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13735135 No.13735135 [Reply] [Original]

When do you expect big partners will be revealed?

the initial version of mainnet won't have reputation, and chainlink is still not going live on other chains for a while (hyperledger, polkadot etc)

when will we see SWIFT, MSFT, Docusign etc being announced ?

>> No.13735143

Just buy and hold god damn it

>> No.13735174
File: 7 KB, 205x250, 1556500648931s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey said it before: They only have one shot at mainnet and one shot only. This will not go wrong.

It will be glorious.

>> No.13735183

when/where did he say this? Ive watched almost every video of him and havent heard this before

>> No.13735205

It better be worth it. Missed on Matic

>> No.13735212

Sergey didn't say it, Rory said it early last year when everybody was already "wen mainnet"ing non stop.

>> No.13735270


>> No.13735306
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That is correct sir
Sergey said that Link will reach $1k eoy though

>> No.13735319
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>> No.13735357

is it assumed that "those we work with" will be revealed at the same time as mainnet?

i'm confused as to how large partners will be able to use the network at all when it goes live, won't there be almost 0 node operators on day 1?

I just don't know to what extent companies are already using the network vs waiting for release before doing anything significant and something tells me the blogpost won't address this at all

>> No.13735376

My guess is that they are probably revealed in a steady trickle not all at once

>> No.13735381

I am waiting for that scammer to dump 300 mil tokens on us

>> No.13735401

Not partners, users.

>> No.13735417

no big partners are using this shitcoin
just small companies like Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, Intel, SWIFT, and other nonames will use chainlink.
if you want project with real partners like BMW or H&M you have to buy VeChain. The only legit project out there.

>> No.13735422

This has always been my biggest fear. Unless big (and I do mean BIG) partners start using it big from the very beginning, this will dump like the rest.

>> No.13735423

how would they even use the network right away?

There won't be enough node operators on day 1 of mainnet to do anything meaningful, and i'm assuming it will take some time for node operators to spin up and do their tasks smoothly

unless youre telling me chainlink already has node operators lined up + users ready to immediately start on May 30, which seems ridiculous

>> No.13735428

Based and thorhammer pilled

>> No.13735437

I was writing here but realise it's pointless
you're in for a surprise then if you think there's no users (or node operators) on mainnet launch..

>> No.13735457

I don't doubt that there are users, if by users you mean companies/parties REQUESTING data for their smart contracts

I doubt that there will be a robust enough NODE OPERATOR network to serve all of these users in the near future, considering there are currently 0 and everyone will take a while to figure things out/how to navigate the risk of operating a node

its not hard to understand

>> No.13735459

Hehe, totally

>> No.13735464

>how would they even use the network right away?
Ever noticed they are anti-hype.
Ever imagined they signed NDAs with (((them)))

>> No.13735466

oh yea because we've not had a fucking year of testnet to figure this stuff out

>> No.13735475

I guarantee there are less than 100 people in this world who understand how to run a chainlink node properly

>> No.13735493

what on earth do you mean by properly?
literally just follow the steps in their docs even for a brainlet you'll have a node up in 15 minutes
you're not driving a helicopter

>> No.13735508

Stop speculating and wait for a blog post...

>> No.13735510

Did he state a date/time for that?

>> No.13735524

today or tomorrow

>> No.13735528

Any substantial users?

>> No.13735539

If you're not all in LINK already you're an idiot, and if you are all in then it doesn't matter. You'll find out in 10 days.

>> No.13735565

He said this week

>> No.13735583

I am sure that Chainlink has set up at least 5 large nodes under their supervision and control and that partners are already using them. After the mainnet launch they will continue to do that and then new node operators will be slowly added with time. By the Q4 we should have enough large reputable node operators to call Chainlink fully decentralized.

>> No.13735633

Ah I remember these times. Long long ago...

>> No.13735704

Are you running a mjolnir node, I use Loki to ragnarok my vechain to my mjolnir node but am thinking of using Freya instead

>> No.13735732

For one, LinkPool will be up and running as well as a lot of people who've been testing on testnet for a year. Don't be retarded. Why would they launch mainnet without anyone using it? What would be the point of testnet?

>> No.13736044

Sounds like a good plan. Thanks Thomas

>> No.13736071

I prefer heimdal

>> No.13736129


ill eat my own dick and balls if a chainlink team member has ever posted on biz before, larpers

>> No.13736735

properly = / = successfully

>> No.13737387

Rory and Thomas are here all the time. Have you missed the weekly AMA sessions?

>> No.13737420
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and this is why partners won't be announced alongside mainnet but only once there are a fair amount of nodes up

>> No.13737496

And it will still go to where we know its going.

>> No.13738097

Selling into the the main net launch is dangerous.
Even if we don't get any new major partners, a ton of the circulating supply will move away from exchanges and go into nodes.
>Why run a node when there is very few network activity and low returns?
That is where the 350 million Link come in, that the team has reserved for network incentives.
It will be very profitable to run a node from day 1.
Once people realize they can make money running a node, the network will slowly get more and more node operators until the returns reach a point a "normal level" (maybe 5-10% annual).

>> No.13738196

frens, i've got a meme idea, but i'm at work+noob in photopaint. it would be my first sergey meme, but fuck it, I dont want to ruin it with my autism.
so please someone ps the face of sergey in this picture (maybe the cl logo instead of vans too)

or maybe this too

>> No.13738210
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> it won't dump becoz link is being taken out of circulation
> the taking link out will be incentivised by link being given away

>> No.13738309

They won't. There is very little demand for smart contracts today and chainlink isn't going to change that overnight. It will dump just like every other coin in history. If you think smart contracts will gain mainstream adoption in the future then that is a good buying opportunity for you.

>> No.13738312

Stop blog posting and just wait for the speculation.

>> No.13738994

Exactly this.

>> No.13739015

This shit is giving me an erection