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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13744473 No.13744473 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>25 y/o NEET on and off school
>50k crypto portfolio
>decide to get a summer job
>apply for tree removal company $17/hr
>get hired
>go in first day to train
>extremely stressed for 8 hours because at any moment I can kill myself, someone else, or destroy thousands of dollars worth of equipment
>for $136
>go home
>see I could have made 4k USD on a matic trade if I stayed home in my underwear
>have to go to sleep in 4 hrs to be up for work

Someone tell me how the fuck this makes sense. What the hell should I do

>> No.13744511

join us fren

>> No.13744514
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>he actually went out and got a job

>> No.13744552

The opportunity cost of having a job during a bull market isn’t worth it desu

>> No.13744585

The job hedges against you doing something stupid and losing all your money due to the constant income stream with paychecks. That and benefits such as health and life insurance. However if you feel you'd never do anything stupid and blow up your portfolio and you feel you can pay for your own benefits out of pocket, you very well may be better off staying at home.

>> No.13744624


>murders trees for a pittance

You should be ashamed

>> No.13744640

Yeah, I live with my parents. So I don't need benefits. The plan was to go back to school this fall. They kind of got tired of me sitting at home so pressured me into looking for a job. And I can't tell them I day trade and make X amount per day, because it's not steady like that. But every so often you miss out on a trade and it's a whole summer's worth of wagecucking. I also wanted to get out of the house and learn some new skills. But after the first day I'm already feeling like fuck this so goddamn hard. I don't want to be a bitch though

>> No.13744694

Keep the job anon, there's other things you need to experience besides making money.

>> No.13744725

>not trading at work while you accumulate fiat to dump into crypto
Never gonna make it

>> No.13744730

1. find your best trading hours (in your case it sounds like days)
2. get a comfy job at night (security, or nurse assistant)
3. sacrifice a little sleep
4. ????
5. Profit
Not that hard to find something that suits you anon. Stop making excuses to be an underachieving loser. Nonetheless your current job is shit and has no longevity as a career, but you still can’t just trade and not work. Investments can always go side ways and it’s not good to be a would have could have type of guy.

>> No.13744738

I think I agree with this perspective. The guys are rough around the edges, though. Single fathers, breathalyzers in the trucks, tradie humor. I'm a middle class fag who can't really hang

>> No.13744750

>50k crypto portfolio
>Someone tell me how the fuck this makes sense.
I honestly cant

>> No.13744754
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>work customer service at bestbuy
>stand around doing nothing all day watching binance charts on my phone
>paycheck came today
>I made like $800 this week in crypto
at what point do i quit

>> No.13744761

got in early 2017 with a few thousand. Was up to 500k last year. Lost most during the bull run and also paid for semester of college

>> No.13744845

why the fuck do you work at best buy?

>> No.13745000

If you do things right you'll have a ripped body and be rich af within half a year

>> No.13745053

>OTR Truck driver
>Constantly driving all day and checking my crypto portfolio
>No time to stop
>Have to piss in bottles
At what point will someone else hit me?

>> No.13745066

dubs confirmed

>> No.13745068

All the more reason to learn

>> No.13745076

my parents gave me shit for being a NEET and they were the first place that called back

>> No.13745109

that's trips newfag
>ripped body within half a year
only if he takes steroids, no one can get ripped within 6 months naturally, go to /fit/ and learn a thing or two.

>> No.13745110
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The secret is to get investments that reliably produce passive income. Having a few million dollars managed well, will supply you a lifetime of NEETdom.

> NEET is comfy
> NEET is cool
> NEET never has work or school

>> No.13745285

This is exactly how I felt during the 17-18 run. Walking out of a job to trade shitcoins isn't really advisable, bull is temporary, your job seems expendable though.

>> No.13745331

Job provides extra fiat to accumulate cryptos. A lot of gains are going to come just by waiting. Better to have some income to throw into cryptos while we wait for the next golden bull run

>> No.13745341

you should've worked when we were in bear markets.

get yourself a decent smartphone and cellural so you can trade at work with battery-pack provided. im sure you can keep an eye of the bst trades among the day. max your hours.

>> No.13745744

ironically my physique will look worse from this job. Getting jacked is one of the few things I've done right. Manual labor gigs don't build muscle, just strength/endurance. But they kill your energy in the gym.

>> No.13746756

Early in what exactly.

>> No.13746818

>can't make it one day as a helper
you should learn some humility

>> No.13746937

It really didn't matter back then- you just had to be in. All sorts of shit mooned. Some total crap.

>> No.13747107
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I know this feel. Waiting for one of the Africans or sands to sideswipe me and become the bag holder so I can return to NEETdom

>> No.13747301

imagine making it and marrying her only to realize that she got BLACKED in her prime

>> No.13747315

That makes her even hotter ngl

>> No.13747343

Relinquish your bag and commit sudoku.

>> No.13747432

This I got to 20k and I didn’t even know how you tethered. Got 5k now absolutely wish it would move like that again.

>> No.13747952

How? No one calls me back ever as a true NEET.