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File: 28 KB, 500x334, tesla-motors-logo-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
136999 No.136999[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>u fooking wot

>> No.137002

16% today, fuck. I sold all of mine at $190. ;_;

>> No.137048

Dad met the ceo guy for an interview once, said he's a really cool guy

>> No.137219
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>> No.137303

damn, you missed out on 30% increase in just one week

>> No.137324

I know :(. I bought it at $35 though so I already made lots, but goddamn this is crazy.

>> No.137336

Bought 70 shares two years ago @ 27/share, sold today at $255.


>> No.137354

God damn, this is impressive as fuck. Is there even a possibility that the price could fall significantly? I mean with the current future plan and their proposed mega-factory for batteries, it has to be sure bet right?

What can go wrong?

>> No.137356
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>> No.137380

congrats, bruh. You just made an annual wage in my country.

>> No.137462
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>mfw some jew tried to tell me there was nothing to be made buying Tesla @ 185

eat shit

>> No.137470


What country?

>> No.137482
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>> No.137492

anyone know anything about global lithium supplies and prices - could that put a damper on the plans for a battery factory in the future?

I heard it was becoming increasingly rare.

>> No.137522


They found enough lithium in Wyoming last year to last us 700 years at current consumption levels.

>> No.137544

I laugh every time I see these pictures, I don't know if it'll ever get old

>> No.137553


Until you sell, you haven't made shit.

>> No.137554
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what are the chances of us getting fucked by a secondary offering?

I know during ER there was some mention of it, in a question regarded how Tesla would finance the gigafactory.

>> No.137550

Fuck yeah, Wyoming!

>> No.137551

Imagine how often they're going to be posted when Tesla's stock tanks?

>> No.137565

I'm actually pretty excited for it, just page after page of burning Model S's.

>> No.137566


I feel like all this talk of a new factory is really premature

They haven't even hit a third of the capacity of their current factory.

>> No.137577

I thought it was all about the batteries, I thought they were thinking if they could mass produce their own batteries, they could make Tesla price competitive with current fuel viechles

although this could just be Elron Musk style showmanship,

>> No.137580

They'll have to have it for a cheaper mass market car.

>> No.137589


I'd understand this, but their own plans call for not even 3/4ths of the capacity of the current factory to be used in the next 10 years.

>> No.137604

The 'gigafactory' is for battery assembly, the actual tesla manufacturing will still go down at the nummi plant

>> No.137601

i just randomly bought 50 fake shares of tesla yesterday.
so what would an ordinary swing trader do now?

sell today? then rebuy tomorrow (if i think it's going to rise again, tomorrow) ?

or, doesn't it matter because i bought these stocks for no reason in the first place?

guys, help me to think like a swing trader.

>> No.137599

Can I get some citation on that?

>> No.137609

I bought last week during tespocolypse at 190ish. Im having the time of my life.

>> No.137614


Ah, that makes sense


It was in their investor booklet recently... might be out of date, though.

>> No.137756


>this is what retards who don't invest actually believe

upset because I'm making money bro?

>> No.137787

You can't buy anything with stocks.

>> No.137795

based elon musk

>> No.137807
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>> No.141043
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>implying proven reserves
>implying all of the lithium is recoverable for an economically worthwhile price or of useful quality


The best-case scenario is that the entire 2,000-square-mile Rock Springs Uplift could contain up to 18 million tons of lithium: equivalent to about 720 years of current global lithium production. The discovery could have a major impact on the global market, transforming the United States from a significant lithium importer to an independent lithium producer.

Worldwide identified reserves of lithium in 2008 were estimated by the US Geological Survey as 13 million tonnes.[37] Deposits of lithium are found in South America throughout the Andes mountain chain. Chile is the leading lithium producer, followed by Argentina. Both countries recover the lithium from brine pools. In the United States lithium is recovered from brine pools in Nevada.[11] However, half the world's known reserves are located in Bolivia, a nation sitting along the central eastern slope of the Andes. In 2009 Bolivia was negotiating with Japanese, French, and Korean firms to begin extraction.[72] According to the US Geological Survey, Bolivia's Uyuni Desert has 5.4 million tonnes of lithium.[72][73] A newly discovered deposit in Wyoming's Rock Springs Uplift is estimated at 228,000 tons. Additional deposits in the same formation were extrapolated to be as much as 18 million tons.[74]

>> No.141075

Bitcoin I could kind of understand, but tesla is full retard. You idiots are going to lose so much money before this is said and done.

>> No.141097

As opposed to cryptocurrency which is based 100% on speculation.

>> No.141105

This. TSLA actually is a business that has revenue. Bitcoin and other crypto currencies are all speculation

TSLA stock keeps surprising me. I shouldn't have sold mine for a loss when it went down several months ago

>> No.141129


Lets be real though, judging by how wildly tesla stock is moving, it mostly speculation too. No value investors are buying tesla.

>> No.141139

lern2 ride speculative bubbles

When they collapse they usually take a week to do it, also as far as bubble go this is low risk, Tesla is a growing company with a niche in the luxury electric car market, it is publicly traded, Tesla's accounts are not too good to be true, they never asked for this, this is entirely due to Elon Musk's fanboys and there isn't about to be a huge freeze preventing you from getting your money out.

That said, it is still a bubble, at this point everyone has lost, collectively, to be one of the winners you need to monitor that shit daily and sell every dip, only buying in again if it stabilizes and exceeds the last local peak.

>> No.141240

So do you think it would be a good idea to buy real estate in Green River?

>> No.141299

TSLA has been a lot of speculation for several years I think, but there are a lot of value investors that believe in the company. It's a cult stock for a reason. People consider TSLA to be a bit like Apple. Some people said they bought shares just to see the company do well

>> No.141917

bumping for comments on TSLA

>> No.144203

Next fall when?

>> No.144261

The tesla T looks like a uterus.

>> No.144270
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>thats the point

>> No.144272

dirty mind.

>> No.144351
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>buttmad cause too late to the party
>doesn't invest in companies for what the company does, but invests for selfish monetary gain

>> No.144506

I've made like 5k off of solar city now and I want to cash out but I still have another 6 months until I can get it at capital gains rates ;_;

>> No.144875


300 min
400 max
after that you'll see the real bull trap, not a fake.

>> No.145444

The TSLA ride isn't ending. Is up to $258 in AH now after more news on the gigafactory.
Doug Kass must be so buttmad after shorting it so many times and refusing to give up on it.