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File: 854 KB, 1164x669, peter-gold-video.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13693746 No.13693746 [Reply] [Original]

Satoshi nakamoto puts double space after each sentences.

Peter schiff on his twitter writes things and he also does that.

No other person does that before they're made aware of that weird practice.

Peter Schiff is satoshi nakamoto and the way he made bitcoin is to hire programmers, he did so because he understood that he needs to transfer gold into the digital world somehow

Now he's chilling gold for either:
-just for the sake of playing the devil's advocate and to find some potential flaws in bitcoin

-or, he could have made bitcoin to get even more rich by getting the wealth from 30 yo boomers who puts all their wealth into bitcoin, he'll sell the top and when people will have the proof that satoshi IS peter, then it will never go back up again making peter schiff the wealthiest man on earth

>> No.13693761
File: 11 KB, 246x250, 1538616824361s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw satoshi was in fact peter schiff
>all 30 yo boomers will absolutely be JUSTED in a few years

>> No.13693816

>Satoshi nakamoto puts double space after each sentences.
>No other person does that before they're made aware of that weird practice.
everyone who is not a mongloid does that

>> No.13693837

I dont know how you can achieve logical thinking OP, if you dont find out you might not make it.

schiff is the literal merchant shilling his merch, which is gold, to the world. Nothing else.

>> No.13693858
File: 9 KB, 346x145, led.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halfwit reddit brainlets hit enter twice after each sentence instead of the spacebar.

>> No.13693880
File: 53 KB, 798x436, 383C2447-6FC0-478A-8625-FACF047F6A00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13694200

Plenty of cypherpunks mailing list people did.

Kleimann, Szabo, JVP all did

>> No.13694252

Why would anyone double space? Sounds fucking retarded and looks retarded, aesthetically speaking. What's the purpose of a double space? Text looks better when uniform and compact, not when it's got spaces randomly. Individual words look better than others next to certain words and then on top of that a sentence can look good depending on the combination of words that make it up and the order. It's like when boomers do this. !!

>> No.13694270

Thanks to Craig, he showed the world that the mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto is still open because he's obviously a paid impersonator and a useful fool distracting us from the real Satoshi

>> No.13694277

>anyone but craig

>> No.13694305

Because Craig is now the least likely person to be Satoshi. You can find dozens and dozens of people whose biography, style and integrity aligns with SN more than Craig's, which must be kinda shameful for Craig's shills

>> No.13694407
File: 53 KB, 720x398, 1535269772722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly there wouldn't be a better person really, but I don't think he has the technical skills to pull it off. Satoshi is some fucking dweeby loser in a basement somewhere, if I had to put money on it.