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13719223 No.13719223 [Reply] [Original]

>got rejected for job at mcdonalds

>> No.13719235

>got rejected for a job at mcdonalds
>visit the same mcdonalds weekly now hassling the employees and manager being an over demanding customer

>> No.13719240


I'd probably get rejected too lol.

>> No.13719250

mcdonalds is actually pretty nice now

>> No.13719252

Larp, atleast in germany, you literally just go there, say i want to work, and Start next day.

I was the only actual german guy so i was at the register nonstop, basically thadeus

>> No.13719266

>tfw didn't pass the penis inspection during the job interview

>> No.13719287

that could have been it. when i took mine out the inspector said i had a really long foreskin and then said uncircumcised could be a hygiene hazard in the kitchen

>> No.13719291

Did you look him straight in the eye sonny?

>> No.13719306

Ive traveled and its still like this most places except the usa. In america for the shittiest retail and fast food jobs you gotta apply online. If you go in person they refer you to the website. Once you fill the app which most include a vague pshycometric test, not lying here, you get screened by a computer algorythm. Then if someone quits they take next person in the queue the algo made. Yep home of the free. I literally went to italy with only $200 left after my ticket and found a job that weekend just by asking at bars if they needed help. America is fucked nowadays.

>> No.13719307

have you tried burger king? they have onion rings.

>> No.13719357

They need a to filter out all the spics and niggers for useful jobs... unless they haven't met their diversity quota.

>> No.13719449

damn, bro
have you been born in US? do you want to go back?

>> No.13719456

And yet whenever I walk into a retail store here it's staffed by the rudest, laziest niggers and spics you could ever imagine

>> No.13719470
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>I applied to multibillion dollar corporations and they treated me like I'm just a number!!!
>But at this local bar designed for socializing, I was able to get hired with my social skills
>Truly America has fallen.

>> No.13719491

>repeatedly rejected for multiple jobs at varying levels by Chipotle over the last 365 days.

>> No.13720265
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You were probably overqualified

>> No.13720337

>between jobs, poorfag, need to make rent
>rejected for day shift job at mcds
>craving mcnuggets a week later after wendys hires me, pop in
>new hires are all teenagers working during a school day - pregnant teen, three stoners, and a kid who looks like he's fresh out of juvie

>> No.13720429
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>apply to mcdonalds because they advertise having flexible hours
>"great, i can work when i want to"
>when applying HR says what i have to write in the application what im available 24/7/365, otherwise my application is gonna be rejected

>> No.13720651

such an edgelord. Have a (you).

>> No.13720662

just say youre transgender

>> No.13720668

Hey look it’s 3-for-free!

>> No.13720697

Yeah say you're MtF. Male to faggot. You can make up your sexual identities now.

>> No.13720734

haha 3 for free you're always causing a ruckus!

>> No.13720746

It's because you weren't meant for it, you are destined for greater things+++

>> No.13720920


>> No.13720944
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