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13718592 No.13718592 [Reply] [Original]

Why are boomers so obsessed with having a job?

>> No.13718746
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Because before the information age, it was almost impossible to break out of the blue hemisphere of the Cashflow Quadrant. So, they just shrugged and accepted that life is all about being an employee-cuck and the only path to wealth is working yourself to the bone for cash providing for a family you rarely see.

Their definition of "making it" was becoming a king of wagecucks like a doctor... which never has a normal life or even family since he always puts in 80+ hour workweeks.

>> No.13718762

So-yified crystallised brain-stem and pineal gland encased in amber like the mosquito in Jurassic Park movie

They are Letzter Mensch

>> No.13719151


>> No.13719177

This is probably the correct answer yep

>> No.13719241

You lazy entitled millenials are unbelievable....
Stop playing your bitcoin video game!
Go to your favorite McDonalds and tell them you'd like to work there and work hard!
When you have enough money, apply to your community college and study hard!
You're pissing away all the amazing opportunities that your parents worked hard to bring you! I'm jealous of you kids because the economy is booming right now! And the opportunities are all there in your face, but they're flying away to the Chinese because you kids are too busy playing your bitcoin video game! If I were your age right now, I would already be asst. manager at that McDonalds, and enrolled in college.
So get off your computer, get off your ass and GO OUT AND GET A JOB!!!

>> No.13719284
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Better to be a wagecuck than a child forever.

>> No.13719362
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In their day, working for an employer that actually gave a fuck about their employees was taken for granted. Pensions, good salaries, nice work environment where you didn't have to work too hard, and let's not forget vacation time. A lot of them are so arrogant and insulated from modern society that they go so far as to say things like "why do you still work at that shitty job? YOU'RE WORTH MORE!!!" You're only worth what an employer will fucking pay you. They don't seem to understand that when you outsource everything to China and India and import H1B pajeets, the common man loses all of his bargaining power and then starts making meth in his basement to make ends meat.

>> No.13719383

Not to mention, despite them making a big shit about "HOW HARD THEY WORKED!!!", it was mostly about clocking in hours "being the first car in the parking lot and the last car in the parking lot". A lot of their day was chatting, taking long lunch breaks, smoking, etc. We've become 80% more efficient workers since the 60s in America, so imagine how much of their day was just fucking around.

>> No.13719428

When I was in college, my Boomer professor told me that when he graduated college in 1968 with just a BS in Accounting, he had 23 job offers!!! He literally had people calling him every day begging him to come work for them. I wonder what that must have felt like. I'll never know.

>> No.13719768

Imagine the days before email when the would just have a pile of physical mail in the morning and once they got through that they were done. No being on call every second of everyday.

>> No.13719977

I'm gonna fucking do it...

>> No.13720981

hello NEET child

>> No.13721941

To the boomer's 'Imagination' of possible futures, 'Becoming' implicitly implies the aqcuiring of chains-of-Titles which describe the ascending conditions of One's service to/of/in The World.

These are all idolatries. Pyramidal Satanism for cattle.

>> No.13722305


Being a wagecuck your whole life is what MAKES you a child forever. Have you ever met a Boomer? Their life literally revolves around buying new toys.

>> No.13722595
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>tfw too smart to have a job

>> No.13722632

this, also they treat everything in life like they're an elementary schooler sucking up to the teacher to get good grades, rather than just fucking learning the material

>> No.13722645
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based and redpilled

>> No.13722658
File: 2.48 MB, 2335x1800, boomerssssssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers are cryptokikes

>> No.13722684

told in this thread already but before the internet life was boring and only thing what you were able to do was checking those hairy 80's mail-order list underwear chicks.

>> No.13722686


>> No.13722763


>> No.13722786

your id is a literal red pill

>> No.13722930

>be software engineer
>get an offer on linkedin everyday

>> No.13723566

Yes, own a business and be an investor if you actually are smart. You think self-made millionaires work their way into riches?

>> No.13723663
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i fucking love you guys. no one else understands us

>> No.13723738

>We've become 80% more efficient workers since the 60s in America, so imagine how much of their day was just fucking around.
Do you have any hard data on that? I mean not all the productivity growth is from less fucking around.

>> No.13723801

Since 1950:
>productivity raised 77%
>hourly wage raised 12% (fixed for inflation)


>> No.13723842

That's the "80% more efficient workers" part. But busting your ass the full 8 hour shift on an old-ass, inefficient assembly line is the same amount of effort as busting your ass the same 8 hours on a modern, hyper-streamlined one.

>> No.13723869

I only have an associate's degree but I get calls almost every day from recruiters.

>> No.13724130

I'm exaggerating a bit, but it's well documented that at least office workers spent their day socializing and playing grabass most of the day. As an office worker myself, so this interests me when old people are honest about how they fucked around instead of working.

>> No.13724266

Modern office wagies do as well. Between social media, news, and general grabassery, current estimates are they only actually work 3 hours a day.

So if a 1960s wagie slaved for 3 hours of drudgery, then banged secretaries for the remaining 5, 1) he'd have worked as hard as current workers and 2) is much more likely to forget the drudgery but reminisce about the secretary banging.

>> No.13724308

They monitor our computer use, so no news or social media. It depends on the office, though, I guess.

>> No.13724322

>They monitor our computer use
imagine being a mutt

>> No.13724327

I used to run a concrete pump and boomers still have 10 years of hard work in them too lmao those old mean fuckers are unironically based and redpilled

>> No.13724355

Blue collar, red pill boxes.

>> No.13724371

>be 25
>made around 120K eur profit
>family loved it when I wagecucked as a technician for 4 months for 14eur/hour
>stopped it right away
>hurr anon why don't you get a job

it's all so tiresome. I don't talk about bitcoin profits, so everyone thinks I spent time behind the computer without any profit at all. Do I tell them I make more now than when I should work?

>> No.13724397

No, just pay your share of the bills and keep hiding your power level.

>> No.13724660



>> No.13724708

>being able to do this in an open office where everyone stares at you and your screen

Ontop of this, my boomer coworkers are retarded and have low work output and then I need to finish the project.

Remember folks, the harder you work the more they will just dump on your plate to do.

>> No.13724956

Not to mention that adjusted for inflation, the average wage in 1954 was $350,000 a year ($175 an hour).