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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13722675 No.13722675 [Reply] [Original]

Guys.. what should I do? HODL or sell? I'm too stressed out for this bull run

>> No.13722685
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>> No.13722691

We're still in a bear market. Sell. Now.

>> No.13722699

Same, the Market makes me nervous as fuck right now.
But I think we will go a bit higher at least today.

>> No.13722704

Alts you dummy

>> No.13722713

Always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.13722738

Nervous about what? We just went up $600 since yesterday

>> No.13722771
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haha same

I tethered my gains this morning. The charts and volumes make me feel uncomfortable. I think it's going to crash soon, in 1 or 2 days

>> No.13722795

Sell before big dump

>> No.13722952

Day trading is a meme, perpetuated by whales to separate you from your LINKies. When you day trade you are going up against bots which literally control the price and gooks who spend their entire life studying the bots. You may get lucky on a few trades but over time its almost a guaranteed loss. The best you can hope for is to get the inside scoop on /biz/(like in the case of MATIC or LINK) and get in early on projects that will moon. Aside from that, just buy ETH and wait a few years.

>> No.13722960

What coin

>> No.13723150


If you're too stressed out for this bullrun realistically you'll find any bullrun too stressful and bottle it. You're like those faggots that say 'I almost bought X stock N years ago' but the truth is the risk of loss would be too much to handle.

Think of it this way, you can lose 10k gambling on this bullrun being the one, or keep 10k but you'll probably miss the bullrun whether it's now or in the future because you'll always second guess yourself.

>> No.13723189

I feel the same way. I'm only holding BTC and ETH, feels like I'm missing out on a lot of gains because I hate gambling in alts since I lost like 3k on AMB back in the day

>> No.13724163

This doesn’t make sense because /biz/ is a bunch of different people posting differing opinions.

>inb4 newfag

It never made sense.

>> No.13724773
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I sold 25% of my position at 5.5k and I feel like a huge ass. Just HoDL, it’s the only way to beat the game.

>> No.13724883
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>t.mongoloid invalid
Been going straight up for straight months