insider options trading discord. I need to make it already.

>> No.13749645

Delta = How much the contract will go up/down if the underlying moves up by $1.00

Gamma = How much the Delta will change when the underlying increases by $1

Theta = How much you’re losing on the daily

Vega = Sensitivity of price to the changes in volatility of the underlying

>> No.13749759
File: 519 KB, 928x960, 1556857008005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can come and mention a stock without explaining any thesis and then say "told ya so" when it does well. Conversely, when your picks don't work out, you probably won't say anything at all.

I'm always listening for a good story. Except when I'm busy.

>> No.13749843

I haven’t made a bad pick yet
PFE on earnings called it and y’all bought that
YEXT and idk if anyone bought the calls for that but oh well
YETI puts
Not to mention that amount of times I’ve shilled for people to buy Lyft puts all day erryday
I don’t call shit unless I know I’ll make money

>> No.13749868

Dude LCI is just on a shit list of a lot of other pharma companies going bankrupt that you have a hard on for and are trying to trick newfags into holding your bag. This is Big5Retail sporting Goods store all over again you shitty con-man/actor. We lost 2scoops because of you!

>> No.13749871


>> No.13749882

Oh and my next plays are SQ calls and SNE calls for late May and June monitor them if you’d like but again I would shill shit I wasn’t sure I’d make money on

>> No.13749900
File: 23 KB, 653x566, BB5F4EDB-4686-4C9F-BABF-F02FF688EF19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stick to our ETFs boomer you’ll make it in 25 years

>> No.13749993

Trump easing restrictions on chink phones apparently, are we going to at least not be sideways tommorow now?

>> No.13750014
File: 127 KB, 900x1050, 25826278_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Merck is going to dump a little because of this most recent breast cancer study not showing benefit for Keytruda compared to standard chemo. The Reuters (I think) article actually called Keytruda a breast cancer drug, and the stock had a low volume after hours dump. Keytruda is being tested on damn near every cancer right now, and it's had major success. I'd buy the dip if we're lucky enough to get one.


Oh so you're that namefig. TBDesu, I don't into options. If you posted your calls I could try to understand.

I just buy thing I think are going up. I bought PFE, Merck, and UNH because they were too damn low. Unfortunately, I put Merck in my Roth IRA, and sold PFE, because diversification and Keytruda. Looks like that was a mistake. PFE and UNH were the real winners, and I picked Merck to focus on.

What do you base your trades on? Why are SQ and SNE likely to pump over the next few weeks?

>> No.13750019


The narratives are just mindboggling at this point. It's like an order comes out of the white house, but then is immediately countermanded within 48 hours.

>> No.13750035
File: 228 KB, 1242x2208, 1534808641616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ was a containment board to get early BTC and BTC mining threads off of /g/, robinhood generals are just a happy cancer that popped up on what has always been a crypto currency board (created for the specific purpose of containing all crypto threads, much like /mlp/ and ponies, or /pol/ to filter conspericay theories out of /news/ (ironically /pol/ easily managed to outlive original /news/, and one of its resurrections)))

/biz/ did have a lot more non-crypto threads back in 2015 or so, but /biz/ hasz always been over 50% crypto threads

>t. someone who has been on /biz/ since its creation (please kill me)

na, AMZN job is what really "lost us" 2scoops

>> No.13750054
File: 198 KB, 1107x963, 1549084510826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody: Trade War will be goon soon.

China: SWIFT needs to be challenged.

>> No.13750078

2scoops literally disappeared after LCIguy convinced him to buy in mid teens and it crashed to around 3 or 4 dollars. That guy got justed so hard that he never showed up again after that. Amazon has at least bounced back a few times from it's dip. LCI has never returned to mid teens yet.

>> No.13750118
File: 370 KB, 1920x1315, toilet0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /smg/ feel about some diversification in the "buy and hold" part of their portfolio? Maybe instead of an S&P MF, a NIK MF?

goon? Like trade war will be gone and S&P will moon? or... Like trade war will be going and BABA+BILI cheapies will be on the menu?

>tfw no reLIFE, and no reLIFEgf

AMZN the company, not the stock. 2scoops busy with real life, can't spend time with his real friends on /smg/ . (But yes, LCIguy is a cancer)

Isn't the whole point that we're cracking down on chinese phones? Wtf?

>> No.13750122
File: 378 KB, 1024x576, 1527546285397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13750167

LCIguy is a real motherfucker. Mark my words this whole LCI shit is BGFV all over again except it's going to take longer to play out. In order for LCI to make a comeback it has to be perfect, anything less will break it. Not only that but it's net income is -11% and that has been the trend. How the fuck does a company that doesn't make money and has a lot of debt dig it's way out of the hole? I can't believe he has so many dickheads shilling this shit with him. It's like shilling a sporting retail store when retail is getting slaughtered and that's so fucking dumb.

>> No.13750211

UwU what's this?

>> No.13750298
File: 171 KB, 700x884, conflict in literature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he still posts, but its usually around 3-4am when hes getting out of his job at Amazon, working for a wage, not options trading bezo's stock

>>tfw no reLIFE, and no reLIFEgf
its a terrible feeling

that pic, however, is absolutely degenerate

>> No.13750348
File: 49 KB, 675x556, 1538209317911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just trade war things

>> No.13750350

post your short position

>> No.13750361
File: 72 KB, 615x615, 1536899771314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your short... you spend so much of your fucking time bashing it.. show your position.. if you have no position.. thanks for giving it some attention

>> No.13750373


He's right though. The only reason /biz/ was created was to get crypto threads off of /g/

>> No.13750399
File: 1.29 MB, 200x235, 1534907223845.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 post by this ID
All of them bashing LCI...

>> No.13750417
File: 389 KB, 1000x625, 89567354986738496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow you don't have a shitty position in my shitty company
You said the same shit for BGFV and where is that now? Is everything ok big guy?

>> No.13750429

I made 28% on BGFV.. who the fuck cares where it's at now you fucking idiot.. lmao.. you know you don't have to hold stock forever.. r-right? lol HAHAHA omg you're an idiot!!!

>> No.13750464

> Not only that but it's net income is -11%

>> No.13750485

It's neither mine or 2scoops fault that the company dropped 60% overnight..

If the company would've announce a continuation of the JSP agreement the stock would've took off.. but it didn't.. Try a little harder you fucking faggot.

Funny how you can come into a thread and bash people and their picks but have absolutely no picks yourself.. like none.. all you do is come in here and bitch and moan.. nobody gives a fuck about your $500 robinhood account you fucking pleb.. how about grow some balls and make a fucking trade?!?! I bet you're still sitting on the 5 DIS shares your mommy and daddy gave you on your 18 birthday a year ago..


>> No.13750537
File: 46 KB, 684x871, LCI google wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a simple google search
Dude fuck off you lame con artist, where is BGFV now????

>> No.13750540
File: 55 KB, 1852x182, Paying debt off early.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LCI has been paying it's debt off early and it looks like they plan on payin another 26million off early,.

That guy hasn't done ANY DD.. LCI is turning around.. it's a trend reversal.. shorts have been changing their short thesis every week!! Marc Cohodes who has been shorting it all of a sudden has been trying to put Tim Crew under the bus... Tim Crew is fairly new to LCI and is turning LCI around... HMMM I wonder why a big time short seller that wants the stock to go down wants to get rid of the new CEO that is turning LCI into a lean mean drug selling machine..?? maybe because he knows that with Tim Crew at the wheel LCI is going to start performing better and his short position is going to get fucked!! Just too funny that shorts will point at every little thing to try and make a point while LCI beats earnings.. pays off debt early.. launches new drugs.. signs new agreements.. has insiders buying.. has institutions buying.. reducing expenses... i mean come the fuck on... Shorts are fucking DESPERATE as fuck for any reason.. the calling Tim Crew out is absurd and almost comical

LCI has a huge arsenal of products with many more to come.

LCI to $30

>> No.13750564

also to add to that.. now we got this faggot >>13750537 that is only pointing me out and won't give any actual DD to LCI.. he will only post charts and bash on me... just watch..

>> No.13750570

Dude it's a simple google search. You are such a joke.

>> No.13750580

They profited over 70 million last quarter and are paying down debt. Its silly to look at y/y net income and conclude they aren't making money nor paying their debts.

You should listen to the last two conference calls.

>> No.13750590
File: 76 KB, 576x1024, 1529872025632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude it's a simple google search
killer DD bro

>> No.13750617

he won't listen to the conference calls.. he's too fucking stupid to understand any of it.. he literally has no position and he literally only has $500 in his robinhood account..

This is the usual /smg/ troll.. he has no money.. no positon.. nothing... just a computer and the ability to use google...... He doesn't understand business cycles.. he doesn't understand stocks.. he doesn't understand shit.. like really.. not even kidding.. go back through his post and keep watching what he post.. always just post about me and thats it... almost disturbing really..

>> No.13750649


>> No.13750857
File: 46 KB, 428x505, 1557687204864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone can come and mention a stock without explaining any thesis and then say "told ya so" when it does well

hey that's my special trick. meanie.

>> No.13750966
File: 1.52 MB, 375x212, bagholding extrodinair.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conversely, when your picks don't work out, you probably won't say anything at all.
thats when you double down and shill harder

you dont want to be a bagholder do you?

>> No.13750984

thats golden bull

>> No.13751023

LCIguy stfu, everyone knows you phone post and abuse different IPs. Do you really think you are being clever?

>> No.13751063

Nah I have straight up admitted losing a grand on shit. It's part of the fun except we have literal shills in these threads that make it seem like they always make money. Not even Buffet always makes money.

>> No.13751135

This a load of bullshit because biz existed long before crypto cancer became a thing...

>> No.13751144
File: 165 KB, 1080x927, RELAXING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only one /smg/ poster cares if other people "have a position" in his token stock
>CONSTANTLY shills it, tells everyone how great the story is, how it's such a sure thing, how anyone who disagrees is a faggot
>Better derail another thread!
Absolutely mentally lel.

It's okay when you do it, qt.
Realely wanna give that girl a borger...

That you Comfo?

I know man. I don't have many reaction pics, that's basically mfw shitposting... get it?
I think it's gross, not into loli or toilet stuff, but it made me kek a bit that someone bothered to even make it.

Seinfeld is so fucking kino. I think I need to rewatch it all.

>> No.13751309
File: 2.62 MB, 852x480, lone wanderer fights a kangaroo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That you Comfo?
ew no, not quite

no, it's not
also, define "crypto cancer"

>> No.13751372

Biz existed long before there were threads regarding crypto anything period. This is a fact. Biz was never ever designed to be a crypto containment board because crypto never really blew up until only a few years ago.

>> No.13751374
File: 1.03 MB, 500x376, 1534211968883.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I just realized I'm really retarded.

>> No.13751381

There have always been Anons desperate to make money long before crypto was a thing.

>> No.13751457
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We all get a touch of the tard sometimes.

>> No.13751499
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I know the feel my man. I damn near bought the bottom and sold the top in Apple, and I managed to stake a good position in Disney before they revealed Disney+ and exploded higher. But in the past month or two I’ve lost all my gains, maybe even put myself in the red.

And today I typed the wrong digit on an after hours limit order and cost myself a lot of money. I should take my trading apps off my phone.

I don’t know the titles of that many anons. Some of us don’t have trips, names, avatars, thread personalities, or catch phrases, but you still seemed familiar.

>> No.13751556
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I’m new to bollinger bands.
We going up tomorrow, right?

>> No.13751598
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probably, im on here almost every day

also, nice dubs, and dubdubs earlier

>> No.13751620
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>> No.13751623
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I think I'm gonna hang on to my 1 share of Bowl America...

you're bibleanon?

>> No.13751699
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emperor of man's technocratic aspects in the religion is still based in its own ways tbqh

but entropy cannot be defeated, because second law

>> No.13751708

anyone bought Fannie or Freddie? i hear they can 10x back to 50 dollars a share

>> No.13751767

> May BofAML survey shows 85% of credit investors expect a deal on trade while only 10% expect escalation into trade war.

>> No.13751775

Any monthly dividend stock worth buying right now?

>> No.13751800

>little room to the upside, tremendous room to the downside
I may need to start selling, especially if we get a rally tomorrow.

I hate to buy high and sell low though...

>> No.13752118

>/cry/ would be the perfect name for the new board.
Please make this happen!

>> No.13752377

I've fat fingered on orders before. Don't feel bad anon!

>> No.13752787
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Fewtoors mighty greeny green, boys. Buru sama is back desu

>> No.13752874

Buy eru see eye desu

>> No.13752915

Anybody into biotech wanna help me out? I'm looking into INVA. I have no clue what the fuck they do, but their fundamentals look interesting.

>> No.13753019

I dont think so. What broker is gonna let you short that? I think its bumping up on good news, then people sell who bought in earlier. Hard to believe, this company has no capital reserves. It's basically been bailed out by defense contracts. I believe. I'm willing to risk it. I'm hodl.

>> No.13753036

Don't overestimate /pol/. If you unironically think that's a good place for "discussion" - get your head examined. It's low IQ as fuck.

>> No.13753057

Don't trust this guy anyone - he's an imposter. I'm the real LCI.

>> No.13753094
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I didn't want to speak
because I know that I'm out of my mind

>> No.13753096

You sound like a mad phaggit.

>> No.13753100

>60% of my portfolio is in ETF indices
>still down 12% over 2 years

So....I guess I'd be better off just blowing off my money on coke and hookers, right?

>> No.13753189


>> No.13753276

7 is magic barrier and Chnks might devalue to break it

>> No.13753407
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>no trip

>> No.13753456
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gren open

>> No.13753557

who here /longing for the crash/?

>> No.13753593

Bros, Morgan Stanley slashed TSLA worst-case target price to $10. RIP Elon


>> No.13753594

Nigga chinkies literally said they'll do whatever is necessary to keep Yuan under 7, it's their chinkies great currency wall

>> No.13753630

That being said prepare for Merck news
Who here holds MRK? I played with it for ER P&D but don't really want to buy long term (at least for now )

>> No.13753636

10 bux lmao

>> No.13753698

you supposed to buy SP500 not Shanghai Index

>> No.13753713
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>> No.13753790


>> No.13753844

Ror! Idk anon, Elon is a good salesman, but a terrible businessman. Looks like TSLA is dying, but as long as he keeps pitching these futuristic ideas, he will always have investors. At least, so long as he's the only one doing it. Bezos is better.

>> No.13753893
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It's not about raising money. That's where TSLAQ is mistaking imo. It's about demand and shitty product.
Also look at bonds , price is still dropping so clearly, debt investors are getting spooked
9% yield is absolute state of Elon salesman skills and inability to run businesses

>> No.13753908
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>It's about demand and shitty product.

>> No.13753917

ROR! Bros China has trade war meme song!


>> No.13754051

Took Morgan Stanley 100$ drop and more than quarter to see what I saw lmao

>> No.13754122

Lol fuck MS

Look, there's no possible thesis for Tesla being worth $2B. It's either worth zero or worth way more. This isn't a thing where you can split the difference

>> No.13754145

TSLA debt just mirrors the perceived equity cushion.

>> No.13754200
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So goodnight goodnight
Don’t have to have it all figured out
We’ll be alright
What comes is gonna come about

>> No.13754225
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Ror! Phone posting again boys. Futures in the green. Time to make some money!

>> No.13754228

>I know more about finance than Morgan Stanley, there's no way Tesla could be worth 2 billion because I said so

>> No.13754239
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>le leonardo dicaprio man

>> No.13754247

Tesla actually made me do thinking emojis hard. Bond market looks to be smarter than stocks in many ways, not sure why but look at yield curve. It detects economical fuckups perfectly and as Tesla shows particular company health indeed is displayed by bonds prices very well.
Maybe we should utilize it in long term position monitoring

>> No.13754300
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.the great Lemurs.

>> No.13754313

/smg/ I put in two limit orders for my ETFs for just over their all time high, I don't check my fidelity that often so I feel like like putting them in for that will get me some return if they hit that, and if not my order expires and I don't lose anything. I bought them back when the market took a shit earlier this year so I'm sitting around 17% up on both of them. Am I retarded? I figure once they sell I will wait to see another dip in something I know a lot about like a gun company or medical mutual funds and then try and buy low and hold unitl the market corrects the value then sell again. Over the long haul I should be able to slightly beat the market just by buying during financial panic or during a stock plunge, as most of the time there is a bull market. This will also insulate me from huge systemic losses as ill have about half of my assets in cash anyway at a given time.
I just want ATT to hit 45 bucks so I can sell my stock

>> No.13754317

if you don't think you know more about finance than MS, why isn't your portfolio 100% MS?

>> No.13754318

did you listento Powells speech on corporate debt?

>> No.13754350

Post links. I fucked up my sleeping schedule last week so was zzzing in time of pumpwell speec

>> No.13754354
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I don't want to go
I want to be here all night
No one has to know
No one has to say it's alright

>> No.13754369

i dont think its in youtube.




"Corporate debt is no MBS crisis"

>> No.13754386
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>> No.13754395


WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Monday that the central bank is closely monitoring a sharp rise in corporate debt but currently does not see the types of threats that triggered the 2008 financial crisis.

In remarks to a banking conference in Fernandina Beach, Florida, Powell said views about riskier corporate debt – known as leveraged lending – range from "this is a rerun of the subprime mortgage crisis" to "nothing to worry about here."

He said his view lies somewhere in the middle. The risks currently are "moderate," Powell said.

> His comments followed a Fed report earlier this month that showed riskier corporate debt had grown by 20% in 2018 to $1.1 trillion, prompting the attention of regulators.

Investors are attracted to the riskier corporate debt because it pays higher returns than the very low rates they can receive on safer debt. Much of this debt is grouped together and used to back securities known as collateralized loan obligations.

>> No.13754416

btw if Trump wins 2020 i think trade war will last to 2024 easily

>> No.13754444

Trade war is already over, look at the SPY futures.

>> No.13754471


>Quads confirm quadruple digit returns.

>> No.13754484

why did you have to jinx it...

>> No.13754485

35 minutes until showtime boys...

>> No.13754513
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They have no idea who owns all the packaged loans.

>hint: it's Chyna. And they're going to dump all their shit-loans and bring the whole house of cards tumbling down.

>> No.13754522
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>> No.13754573


Today I am a wild, vicious, predatory animal
1400 pounds of white fur, muscle, and teeth
The stock market will not be able to withstand the fury of my hunt

>> No.13754576

First think I heard with 'packaged loan' was 'bad loan'

>> No.13754619

Quick, get a new general ready for the bell in 27 minutes. We're only 10 posts away.

>> No.13754637


>> No.13754654

When baggy is finally right kek himself came to our board today

>> No.13754682

how the does queuing work? suppose i put the order in last at about 10pm at x price and after hours the price raised but now its saying im queued at current higher y price (higher than it was when i placed the order), am i going get fucked on my price and lose gains even though i placed my order before all the other buyers came in?

>> No.13754710

>right, baggie!!!
Kek has blessed us! Ror!

>> No.13754717

guess i should mention it was a market buy

>> No.13754724

Over for today...

>> No.13754743


Market Order is literally an order for X amount of shares -- costs/payments be damned.

>> No.13754768

It will execute at ask on market open

>> No.13754769

S&P and DJI futures up .5%. Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeen~~~

>> No.13754798

You're order is "queued" because it was 10pm and the market is closed.

>> No.13754826

so i should stop being a retard and learn what my buying types are so i can put orders in as stop prices so i can hopefully lock in the lowest price?

>> No.13754849
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Uhhh yes plz. It would be wise. Need help desu?

>> No.13754885

Iraq is seeking alternatives for oil exports should Hormuz Strait be closed amid US-Iran tension, said Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi

>> No.13754891
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EIGHT MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.13754945
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Get ready to see a whole lot of red

>> No.13754947

Low quality posts - no SESN shills

>> No.13754948
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The ride is starting boys! Time to play!

>> No.13754954

no, thanks though. just learning through the beginner mistakes for now.

>> No.13754958

What price did you panic sell VTGN at

>> No.13754983

I'm hodl in VTGN. Just a smidge. If it's worth gaining 300%, it's worth losing $100.

>> No.13754997

Ror! Your name is rally

>> No.13755003


>> No.13755007

pulled my money out of spy 3 days ago to survive the dip today. What shit stock do I all in today?

>> No.13755016

Aaaaaaand LCI opens greeny

>> No.13755037

UVXY is going to 0, remember to buy the put options on it all the time.

>> No.13755055

lmao at Tesla

>> No.13755056
File: 31 KB, 620x403, 55e5e543e5efd824d7584a41b81d28af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pizza edition

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>> No.13755063


>> No.13755065
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>> No.13755069

Still holding what’s the point in selling when a stock loses 50% in a day

stop shilling losers

>> No.13755070
File: 42 KB, 248x162, 1555654692762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


List of popular brokers:
https://pastebin.com/mrSchZPg (embed)

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:
https://pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ (embed)

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Best free stock screener

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101:

Options Markets 101:

Suggested books:

>> No.13755081
File: 176 KB, 735x1106, 1b02f300dfa8eb3af88d4bab1484b114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plz stahp

>> No.13755082


>> No.13755092



>> No.13755114
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everything I own is falling...

>> No.13755132







>> No.13755138


>> No.13755193

Someone hasn't had their coffee yet...