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13715812 No.13715812 [Reply] [Original]

It's almost become a meme at this point for the average anon to think that travelling to different countries is gay and only for self indulgent roasties.

While this is true to a certain extent in the sense that many roasties do travel merely for the social credit; if someone travels for the right reasons then they might have one of the best times of their lives.

I travelled around Asia and New Zealand for a month last year and during that time, me and my friends...

- saw insanely beautiful landscapes and cool villages/towns

- met tons of based, friendly locals who often shared info on what the actually cool areas are

- ate tons of new and delicious as fuck food

- had a real, genuine break from wageslaving.

Don't sell yourself short by missing out on this shit. Don't believe some retarded /pol/fag who shits on travel because they sperged out talking to a girl when their family went to Hawaii 15 years ago.

>> No.13715825

truths don't become untruths because normalfags get offended by their mention. in fact, the very fact normalfags get offended by their mention shows it is a relevant truth

>> No.13715833

i don't have friends

>> No.13715850

Travel is great, but its the last thing you should do if youre still wagecucking, unless you happen to like your job

>> No.13715852

Book a tour with a non boomer tour group then. I did one a while back and it was a group of chill 20 something's that were easy to have fun with

>> No.13715875


>> No.13715878

The anti-travel people are trolling, I'm 100% serious. Anyone who thinks that exploring the world and doing new things and enjoying the full range of what Earth has to offer, is in any way a bad option, is a low-quality retard who you should IGNORE and not allow to limit you and your life.

FUCK crab-people who shit on people enjoying life and are objectively worse than average, well-meaning people who travel and enjoy life.

The person typing that is probably a fat basement dwelling loser who hates his life and wants other people to hate theirs.

>> No.13715907

Based fpbp

>> No.13715910

nah you're just edgy contrarian faggots who, ironically, pursue escapism in other ways.

>> No.13715913

>exploring the world
It’s not the 17th century anymore, dumbass.

>> No.13715925

I don't enjoy travelling and I'm not trolling
I'm very happy and comfortable anywhere in my state, or my home area
I don't like to leave my state and I hate to socialize with people
I'm not fat and don't live in my basement
Not everyone is the same or wants to do the same stuff
I do have high functioning autism

>> No.13716000
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>other people have been to cool places before so therefore I can't go to those cool places

>> No.13716009

My problem is that I'm hideous and have awful skin so I'm not really a good candidate to fuck people. I'm not even incel really, I don't even try, my looks have cucked me into not even wanting sex anymore.

I also don't have any meaningful friends or SOs that I can travel the world with.

So I don't have anyone to enjoy traveling with, and there isn't anyone out there that I would have the confidence/interest of getting to know so I can fuck them. Which seems to be the two main reasons to travel, either so you can share an experience with someone you like, or have sex with exotic strangers. Without either of those things, I know if I would travel somewhere exotic like OP's photo, I'd just look around for a few minutes, maybe snap a photo to prove I'd been there, then I'd go back to my hotel and read a book or shitpost on 4chan.

>> No.13716129

>I'm ugly
No one cares and hookers don't care either

>I have no one to go with
Doesn't matter. Go with a legit good tour group but if you're too introverted for that then go solo

Also for your "two main reasons to travel", they aren't reasons at all but instead byproduct of the real reason; to do cool shit.

Doing shit like swimming in a massive waterfall, taking a scooter and exploring an entire island for a day, going to night markets and eating good food. Those are all activities that are inherently actionable. If you make shift your focus from being a passive observer that takes pics to wanting to do cool shit just to make yourself happy, I'd wager you'll have an amazing time mate.

>> No.13716153

Touring tourist traps isn’t exploration

>> No.13716182

I love to travel and its really one of my favorite things to spend money on but its not a hobby.

>> No.13716205

>has friends
>has friends successful enough to all coordinate a month long overseas trip

Get out richfag frat boy

>> No.13716223

>- saw insanely beautiful landscapes and cool villages/towns
>- met tons of based, friendly locals who often shared info on what the actually cool areas are
they really only about how they get the most money out of you, they send you to places where their partners get even more money out of you
>- ate tons of new and delicious as fuck food
you can get any kind of food in a civilized country without getting drugged and poisoned
>- had a real, genuine break from wageslaving.

you have the exact roastie mindset

>> No.13716228

i genuinely hate traveling. airports suck, flying sucks, i can enjoy myself in leisure just fucking fine at my house. if people want to go pay 5 grand to sit at a beach for a week or two have at it. I'm good

>> No.13716258
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>he's not exploring the beauty of nature
>he's not hiking the national parks
>he's not finding peace in the outdoors

Not gonna make it

>> No.13716284

this is good travel, i can understand drive for this, but cramming into a shitty airplane for hours and living in a hotel for a week or two just sucks balls

>> No.13716380

if I make it I just want to be a wandering neet who looks poor and wanders the earth staying wherever he wants with his $4m worth link stack

>> No.13716392

No shit that's why you avoid them.

Nope. We planned and saved for an entire year for this.

>appreciating nature is somehow gay
>everyone is somehow a scammer and no friendly people exist
>all dishes from these countries are somehow present in """civilised countries""" and are cooked authentically
>taking a break from having schlomo goldstein put you in a prison 8 hours a day is """""""cucking""""".

Unironically one of the most Jewish and pathetic posts I've ever seen.

>> No.13716414

>meet great girl, super cute, smart, works full time, has her own place, likes me
>yeah so i just got back from a month in jamaica with my best friend

Walked right out.

>> No.13716444

>we planned and saved

fuck outta here rich kid

>> No.13716466

oh it shows

>> No.13716478

If you think going to an exotic place and seeing interesting things and people and having a great time sounds lame, then you are mentally ill, severely depressed, or both.

>> No.13716483

Currently in Thailand. What I don't get is the pool people. You see them everyday picking out a spot at 9 AM and they just lay there untill 6 PM. Mostly playing games on their phone or checking facebook. Why the fuck would you fly 13 hours for that? Go to fucking Spain or something.

>> No.13716492
File: 188 KB, 846x703, chad zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and nature pilled

when you live in the mountain chad zone(pic related) there is little need to travel, all you need is a weekend and a tent and you can see locations more beautiful than 90% of Earth

>> No.13716493

All I really want is to drive through the US.

>> No.13716497

working for schlomo goldstein despite not wanting to work for him is what makes you a cuck, if you did what you wanted in life you wouldnt need to escape from it in your vacation which you also do so you can tell the other cucks how much you enjoy your life lmao
you are "living" a lie

>> No.13716502

girls in any stationary context will wander

but by taking girls from vacation context to vacation context, where her companion is her only constant (You)

she may even quit her no doubt lucrative career as a hooker

to be ur gf

>> No.13716541

congrats on your exploring, shackleton.

>> No.13716587

it makes sense biz would have a strong anti-traveling meme going since they tend to have the worst opinions and instinctively do things that are unconducive to happiness and conducive to despair and stagnation

>> No.13716612

And you sound like a very bitter and lonely faggot. Tell me what have you done that's of any interest? And no you can't get every dish in a civilized country. Your probably one of those people who think "welp I've eaten Spaghetti so no need to try any more Italian food".

>> No.13716731

Wow what a bunch of fucking gaybos. Who the fuck freaks out this much because people do normal things like go on a vacation somewhere?

Can’t people understand that other people do different things and that traveling to new places is just seeking novel experiences like so many other pastimes? I get that segments of the populace are obnoxious about telegraphing their stupid “adventures” on their social media channels but why does that preclude anybody else from enjoying going new places without being labeled as “dumb normies”? I wouldn’t want to eat hamburger patties my whole life because despite hamburger patties being tasty, I would like to try something else once in a while maybe just a different flavor of patty or maybe something entirely different. How is this so different?

For a site so full of supposed free thinkers this place really seems to suffer from a totally arbitrarily contrarian hive mind mentality.

>> No.13716736

I won’t travel outside US because I’m afraid to not have a gun. But when I make it I will travel the entirety of the US.. I will remain a part time cop so I can carry a gun even to places like Puerto Rico Guam etc. there’s more than enough here for me to travel and see without risking being beheaded by OOGA BOOGAS

>> No.13716749

imagine not having a couple hundred thousand credit card points and a sucessful hands off e-commerce business enabling you to travel the world for cheap in your early 20s

>> No.13716751

ahaha "lonely", you sound like a whimp. i dont need to justify anything i do, i dont have that cucked mindset

>> No.13716766

This isn't /biz/ related. Go back to your containment board. >>>/out/

>> No.13716797

And you still sound bitter and lonely.

>> No.13716833
File: 432 KB, 600x599, moonmanexecution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this gay slide thread, nobody cares, op the name of the board is /biz/

>> No.13716871

So true lmao. I saw a gorillion boomers on my hotel rooftop pool when I was over in Thailand and some of them would be there for hours

>> No.13716981


I've been all around the world. NZ, Hong Kong, Japan, US, Venice, London, Paris and Moscow. All are equally shitty places to be, with the exception of Switzerland, which is excellent.

Just stay at home, in your city. There's no reason to pay for air travel, it's painful and expensive. There's no reason to go around the world, it's all essentially the same, except for Switzerland. Even then, it isn't worth Australia-Europe flight time, nor the expense.

'Tourism' is a stupid meme, designed to part dumb fucks from their money. Stay at home, it's a lot better for the environment and saves money.