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13725199 No.13725199 [Reply] [Original]

>tell long term gf about my LINK gains
>wants to get married immediately because we can finally afford it
>we were fighting a lot recently to the point I thought we were going to break up
Should I do it? My only goal in life is to reproduce because it seemed like such a far fetched goal not too long ago when I was a 25 y/o virgin

>> No.13725220

>relationship is shit
>gf finds out you have money
>relationship suddendly becomes good again
come on, anon. you're smarter than this. dump her ass.

>> No.13725238

>getting married in the 21st century
Our fathers learned this lesson so we didn't have to.

>> No.13725242
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Never get married, unless the person your marrying has as much money as you.

>> No.13725245
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I dont know if she's a gold digger but regardless I wouldnt mind getting a divorce (with prenup) so long as I got her to push out a kid named Sergey and maybe a few more

>> No.13725249

red flag RED FUCKING FLAG.... dont do this marine

>> No.13725260

What are your LINK gains? If you can tell her you can tell us

>> No.13725270

Do not do this whatsoever unless she treats you like a prince at all times you should not marry her.

>> No.13725295

Are you retarded anon? She will make you dump your entire stack to fund her extremely lavish Hollywood movie wedding. And then divorce you in 6 months to get the rest of your ‘hidden’ crypto stash.

Dumb dumb dumb

>> No.13725308

>unless she treats you like a prince at all times you should not marry her.
She'll treat him like a prince until they get married lol

>> No.13725312

prey she doesn't sell your shit or fuck up your PC. I remember one guy telling a story like that

>> No.13725364

That Australian anon whose wife sold all his BTC, so he beat the shit out of her and went to prison for domestic violence?

>> No.13725379

I'm putting this faggot bait thread on hide. Fuck you OP

>> No.13725401

Tell her it tanked to 2 cents because the javascript has been hacked. If she wants to check it herself show her the REQ chart. Tell her you will hodl for a couple of years. Report back

>> No.13725412

Nah the story wasn't that tragic.

>> No.13725433

Does she have good genes? I get where these other guys are coming from, but we all die someday. If I’m ever in your situation, if I can ensure my children are going to be taken care of even if my wife fucks me, I’m going to do it.

>> No.13725465

I do not know your situation but know this: on average 50% of couples get divorced. 95% of divorced are initiated by women.

I do not know your gf or you but think this through carefully and know you are not above statistics.

>> No.13725494

Just make sure you get a prenup.. and have a good lawyer make it for you. If she’s not a gold digger and plans to stay with you forever then she shouldn’t care.

>> No.13725539

This is why I have a Ledger. I have it hidden and my wife doesn't even know what it is anyway. My seed phrases are in a safe at my mom's house. She thought I sold all my crypto in 2017, in reality I've been DCAing LINK every time I get paid. If my port reaches 1MM I'm divorcing her. Crypto is the great ex-wife cucker. Judge will never touch my shit

>> No.13725612

this post is a meme larp based off the guy telling his parents

>> No.13725665

Where do you live, the teasing your kid will get for having gay in his name will be traumatizing.
>inb4 but nazarov is the next brin
Take it from me, no one gave a shit the founder of google shared my name, don’t do it to your kid. Otherwise, god bless and good luck.
t. - Sergey

>> No.13725675

Dump the bitch now.
She will divorce your ass, take all your LINKs, and then get railed by a Tyrone.

>> No.13725692

degenerates like you is what give women all the power and look where we are heading


>> No.13725704

>telling ur gf about gains
Never gonna make it.

>> No.13725713

Relationship sure is nice, when you are not a boyfriend, but a moneybag. She will keep her fights to herself and someday fucks you up or just slowly drains you out of money and dumps you leaving only debts.

>> No.13726075

All women are gold diggers, even if they don't know it.

>> No.13727158

Prenups get thrown out all the time. All she has to do is claim she signed it under duress and she's free and clear, they don't mean a damn thing.

>> No.13727335

You have seriously fucked up my friend. Now if it goes bad shes gonna get half that.

>> No.13727396

she just wants the money, not you
shop around more. you've got the money for dates and nice clothes now

>> No.13727399
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>1 post by this ID

>> No.13727453
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>tfw my father in law took me out to dinner and told me he'd put down 100k on a house for my wife and I if I convinced her to elope
>tfw I told my wife about it and then she got him to pay for the 150k wedding and we're living in one of his homes rent free

>> No.13727722

>150k wedding
Women are truly the worst asset class in human history

>> No.13727787

>Should I do it?

>> No.13727802

dude get out ASAP