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13702612 No.13702612 [Reply] [Original]

sorry just gotta get this off my chest as i cant talk to anyone about it.

february 2018 right at the start of the bear market i put most of my money into ICOs. you can imagine everything went to shit, many of those ICOs still hold my funds randsom as they refuse to list.

one of those ICOs however did a great job, they listed in february at 1x USD which is impressive.

i knew this coin would climb further as everything goes really well for them, however i had to capitulate my stack at the bottom because i really needed the money, there was no way around it.

today, only 10 weeks after i sold, those coins are now worth around $130.000 USD.

daily thinking about offing myself, as im broke and will probably not even make it to $100.000 next bullrun. considering that these $130.000 will be worth at least half a million until next high destroys me.

>> No.13702666
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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You missed your shot, faggot! This makes me so happy. Thanks for the keks. Eat shit nigger

>> No.13702677

I'm in a similar position I ouy 56k into crypto and in thinking of cashing out with 13k because I need it for rent and food etc

I'm going go try and get welfare first and if I cant I have no options left. I could move home with mom and dad but I still have a lease on the current house I'm in.

>> No.13702707

the bags behind this spiteful post must weigh more than the sun itself

>> No.13702775

Yea it sucks but something similar happened to a lot of us. The faster you move on the better.. Try to forget about money for some time. I know it sounds like a meme, but it’s only money.. There are literally hundreds of millions of people around the world in a shittier situation than you. You didn’t die, you’re still healthy and you (presumably) live in a wealthy country where there are decent opportunities. Try to forget about money for some time.. focus on other
things in life until you have moved
on mentally. It’s like crying at your mother she grave for years. Yes it’s really sad, but she won’t come back no matter how much you cry. You have to move on. Things will get better if you try.

>> No.13702788

I’m getting tired. I repeated myself a few times, but you get the point.

>> No.13702803

Why does everyone assume there will be a "next bullrun"?

>> No.13702871

You could be as retarded as me. I lost 18k in a scam and my boss when he found out fired me for gross negligence even though the money was my own.

Lost my savings and career in a single day.

Not sure how you guys handle being JUST'D, but I did not take it well at first but years later I'm Ok with it.

Say to yourself out loud "I fucked up but it's going to be OK".

Also set goals on how you are going to be a better person and pursue them ruthlessly.

I made the money back in a year, and am a stronger person forbit. But it was a tough fucking slog emotionally and I feel for you.

>> No.13703014

thank you, i try.
iam naturally a really happy person, i have never ever been close to beeing depressed (although i have been bullied etc)
and now there is this dark heavy cloud inside my head at all times.

iam someone who pondered for days when i sold something for 20% profit instead of 40% but i always see the glass half full.
so this hits me especially hard, the glass is half empty at the moment.

>> No.13703022

Based satan

>> No.13703047

The more healty thing you can do, when you sell, is to FORGET immediately what you sold.
You've never had that trade, if you made a profit good for you.
Try to learn on your errors, this is not gambling, it's something you can improve.

>> No.13703076

Because bitcoin just did 130% in a few months. Mostly.

>> No.13703077

ATH 330K
Current 8K

Many of us here have to deal with the pain of regret. I still think about it all the time. It's just one of those things you now have to deal with and put off in the back of your mind. A lot of us collectively deal with this regret of not selling when we had the chance or missing these opportunities

>> No.13703088
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>Say to yourself out loud "I fucked up but it's going to be OK".
This should be pinned to the top of biz

>> No.13703096

The fact is: seething about "mistakes" is not part of the business.

>> No.13703121

LOL WHAT that's the most ridiculous fucked up shit of all time

>> No.13703210


>> No.13703234

I have been here in the bullrun of December 2017. I managed to go from $ 10,000 to $ 100,000 thanks to IOTA and other shitcoins.

Unfortunately, I decided not to sell.

I tried to get it back with trading and moon missions but I only had $ 20,000 in November.

Already tired of wasting time in crypto, I put everything in BCH at $100 and disconnected from the market until a few days ago. Now I have about $ 64,000.

I'm considering doing the same thing again, leaving that money in Bitcoin when it undergoes a correction and within a couple of years I hope have $200,000.

>> No.13703282

Good luck bro.. Try to forget about what could have been and try to move on.. I know it’s really difficult but it’s what you need to do. Life is still beautiful and you have many years ahead of you. It might take some time to get there, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Trust me, I have been through some very dark times in my life..

>> No.13703312


>> No.13703353

this thread really helped

thanks frens

soon when my glass seems empty again, i will remember this thread