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File: 169 KB, 500x634, this-dude-that-gave-his-girl-his-shoes-cause-her-29593833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13696871 No.13696871 [Reply] [Original]

Once you've made it and you're rich, are you going to improve yourself and be chivalrous or are you going to stay a racist slob?

>> No.13696886


lapdog. weak will be cucked

>> No.13696903

I'm going to improve myself, I don't think cowing to "racism" bullshit is self improvement though

>> No.13696924

found the guy who has never been loved by a woman

>> No.13696928

>too weak to simply just carry your 100-115 pound woman
>have to risk stepping on micro-glass and other dangerous material on the floor streets
>weakening your entire body due to a foot injury

Even animus bring this up, anon, why aren't you carrying bitches around for gains and glory?

>> No.13696934

have sex

>> No.13696935

what a poor retard
just ride an uber home
also wearing nike tn's... only arabs do this

>> No.13696936

I’m only chivalrous to ladies.

>> No.13696937

why dont they just go to a nearby store and buy a pair of shoes
fucking retards

>> No.13696948

its a trap most of the time

used to be loved by many, it brings danger

>> No.13696965

>his girl

>> No.13696969

Ironically, the only way to put women in a pedestal is if you are an incel or a first-timer. There’s no way someone who has had a relationship would do this kind of shit more than once.

>> No.13696972

I'm going to buy so much land I will never see another human again, so the point is moot.

Anyway, why does the guy have to sacrifice his shoes because the woman made shitty shoe decisions?

>> No.13696977

I'm gonna buy camping gear and become a hobo in the canadian wilderness

>> No.13697004

Faggot christcuck preconceptions of “chivalry” wherein knight cucks platonically loved some “noble”woman roastie who then went on to get fucked by someone else in the evening

>> No.13697066

The point of chivalry is actually to court the father. The woman is irrelevant.

>> No.13697109

>his feet are THIS dainty

>> No.13697112

how do first timers ... stop being first timers then?

>> No.13697155

I was chivalrous, but women don't love me.

As I understood with time most of women are stupid and worthless.

>> No.13697161

i'm at my parents' house reading this while surrounded with chatter in some arab tongue because my parents are letting a random sandnigger family pick fruits from their trees
racist slob all the way

>> No.13697162
File: 29 KB, 399x385, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once you've made it and you're rich, are you going to improve yourself
>and be chivalrous

>> No.13697190

Daily friendly reminder that you'll never make it if you idealize women in any way

>> No.13697215

I will be more racist and even more sexist but that is an improvement

>> No.13697251

>Not dating a woman smart enough to wear appropriate footwear
Truth is, you were cucked from the start.

>> No.13697266

RLC makes chivalry obsolete

>> No.13697275

Why would I want to fuck her father?

>> No.13697302

>not caring her front ways with her legs locked around you while you play with her twat

>> No.13697333
File: 306 KB, 1919x1079, guitar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>day 6, today my captor started forcing me to walk around barefoot. the mall police have still not picked up any of my signals.

>> No.13697337

You want her father to let you fuck (marry) her. Female consent is modern feminist gibberish.

>> No.13697416

If you have ever gone from poor -> rich, fat -> skinny, ugly -> hot, you will never respect anybody because you realize how shallow they are. It's literally that "If you didn't care about me in my worst, why would I care about you in my best" basic bitch quote.

>> No.13697430
File: 44 KB, 371x417, 1545051671997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13697454


Found the virgin

>> No.13697522

>or are you going to stay a racist slob?
i will cut all my ties in this world and live only for myself

>> No.13697620

This x 100.

All you need is one serious relationship and after that you will NEVER put pussy on a pedestal again as long as you live.

>> No.13697626

I didn’t say acting like pic related won’t get you a relationship. But give it time and it will drain you physically and emotionally, and you won’t act like this again. (Probably)

>> No.13697628

>t. virgin /pol/tard

>> No.13697641


>> No.13697665


>> No.13697677


He is wearing a Ralph Lauren sports coat. I have the exact same one.

Dropped $350 on it.

>> No.13697693

>if i do this she will text me back i just know it

>> No.13697754

>oor -> rich, fat -> skinny, ugly -> hot, you will never respect anybody because you realize how shallow they are.


>> No.13697781

>go from being shit to being less shit
>people treat you better

>> No.13697839


>> No.13697861

actually based

>> No.13698135

That faggot was wearing heels and took them off because his feet hurt

>> No.13698283

>people that donate to twitch thots

>> No.13698322

>feet can't handle a little concrete and aids needles

>> No.13698416

did you use cryptogains?

>> No.13698443

Found the eurocuck.

>> No.13698492

The only way to make it is to be an extreme xenophobe, since hiring subhumans leads to bankrupcy.

>> No.13698516

>walking on a city street barefoot
Fuck that. Call a cab/uber or something and take her home to get more comfortable shoes.

>> No.13698522

I just need enough to stop sergey from starting the 4th reich

>> No.13698595

I just need enough to stop this guy >>13698522 from stopping sergey from starting the 4th reich

>> No.13698628

I have 175 btc and I'm still a racist slob that hates women

>> No.13698645

Herion needles cut even the toughest of feet.
Enjoy your aids, you didn't even have the joy of getting laid.

>> No.13698679

lul i usually just carry her

>> No.13698933

Kek what a cuck. Bitch would never do the same

>> No.13699112

>girl fits in his shoes


>> No.13699178

I will be a racist but not a chivalrous slob.

>> No.13699206


>> No.13699258

lol what a cuck, fall for the oldest cheap trick

>> No.13699331

in the past i endure the same shit test from a women and i pass, because i never gave him my shoes

>> No.13699345

and i thought those pads on ankles were patched because the guy is homeless/poor, talk about poor taste

>> No.13699346

regrow your gonads, tranny