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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1369134 No.1369134 [Reply] [Original]

Silver and gold just died. My sympathies go out to anyone who's still invested in silver and gold.

>> No.1369138

It's still close to 20, it's rallied a bit back up to 19.80 as of typing this. Not terrible. You panic sellers are nucking futs.

>> No.1369141

Looks to me like paper golds losing control of price, but what do I know?

>> No.1369170

Ah so thats why the entire world is hogging gold.. because it's dead!

>> No.1369241
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>> No.1369498

hi janet yalen and ppt

>> No.1369564

Aren't panic sellers....how real traders win though?

>> No.1369576

just a little dip



>> No.1369978

if you bought at 20... i bought at 15 i can wait to see how it turns out. goes back to 15 i buy some more.

>> No.1370001
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>mfw i bought silver and gold near 14 and 1070 an oz in december and /biz/ said i was retarded

no sympathies needed fampai, im in this for the long haul

>> No.1370020

In 1000s of years, when has gold and silver truly died?

...That's what I thought.

>> No.1370035

I just bought DUST and JDST. Also, through up some options for EPE. Betting on oil and betting against gold. The rally is over. Hedge funds will be dumping their shares come monday. Watch the futures for the decline. It is done guys. A lot of novice buyers in the gold market right now. People are just skiddish because of all the bullshit with brexit causing low interest rates and what not. Its total manipulation. Once the dumping starts, other people who were looking to get rich quick will be scared out of their positions. Watch JNUG hit 250 quicker than you can say nigger..

>> No.1371003
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/biz/ is like the bizarro version of any serious and respectable finance forum. Do the opposite to what you heard here.

>/biz/raelis said to buy eth.
>Don't invest on silver, is retarded.

>> No.1371006

When do you think its a good time to sell DUST? I got in at 5.59

>> No.1371013


I think people are going to flock to gold until the FED meeting in September. Then there's probably going to be a correction in the market. I think gold will continue to have a positive trend at least two months more.

But then again I had a few VXX stocks yesterday and gambled on worse than expected numbers. That was a bad call.

>> No.1372362

Gold price will go up to $2,000: the Fed’s rate hikes, the currency war and the secular stagnation

This blog predicted the gold boom in Jan.

>> No.1372589

>I think gold will continue to have a positive trend at least two months more.
Traders are going to try to thrash it downward because facilitating this is favorable to macro-market minded capital operators. Technically it seems more likely to start heading towards $1,300 than not during the next two months, but then again I could easily be underestimating demand. On that note my 20 year gold high estimate of $3,500 could be way too low. Maybe $8,000 is more likely. It's starting to look like anarchy is coming.

>> No.1372590

So whats a good plan of action? Sell physical gold for now, buy DUST, and then switch back to physical gold in September before the Fed announces it's plans?

>> No.1372855

Or, just keep steadily accumulating Gold, Ignore the dips and wait for the collapsining.