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File: 157 KB, 1203x620, 1518128021994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13734375 No.13734375 [Reply] [Original]

If getting plastic surgery and foreskin restoration isn't on your priority list of things to do once you make it then you're never gonna make it.

>> No.13734379

neck too small still

>> No.13734389
File: 145 KB, 1031x876, 9F36C09F-E1F2-4FE7-86D6-C5021225B5CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a mutt.

>> No.13734391

I love the obvious filter application between pic 2 and pic 3.

>> No.13734392

>real life is gta where you can magically grow hair a certain way and fix your hairline

>> No.13734396

don't think his hair could do that without transplant

>> No.13734399

Why would I buy plastic surgery when I could use money to pay people to solve Riemann's hypothesis for me and strike it even richer?

>> No.13734412
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>> No.13734417
File: 953 KB, 961x3000, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply take the neckpill

>> No.13734422
File: 1 KB, 81x125, gfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting rhinoplasty in a few weeks i cant fucking wait

>> No.13734423

Unironic incel thread

>> No.13734434

Why? That's a powerful nose

>> No.13734443
File: 184 KB, 1000x695, 15529763407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this god damn beak. Just grow a Hitler tash

>> No.13734454

I don't need this shit, I'm already 6'2 with a muscular neck and I have 5 children with 3 women.

>> No.13734457
File: 73 KB, 1080x926, otjov6o6jqu11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah it looks subhuman because i have a weak jaw and a weak chin and a gay alien skull basically like pic related but less extreme. plus its not just cosmetic the surgeon said its literally broken

>> No.13734465

Well either way it doesn't matter much
If might improve your mental health

>> No.13734467

nah dude just get a haircut or wear it up with some gel or something

>> No.13734469

Damn, I really hope you're larping.

>> No.13734474

>foreskin restoration
I wouldn't mind having a second foreskin, good thinking anon

>> No.13734480

Could have just told us you're black

>> No.13734484
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>> No.13734493

What the fuck is that? Looks like it could be on the 7 wonders of the world list

>> No.13734494

I'm white though I recognize that the BBC will rule the world unless we start doing what they do and impregnating women recklessly.

>> No.13734498

Big British Cock already rules the world, just restng

>> No.13734547
File: 112 KB, 960x960, gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a good hooter for sniffing coke with

>> No.13734548

To make it even larger?

>> No.13734553

Thanks for this, i have a pencilneck and didnt know about the holding-your-own-bodyweight trick

>> No.13734558

or headweight, or wahtever

>> No.13734738

Do you use that to mine froot loops?

>> No.13734834

damn dude youre ugly as hell

>> No.13734882

I don't want any work done except that BIG DICK surgery. I want a ten inch cock just for the hell of it. Probably not even gonna fuck with it i'm over woman.

>> No.13734956

>Imagine being a mutt.

it's not that hard to imagine. you're already using our internet, watching our movies and tv shows, listening to our music, playing our video games, and imitating our culture

>> No.13734993

>Claiming things you copied off others
you guys are years behind in all except movies & TV

>> No.13735015

>neck too small still
He needs to lurk /fit/

>> No.13735023
File: 255 KB, 500x500, 9D655E9E-EBE7-498D-B270-95E76A337A07.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that how you cope with your mutilated penis?

>> No.13735091


is anime characters how you cope with being a poorfag living in a shithole?

>> No.13735125
File: 148 KB, 371x353, 30180B42-D59E-4198-A931-1DBC0A30BB65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked first

>> No.13735792
File: 967 KB, 715x693, 1541026239593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take a shower dude.

>> No.13735807
File: 46 KB, 511x896, _20190519_232807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have your same type of nose
But smaller

>> No.13735814

looks good

>> No.13735825
File: 312 KB, 768x1024, 1557931371683m_mr1557933746800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I morphed this kid a few Days ago on v, he just needs a rinoplasty and jaw surgery/implants

>> No.13735834

But I'm already attractive and have a foreskin. Sorry for your genetics/parents op

>> No.13735836

Yeah I think people Who have nose surgery usually have it because the size of the nose rather than the shape desu

>> No.13735848

Imagine the smell

>> No.13735867

incels are the sjws of the manosphere. WHat funny is most of them just need to hit the gym or goto the barber and get a proper trim like OPs pic but they absolutely refuse to,because their entire identity is that of being a victim just like SJWs.

>> No.13735869
File: 67 KB, 525x652, lui-4582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already made it

>> No.13736404

You need a BEARD. This video is for you:

>> No.13736579

Imagine having your foreskin cut with your parents consent.
Fuck me, the US got jewed hard, i reappy feel fur you bros.
Where i come from we used to make fun of circumcized kids.

>> No.13736635

Mine was burnt off and recently I had the head cut off since it was scary tissue for a while. You know, the baby penis is very small, so when they burnt me down there, it destroyed everything. No dick! I want my sack removed to just clean up after the disaster and forget about it with alcohol.

>> No.13736878

Oy vey

>> No.13736971

Kek, reminded me of this
Please keep your balls anon.

>> No.13736995

Your movies and tv shows are jewish, your music is made by niggers propped up by jews, your videos games are pozzed, your culture is satanic ( jewish ).

Rootless mongrel.

>> No.13737015

He looks better with just the tash lol

>> No.13737032

you look like the jew meme

>> No.13737037

how is your restoration going bro. you injecting growth hormones?

>> No.13737462
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>> No.13737651
File: 43 KB, 502x479, funny32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13737723
File: 52 KB, 523x324, tumblr_owamvhqK9T1w0z33go1_540.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just start doing steroids and you're good.

>> No.13737753
File: 29 KB, 511x515, 1536774074169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every stage of this picture is clearly photoshopped
>pic related, it's you

>> No.13737777

>being a faggot
why is it that so many incels are closet homosexuals and think their appearance matters. it's like they frame their entire approach to getting women from the mindset of wanting to with the approval of a man AS a woman. stop enriching plastic surgeons and accelerating the day of the circus

>> No.13737779



>> No.13737789


>> No.13737806

That mustache, lol.

>> No.13737819

Getting women is the least important aspect of looks-maxing, it's all about achieving the halo-effect which will enrich your life tenfold.

>> No.13737836

Checked and based

>> No.13737861

so yes

>> No.13737882
File: 45 KB, 500x500, anal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another seething mangled dick?

>> No.13737921

Imagine having your parents mutilate your dick on purpose because the jews told them to. Must be sad feeling 90% less sexual pleasure

>> No.13737949
File: 60 KB, 190x146, Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 4.56.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's okay you hate yourself :)

>> No.13738011

Yes anon, I'm a jew, a jew who stole your foreskin

>> No.13738061

Being attractive and having gf's doesn't stop any of the existential horror anons. Also, being attractive just makes butter face hipsters and nerds hate you out of pure seething jealousy - all of your personality or any success you have achieved is perceived to be a lucky side effect of having good genes. I can't imagine it is even nearly as bad as the way pretty girls get treated.

Honestly, if you don't pursue good character and genuine self development, your money will mean nothing because you will still be lonely and angry, confused as to why you're miserable because you never learned how to love yourself and therefore can't love other people - ie, you're a shit human allowing yourself to be raised by the platitudes of miserable anons on a vintage anime BBS

>> No.13738082
File: 49 KB, 567x374, 1555373347489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you're just a dumb manchild faggot who watches cartoons to escape from hating himself and his worthless existence :)

pic related: (You)

>> No.13738098

>escape from hating himself and his worthless existence
Is that why you're all in LINK?

>> No.13738118

>being attractive just makes butter face hipsters and nerds hate you out of pure seething jealousy
They already hate me for not drinking their comformist "nerd (normie) culture" and for disagreeing with the liberal dogmas. Why not give them something to make them burn inside as well?

>> No.13738127

What's wrong with being cut?

>> No.13738183

>what's wrong with cutting your penis
I see you're a supporter of trans rights

>> No.13738191

I'm not saying don't become attractive as you can, absolutely do. Being fit + rejecting normie cultural norms is the only way to tip the social optics in our favor, because visual media on screens is a complete virtual reality crafted to placate the mogrelized masses.

Being fit and magnetic while also rejecting entertainment and casually drinking 50$ worth of "craft beers" four nights a week, peoples brains actually break and you really get to see real time cognitive dissonance through the look in their eyes. The untermensch has been conditioned to believe that the state of soulless wage cucking in allegiance to a faceless system with no allegiance is the norm, and that anyone who sways from this line is an incompetent failure

>> No.13738258

getting woman with improved looks is a side benefit. after losing 80 lbs going from 220 to 140 and improving my style i can say the way average people treat you is extremely different