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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13698819 No.13698819 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13698890

I didn't buy LTC at $23 back in december

>> No.13698905

I bought BTT at 34 sats still hodl

>> No.13698908

I did buy LTC at $23, but I sold it at fucking $33 and never got back in on the dip.....

>> No.13698915

I just dumped all my MATIC at 186 sats.

>> No.13698919
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I’m constantly larping as a bobo on here.

>> No.13698920

I didn't buy crypto and feel good about it.

>> No.13698968

l just own 100 link

>> No.13698978

I bought btc at 3200 but didn't sell at 8000 even though I was 95% sure it would correct hard.

>> No.13699010

I unironically think Craig is Satoshi

>> No.13699040
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I've lost a lot more money fomoing and fudding than if I just held through it and sold when it stabilized. Like just now I sold my Bitcoin and now I'm just holding eth.

I don't know what to do

>> No.13699081
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Bought REQ at 69 cents and sold at 2 cents

>> No.13699159


Holy shit I legitimately feel bad for you god damn

>> No.13699292

bought linda at 49 sats and im still honding on to it till it greens so i can dump it

>> No.13699308
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>> No.13699329

I doubled my money and took profit on the recent bull run but now I feel bad that I didn’t make more and have severe BTC fomo.

Funds still in the exchange to buy back in but I literally bought at $3000 and sold at $8000. I am very anxious about my next move.

>> No.13699354

I bought REQ at 5 cents right after ICO, saw it go up to $1, then held all the way down and capitulated at 9 cents, not before "buying the dip" at 14 cents.

>> No.13699365

I still have yet to actually buy crypto or get involved at all, but I enjoy watching people freak out.

>> No.13699390

some people are meant to be dirt broke n poor for the rest of their lives
you are one of them anon, its ok. you're just stupid and not meant to make it

>> No.13699419
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I spammed biz shitcoins are dead and btc going for 90% dominance, bow to king memes etc while i sold solid btc stack for alts at 61%

>lots of newfags sold alts atl and fomoed in btc ath judging by comments and praise i got

>Will do it again next cycle cant help myself why am I like this

>> No.13699422

I have a -10,000 net worth as a 29 year old white male. My job sends me fancy places and I pretend to be rich. I fucked an executive for an auditing firm 3x last week. She was a nigger, but a rich nigger and she thought I was too. Feels weird man

>> No.13699510

I hold a dark secret regarding chainlink. I don't have the heart to kill half of biz with what I know. If the secret ever got out I'm more than sure these retards would off themselves.

>> No.13699530

Went all in on ETH at about 375, held all the way down, still holding. FML.

>> No.13699535

I bought low and sold high.

>> No.13699611

She thought you were a black man?

You must have mad make up artist skills dam

>> No.13699736

Sold my ETH at 128 and BTC at 5100. Went all in XRP at .42, and now currently down.

Used to ride shitcoins in 2017 easily and make sick gains. Made 6 figues back in 2017, but put it in ICX and held it all the way down. I used to be gud and now I fucking suck at this. The worst part is it's killing me and I can't figure out why. Fuck man.

I think it's because I just don't believe in this shit anymore. In 2017 I thought shitcoins would change the world. Now in 2019, it's literally all worthless bullshit. My hands are weak. I just want my money back so I can fuck off. I put all my worth happiness and time into this. Sigh. I'm just another dumb gambling addict. Thanks for listening father.

>> No.13699830
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>> No.13699836

things going pretty well

>> No.13699873

I lost all of my fucking nanos on bitgrail. I was trying for months to get verified to withdraw but got fucked in the end. Do not keep funds on exchanges. Also lost a couple hundred through prl scam :(

>> No.13699889
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>all in from shitcoin to shitcoin works till it does not
>In bullrun 2017 everyone was good at this

You did not used to be good and you dont suck now its same concept as leverage trading going allin can net you huge gains but you can get liquidated to so basicly gambling yes

>> No.13700107

2017 was easy mode, dumb money is gone.

>> No.13700151

Same I was up $2000 now I'm only up $1400. Waiting for sub 6k before I'd buy again

>> No.13700647

I’ve been accumulating Bomb Token for the past week

>> No.13700687

Bomb token, BTC, XMR, WAU coin. Scarce coins are going to be the next bull wave catalyst. Privacy in 2016, ico's in 2017, scarcity 2019

>> No.13700691

I am all in BSV - 500 BSV and $10000 in usd. no other assets except an old beater car.

>> No.13700788

BSV has real potential. It's the developer's bitcoin

>> No.13700855

I have had 80k link since pre-sale and sold at 9k sat few months back. Never bought again and hate myself. Just want to see the project fail now.

>> No.13700894

I dumped my poverty BTC for Nimiq.

>> No.13700908

I hope so desu

>> No.13700912

If bitcoin goes down to 1 cent what will I do with my .129 btc???

>> No.13700933

just market bought all in link

>> No.13700939

re buy right now and buy some more with that $600 profit

>> No.13700955
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Same. Like every day.
I also fud my own holdings relentlessly.

>> No.13701112

Why in the fuck arent you buying chainlink is the real question?

>> No.13701117

Went all in JNT with $50k. Now worth $500. Lol.

>> No.13701127

Why arent you in fucking chainlink?

>> No.13701149

jesus. It was so obvious jnt was scammy. jnt and chainlink were the ones shilled the most over a year ago, but my sick sense was to not touch jnt, and go into chainlink despite not doing any research on either.

>> No.13701302

Top kek. But you do realize you can still buy link for under $1 right?

>> No.13701475
