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13707455 No.13707455 [Reply] [Original]

>Bill Gates is tech illiterate guys! He just doesn't get it! That's why he doesn't like Bitcoin! It has nothing to do with anything else like entering into the most manipulated market on the planet that is being illegally manipulated by people claiming they love Bitcoin precisely because they hate banks immoral manipulation of fiat currency!
*sets up an exchange to illegally launder, pump and dump, and dumps on you*
>Look at Venezuela guys! They're using Bitcoin to avoid the big evil ba
*hacks own exchange and makes off with customers (you) life savings*
>-nks are stealing and they are evil and immoral, we must stop this now!

>> No.13707480


>hates banks and gov stealing/controling his money and future
>thinks crypto is worthwhile/the future

>puts money on centralized exchanges
>buys centralized coins
>doesn't invest in decentralized finance platforms/utility projects

yeah great post OP. Really got me

>> No.13707489


>> No.13707498

>life savings
Lol not everyone is poor like you wagie

>> No.13707501

You can't escape illegal market manipulation by not using exchanges


>> No.13707512

No argument

>> No.13707540

Not an argument yourself there. Better wash your penis bucko

>> No.13707541

>Bitfinex, Tether, Kraken, Barry Silbert (owner of DCG), Roger Ver, Erik Voorhees and many other actors all connected together and complicit in market manipulation set up through exchanges they own/co-founded/invested in precisely for the purpose of pumping and dumping on (You). In addition, Poloniex, CoinDesk, and other parties appear to be involved.

>Tfw banks are fined for doing the same thing, only in fiat
>Tfw the people implicated are the loudest critics of the banks doing this

No argument

>> No.13707564

Bitcoin is a failed project but that doesn't mean you can't still make money

>> No.13707650


Don't care about bitcoin. I have zero dollars in it. I only have money in projects that will escape the btc pairing exchange controlled price even if it takes awhile. Although bitcoin eventually will escape that too, the amount of money in the hands of the crypto cartel is piss all compared to the old guard when they are done accumulating and push it on mainstream retail investors to pump their bags.

>> No.13707657

you can absolutely escape market manipulation by avoiding exchanges. you have a gambling problem, anon. i don't, so the fiat speculation is irrelevant to me. x ETH pays for the same amount of computation now than it did 2 years ago

>> No.13707671


>> No.13707690

Bill Gates doesn't like Bitcoin, says who?


>> No.13707697

Gates doesnt care about BTC because he doesn't need to. The entire crypto operation requires a backbone and at the moment its being provided through the cloud, mainly through Azure, Google, and AWS. He can pull the 1/3 of the entire rug from underneath you if he wants and force a crash. He knows that the real value is in what he already owns, shares of MSFT and other tech giants. Crypto is literally monopoly money for tards that cant see the bigger picture. Whether it ever unseats fiat is not something that actually matters in the grand scheme. Especially since we already have credit.

>> No.13707720

>the fiat speculation
Based, but it's the hypocrisy

>> No.13707815


I like eth but I don't hold any. Most of my money is in chain link, my other two decently big bags are kyber/makerdao so indirectly it's eth. That's like 80% of my money. Another 10% in a few staking meme platforms that fill some kind of niche outside of eth, and 10% for day trading bottomed out charts on things I still like but don't plan to hold.

>> No.13707847

>the fiat speculation is irrelevant to me
t. literal billionaire
I like Eth too, shame really

>> No.13707869

Hello britpol

>> No.13707877

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation uses...

>The God Protocol

>> No.13707899

>muh bill gates

get fucked bobo

>> No.13707914


>He thinks IBM won't swoop in if microshit pulls the rug
>He thinks google won't get creampied by the market when they lose half their revenue from selling data as we move to decentralization
>He thinks google can adapt and restructure fast enough when this happens to not get yahoo'd

I'm literally throwing a wad of cash in IBM before end of year either way. They have supported the industry publicly and privately and have proven to be ahead of the curve in changing market/tech environments to survive.

>> No.13707920


>> No.13707921

if you want currency without banks, then how are you exchanging real money into bitcoins without banks?

checkmate bitcoinlets

>> No.13707933


>> No.13707934

He actually thinks bitcoin is revolutionary. I know this from people who have talked with him in person about it. I guess you have started watching MSNBC again huh?

>> No.13707940
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>> No.13707942


Oh, and amazon. Bezos is an ancap through and through. Money might take priority in the short term, but denying a service that makes him money AND is ancap in ideology? Nah, bruh, bezos will skull fuck any company he can all he cares about his market share

>> No.13708918

Bill Gates is a BOOMER END of story

>> No.13708977
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>bill gates doesn't like crypto
>mfw microsoft partnership with link is announced

>> No.13709400

...now I want you to reread what you just wrote and think from Gate's perspective. If you are someone who owns MSFT as well as huge shares in all of the companies you've just mentioned,why the fuck would you give a shit about BTC or any other shitcoin that relies on your cloud solutions to function. Why waste money trying to flip shitcoins when you already own the land they live on?

>> No.13709447
File: 6 KB, 190x266, D9A2E74E-4DB7-4E7B-9FB7-11E475FD635B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sirs please buy chain link do needful ganesh bless