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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 862x245, 1467917645821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1368440 No.1368440 [Reply] [Original]

http://trumpcoin.com (trumpcoin.rocks until its updated again)

During Donald Trump’s campaign towards becoming the next President of the United States, Trumpcoin has been set up as a campaign donation project. 200,000 Trumpcoins ( the so-called Trump Fund) have been set aside for this specific purpose.

Trumpcoin is a cryptocurrency that trades on numerous exchanges online. The price of Trumpcoin is dictated by the supply and demand of traders on these exchanges, much like a stock market. What this means is that the higher the value of a Trumpcoin becomes, the higher the dollar value of the Trump Fund becomes.



>TrumpCoin finished 8th out of 50 coins and is being considered for the beta!
Be sure to email the exchange frequently to consider Trumpcoin for the beta admin@rawx.io


>What is TrumpCoin?

>Introducing: TrumpCoin


>Low-energy Ron Paul talking about Ron Paul Coin


>> No.1368459

technical analysis fag here, even tho crypto isn't exactly like forex/stock, there is strong signs of a huge uptrend

>> No.1368465

I love the stability Trumpcoin is showing right now. Those insane value rises and drops have proven themselves to be too much for many bag holders, so I think a steady value increase is preferable to steep increases, at this time.

>> No.1368470


It's survived about 2 short period dumps by large bag holders and it also survived the long weekend of mistakes which shows really helps reduce risk because it can hold its ground

>> No.1368474

I need to check the chain but I imagine there's some decent distribution of coins outside say, the tip 25 wallets

>> No.1368504


Yesterday one of the bigger bag holders sold and the price only dropped about 1k which is a fair trade off for more distribution among the lower percentiles

>> No.1368509
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>> No.1368540


Yep and the coin still holds strong. You know how many times we've heard that Trumpcoin is finished? Lol. Damn straight the coin is resilient.

This is why is no "reasonable" trades in crypto. It's so unpredictable and volatile that you really need balls of steel to trade.

Unless of course, it's Trumpcoin ;) Then all you gotta do is buy and hold.

>> No.1368544

agreem calm before the storm

>> No.1368570

I want it to drop to 4 or 3 so I can buy more.

>> No.1368578
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>> No.1368603

My wife's son and I saw Donald Trump at a grocery store in Manhattan yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for specifics on his policies about fiat or the federal reserve.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken back, and all I could say was “Gold Standar...” but he kept cutting me off and going “TrumpCoin! TrumpCoin! TrumpCoin!”

and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle with the secret services as I walked off.

When I came to EBT for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen American Flag Zebra Cakes in his hands without paying (apparently he owned the store or something)

The trans at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.”
At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the cakes and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me.

I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each cake and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.1368660

How is the halving going to affect Trumpcoin?

>> No.1368661

Donald trump..........

>> No.1368774

So when is the vote for the new dev team?

>> No.1368778


>> No.1368788



Kill Yourself.

>> No.1368790


Well if the prices of BTC rises because of the halving (which is a real possibility) people will take their money out of their alt coin and hold their bitcoins, so every alt coin will take a hit, including Trumpcoin.

No on really knows, buts its my best guess.

>> No.1368791


The feels I get when I see UO.

>> No.1368796

After halving miners in china will flood the market to drive price down to take over miniing industry price will dip after halving despite what everyone thinks

>> No.1368798


thats a pretty big speculation.

>> No.1368801
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Theres also the upcoming bitcoin core and classic delimma wich could send price temporarily spiraling


>> No.1368835

Donald Bump

>> No.1368838
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Bonald dump

>> No.1368875
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This scam is fucking textbook. Even /biz/ isn't stupid enough to fall for this shit.

>> No.1368890

Nocoiner cope

>> No.1368903
File: 12 KB, 250x250, youtube_profile-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the T2A server? If so, that's crazy because I was just talking to my friend about it earlier.

Also, MAGA.

>> No.1368905
File: 28 KB, 138x138, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the... fuck?

>> No.1368909

I've only seen the Ryan Gosling version til now. Gets me everytime.

>> No.1369033


>> No.1369181

it looks like either uoforever or uo gamers, not sure which haven't played in a while, but they are pub 16 servers (pre aos).
.com site is purchased and on the way..stay cope

>> No.1369276

>came to EBT for my stuff

>> No.1369279

Any chance investors would pull out of bitcoin due to uncertainty about the halving and put it into altcoins
(not a trumpcoin specific question)

>> No.1369289

Why are you telling me to cope? You're the idiots falling for this pump and dump.

>> No.1369316

Of course they have. Load up now before they invest more and raise the price so you can get amazing gains!

>> No.1369377

>last 3 bars on yobit 12 hour chart
what did they mean by this?

>> No.1369395

They meant that the weak hands are weaker than the strong hands, which are stronger than the weak hands.

>> No.1369407

It's interesting ive been trying to find some correlation, and honestly when btc goes up, it doesn't matter, trumpcoin is not effected (as of now) and when bitcoin goes down trump is not effected.

It's starting to look like it has a mind of its own.

Certainly fundamentals will play some part, but as of now, btc and trump is in no way correlated. The recent btc dump shows this.

It's very interesting, probably the most unique market out there.

>> No.1369421

Price is a fuckin trooper considering we are less than a weak from pump and FUD chicken shit fiasco. no worries there.

What concerns me is the volume.Absolute trash coins like put in and chess (lol) have way more. Odd

>> No.1369501

the spread between buy orders and sell orders is 1000 SATS atm..


>> No.1369573

I know it's a buzzphrase but this is just the calm before the storm for Trumpcoin. All those other shit coins can have all the volume they want as they had to 1 Satoshi (chesscoin, put in, etc)

>> No.1369577
File: 65 KB, 431x378, Drake - If You're Reading This It's Too Late [ChattChitto RG] Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in now lads, we got crystals and rockets and the shirts

>> No.1369591


It's hit or miss with the voulme. The volume will decline today and for the next couple of days because Signal said he will be announcing a major update within about a week. He's not teasing or hyping anything so volume has pretty much settled until more plans and information are revealed.

If you look at the coin a couple of days ago when the chicken event was sorted out you'll see the volume had greatly picked up

I believe after the update you will see a lot more activity so this might be an ideal time to get in although it's hard to tell in these situations

>> No.1369597


>> No.1369616


If Signal7 is telling the truth (and I am 95% sure he is) then we are in for a wild ride and you are best hopping in NOW if you have been on fence with this project.

This coin is putting on its big boy shoes and by the way its moving, if the dev team pulls together we are looking at top 50 easy.

>> No.1369643

We need to launch dat marketing campaign that one lad was gonna do SEO and shit.
Wheres the video guy been :/ ?

>> No.1369658
File: 305 KB, 597x304, 3242342351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On the forums Signal said they will be using the week to announce a big update on everything. They will be running a poll to pick and assign new dev members who likely are working or have their plans developed already

They're going for a more transparent holistic approach this second time around because anymore large botches like last week would likely kill the coin

They're not going to provide any unnecessary hype so a little patience will be needed until then

>> No.1369674

I'm always around bud but I don't want to release out of date videos

Just waiting to see where the coin is going but I can already tell you that the direction is up

>> No.1369687

Did anything ever come of that "how to buy" video that was talked about? Where even a retard could follow the steps?

Nice to see your still lurking lad. Your videos are hype machines, I hope we get a new one soon

>> No.1369695

Thanks bud :)

Yeah its still gonna drop, just holding onto it until everythings all put into place. Leadership, security and all that takes priority and that way I can make sure the video contents fit the new direction of TrumpCoin

>> No.1369720

*drop as in release ahah

not referring to price there

>> No.1369733


>> No.1369824

Looking to get into a relatively new, undervalued coin.

Putin exposed as scam today (dev holds sooo many coins)

Chess headed to 1 Satoshi.

coexist seemed comfy but no volume and lots of pajeets

Is trump right for me? if not what should I dump 1btc I'm? this will be tonight sometime

>> No.1369926

I dabbled in coexist lad, seemed like a bunch of hippies having a goodntime, but sadly (much like hippies irl) it's just too low energy.

Give trumpcoin a shot, lots of cool things on the table, the project is going to be run like a business soon.

Only invest what you can afford to lose

>> No.1369969
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when bitbobb comes thru

>> No.1369984
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>> No.1369986
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>> No.1369988
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>> No.1369989
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>> No.1369990
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>> No.1369993

>people still thinking this is going to take off

If you didn't sell for 20k+ last week, well you're never going to see that again,

>> No.1369996
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>> No.1369997


It's not too late to buy.

>> No.1370002
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>> No.1370007

BelfordCoin when?

>> No.1370008
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I already sold.

>> No.1370009

You are a smart guy then.
Time to do it buy low sell high one more time then.

>> No.1370014

maybe, one day, people will think about you when having a bad day

>> No.1370016
File: 156 KB, 900x1180, 1467655694508-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. It'll pump so fast we'll bypass 20k and go straight to 50k.

Buy now or cope later. Screenshot this.

>> No.1370019

There is so much more upside to risk taking in this country than downside when it comes to business.

>> No.1370025

you're telling me that even though I bought at near ATH due to euphoria and sleep deprivation I can still doubled my money!? Trump may be truly the maker of dreams.

>> No.1370029
File: 15 KB, 256x256, 1467771744420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some big announcements coming out, and the Alex Jones appearance is still in play according to Signal7 which is what caused the jump to 30k sat

we're still getting started anon

>> No.1370037

we were a 5th if the way to a dollar a coin based on a maybe sorta kinda speculation of a guy talking on Alex Jones.
let that sink in

>> No.1370039
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shame on me

>> No.1370055

Is it on poloniex yet? I'll buy some when it's on poloniex

>> No.1370060

not yet and trumpcoin might be pretty expensive when it's on poloniex.
yobit isn't that bad..

>> No.1370061

It'll never be on polo. It's not even on trex.

>> No.1370064

Enjoy getting it when it's 10x the price.
That'll be when polo realizes they dun goofed and want some of this volume action.
and believe me folks, they will come begging

>> No.1370066


If the dev team pulls their shit together this coin will make history and hit top 10. Guaranteed.

>> No.1370069

As soon as I read this I immediately came and started farming.


>> No.1370070

I almost fell for this bait. Nice try lad

>> No.1370074

Forgot the p in trump lol, good quote nonetheless.

>> No.1370084
File: 73 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every 1000 trumpcoins you own is 1 pump in Ivanka.
How many pumps do you get and will you finish?

>> No.1370085

thanks mate

>> No.1370108

3 pumps, yes...and I choose your pic related instead.


>> No.1370116
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>> No.1370139
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>> No.1370180

I would not pump in Ivanka.
Fucking 3dpd.

>> No.1370229

Is there a android wallet app for trumpcoin? My computer broke but I want to buy the dip.

>> No.1370232

1000 coins and yes :^)

>> No.1370236
File: 15 KB, 1278x158, signal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

signal hypes me up even when he's not trying to

>> No.1370268

Hey guys, how many trumpcoins should I buy? Also, how much do you expect it to jump to?

>> No.1370270

Only what you can afford
nobody knows, good team taking over and coin has shown promise.
I personally believe 1usd per coins but again, nobody knows lad

>> No.1370323

Is Trumpcoin becoming a physical organization/fondation or is already anybody know?
If it isn't yet well >>1370268
lots of potential.

>> No.1370353


>> No.1370376


We've always told people to sell if they feel it's the right time. No one here is telling anyone to dump their life savings and wait for a million dollars

What we do recommend if the coin really takes off is to sell a proportion of your stake at a certain price point that equals your initial investment so that way you cover any risk while still exposing yourself to the potential larger gains that could come from holding

Gotta balance the risk and reward

>> No.1370381
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A lot of people have really good small ideas and if everyone helps out it's a team effort which makes the coin more successful and thus raises more funds for Trump


Only invest what you're comfortable with. Do not put in extra money that will make you feel uncomfortable. You'll be posting on the forums here daily probably worrying about the price if drops a little and that stress is not good for your or the community

No one knows where the price could go so what's best for you to do is to decide on a price point where you will see some of your coins to cover what you put in and then hold the rest

However you may opt for a different route, I do not know how you think so you should be able to decide what you're comfortable with


More information to come this week. They are setting up an anonymous polling system to elect new dev/team members for various positions and people will be able to state their case in the forums

They are aiming for as much transparency and democracy as possible as the community is the driving force behind the coin's success

>> No.1370383
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I did that with 300,000 coins and dev got mad at me sent me this message

>> No.1370405

My newbie speculation is that this coin will go to $5 max assuming Donald doesn't mention it. 200k TrumpCoins will mean $1 million USD to the campaign. Expected time of delivery: October. Results may vary.

>> No.1370414


Yes everyone is aware of Chicken's tantrum from last weekend but we are moving forward to elect a new team that will be transparent and the polling system will give more strength to the community

Bitinator again I'm confused by your point here. You know the details of all of this so I'm sure you'd already know what my answer would be in response to that

>> No.1370417

i think that is a bit out of order. i know chicken was a bit loopy, but trying to dictate to individuals what they should do isn't on. if you held 5% of trump, good for you, i'd manipulate the price too.

what did he mean by 'i... won't put your coins in escrow'?

>> No.1370421

That's abouthe a 30 million market cap, I have it peaking between 25 and 50 million cap, so right there with you lad

>> No.1370427


Chicken is a smalltime DJ and clearly does not understand market dynamics of crypto. I think he realized he is out of his depth for a project like this and has backed off and cooled down.

>> No.1370432

I don't think he realized it, I think he had it rammed down his throat.

If he hand't done V2 swap and his tantrum, we'd be at $1 already.

(That being said, without him we'd have nothing.)

>> No.1370435

What will trump coin max value be at you think /biz

>> No.1370438

Something like Doge.

Doge is nothing but a meme. Trump is the meme of our lifetimes.

>> No.1370439

I actually think the devs should get in touch with the Doge coin devs. Kind of like a napster facebook thing.

>> No.1370441

I see it being like the Paul coin

>> No.1370443

Eh... I love Ron Paul, be he's not near the global phenomenon Trump is.

>> No.1370447

Doge's lowed was ≈1.6 mill market cap.

Highest around 70 mill market cap.

Trumps highest in its ≈3 month existance was ≈800k.

Doge is a picture of a dog. Trump is the future leader of the free world. Just contemplate that.

>> No.1370454

Actually trumps highest was over 1 mil

>> No.1370458


>> No.1370462

You can just buy on the exchange and leave your coins on there until your pc is fixed

>> No.1370464

Ron Paul coin was 10 dollars or higher for 30 days!


B) hes a low energy candidate with low energy memes
B) this was 2 years ago when crypto/btc was harder to bring in new entries, more people are at least aware of crypto now, so the bridge will be easier to gap.

I'm gonna say the $10 Ron Paul was at least above for A MONTH, divided by 12 (550k marketcap vs 6.5mil) times a conservative 5 (multiplied that include crpto being more well known, Trump being more polarizing and his memes being all over the place).

>4.16 a coin or higher for 15-30 days or so prior to November

Screencap this and my wallet address so I can get le credit :^)

>> No.1370466

I'm just going by this senpai.


>> No.1370471

As 6 figure Trump holder, I hope you're right but....

Crypto has changed since then. Doge was a one trick pony, just like Ron coin was. The worlds seen that already.

Trump has an edge because he's so popular. How many doge's have popped up since doge?

>> No.1370474

hm well on yobit the high was .00028300, which at current btc price gives about 1.1 mil, but coinmarket cap probably takes the average of all exchanges

>> No.1370476


>> No.1370479

Anytime I've looked at my stash during a pump and was like "dang thats a lot of money cash the fuck out." I take a look at the volume.

I'd be lucky to the 70% sold before the price would take a shit.

Trumps a 3+ month hold for me.

>> No.1370485

Im gonna start slowly liquidating once the price gets high enough

>> No.1370490

Enough time has passed and not only is Trump a meme, hes also a political candidate now.

The coin hit 20 cents (even if you say due to volume you would get 15 if you liquidated at the moment) on the news of a POTENTIAL Alex Jones caller (not even alex himself).

15 cents on a POTENTIAL MENTION, thats with a shitty site, a pajeet mod (good intentions but a retard) no marketing/seo etc yet

Imagine when you can buy shit with Trumpcoins (even if only trumpmerch and kratom, whatev, Imagine when the .com site is actually really impressive, imagine when we capture multiple first page keywords, and imagine when some lib cuck on NPR on your drive to work decides to mention it and put down Trump like they always do (they claim to be neutral, pfft).

$4 is my conservative estimate, and the ONLY thing that could impede that is time, a lot of people see the end of the election as the end of the magic (I dont).

I know - lots of parenthesis, but I'm at like an 8 right now.

>> No.1370493

I hope you're right.

Signal7 has his shit together.

I could happen.

>> No.1370494

Goddamn that pajeet had me so pissed.

Playing with my money is like playing with my emotions.

>> No.1370496

I really believe in signal, hes looking damn professional right now.. Im just so anxious and excited for whats to come

>> No.1370500

Who are you mofucks anyway?

ToadKing here.

>> No.1370510


>> No.1370511

Do you ever sleep dawg? haha

Do you think Bitbob is a senior citizen?

>> No.1370514

he said his tshirt size is L/XL, so he's a big guy 4 us for sure, which means he may be in hist 40s or something i imagine

>> No.1370516

top jaj

>> No.1370519

Seems like he actually might do some good... not very internet hip though.

>> No.1370524

I live in the us lol and the trump thread has been slow recently so i need this place for my daily dose of trumpcoin, idk about bitbobb but i like him

>> No.1370528

i dunno man, since his post in this thread i just feel like going to his utopia in the us of a and working for him in and mine quartz. and every night before going to bed with the other workers in our dormitories he'd come and gently caress my head and tell me "you worked good today my child" and you guys probably don't wanna hear what follows

>> No.1370532

What's the current price in dollars?

>> No.1370535

Burger as well.

He just makes me nervous because its too easy to get a rise out of him. That was chickens prob. Like when he kept responding to that pirate fuck.

I hope signal guards things.

If nothing else, TCs been fucking hilarious.

(TK phone)

>> No.1370536

at .000079 ( the average between the spread on yobit)
its .05 dollars

>> No.1370537


but if you can, google "trumpcoin price" and click the link.
thattll help boost the chances of someone typiing in trump, it will show "trumpcoin" as those related searches that pop up when typing in the search bar.

>> No.1370539

90 dollars

>> No.1370559

that high quality quartz shit was hilarious nonsense. i imagine he's like one of those 'Freemen' who annoy the local police when they get pulled over because they believe they can opt out of the Constitution. What the fuck is an 'unbanked'? i don't doubt he's a sincere and honest dude, and would be a pleasant guy to have a beer with, but he's a bit out-there with his Perfect Frequency Crystals.

although Frequency Crystals is a good biz idea. i heard of a cafe near Area 51, where the woman sells you a drink and puts a stone in it to give you a certain energy to revive you. you can choose what stone for your different needs. it seems rock-based energy drinks is an underdeveloped market.

>> No.1370577

My biggest issue is there is no way english is his first language - even if he was trailer trash he wouldnt type with that type of syntax. I've dealt a lot with Indians/Pakis and it reminds me so much of that type of communcation

>> No.1370584

he seems like a successful business person, English a first language. American no doubt.

>> No.1370586


>> No.1370590

hi Bob

>> No.1370596


You're onto something with the NPR story thing. If there's a major media outlet reporting on Trumpcoin, it'll surely explode. The problem is getting anyone in the media to be interested in Trumpcoin as a story.

To achieve this, I propose a concerted effort to make Trumpcoin as provocative as possible. Just like r/The_donald is /pol/ on reddit, we need Trumpcoin to be /pol/coin. Start memeing moonman killing niggers and stealing their Trumpcoin, anything you can do to make Trumpcoin look like a neo-nazi, mysoginst, evil currency. If you can make it terrible enough, liberal media outlets will report on Trumpcoin hoping it will damage the Trump campaign, and we get rich in the process. It's the only way.

>> No.1370606


I mentioned r/the_donald because MSNBC did a story on that subreddit when they knew they could tie it to a r/theredpill and /pol/ to paint everyone as a rapist neo-nazi. I don't know if anyone else followed the resulting mod drama. Either way it bought exposure, which is the #1 thing Trumpcoin needs.

>> No.1370611

We don't want to premature ejaculate here though, we have to wait for the dev election and the fund to be secured before we try getting more attention

>> No.1370614

Agreed. At MINIMUM - the .com has to be PERFECT and a video on how to step by step by this coin from zero knowledge of crypto.

Those two things at a minimum.

>> No.1370675

video's on its way

>> No.1370691

> Create a craigslist advert selling something politically incorrect or nazi-related that fits the anti-trump narrative, stating on the ad you want to be paid in TRUMPCOIN.

> Post it to reddit/r/EnoughTrumpSpam

> Watch it get thousands of upvotes

> Bathe in sweet TRUMPs

>> No.1370726

Is Circle a good place?
Trumpcoin site recommends, but bad reviews all over..

>> No.1370734

Circle.com is tip top - however localbitcoins is always the fastest way to get the most btc, saldy most neets hate the idea of talking to another human bean.

>> No.1370738
File: 114 KB, 1300x1300, faucet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone create a faucet yet? Interested in making one for TrumpCoin in my freetime. Thinking the Yobit API would suffice for withdrawal and depositing of TrumpCoins.


Any anon interested in making a background graphic for it? I'm thinking literally a faucet with TrumpCoins coming out of it, like image attached though not infringement of any copyrights. Ideally, it's two parts, one vertical part that includes the faucets and the coins coming out and then a horizontal pipe portion that can be extended indefinitely so it works with various resolutions.

Full Disclosure: I'm thinking of putting my own referall links to Yobit and C-Cex. Also thinking of adding in AdSense as well.

>> No.1370740

Paid captcha solves may generate money to keep refilling the faucet too

>> No.1370756

If anyone is keeping up with it, about 8 hours til BTC halvening - could impact altcoin prices.

>> No.1370892

So we going to tha moon?

>> No.1370895

You're going to the moon, yes. But the moon happens to be at the opposite side of Earth right now, so you're going straight down.. to the moon.

>> No.1370963

What's the actual source on this? I can't even tineye it.

>> No.1371005



When this.

>> No.1371153

I went into yobit and anytime someone posted
>Putin GO GO
I posted Puting Stop Stop

>putin going to moon - buy buy
I posted Putin going to 1 sat- sell sell

Go 24 hour ban.

So you can only spam if you're promoting?

>> No.1371179

lmao /r/enoughtrumpspam on reddit, they were shilling bernie like theres no tommorow and they still lost, and they say spam is bad

>> No.1371229


Signal said there would be a large update/announcement this week with everything explained step by step

>> No.1371281


>> No.1371315

nah just a lull in new while everythings being positioned

great price to enter on, shits gonna get unreal in a couple weeks

>> No.1371316


>> No.1371323

entire biz board has been sleepy the last few days, no worries

>> No.1371326

Why in a couple of weeks? I've seen that they are making t shirts, is there much more planned?

>> No.1371328

no, I have a plan.

>> No.1371330

that's autonomous from the devs, they're just taking their time so there's no more hiccups in leadership which is good
if you do I reckon wait til after all the new dev stuff is sorted, better to promote when there's more stability visible for new investors

>> No.1371332

last thing we need is another heap of goons with english as a second language who buy high and end up psychopathically opposed to trumpcoin because there's hype/panic drama and it goes down for a day or two

>> No.1371335

ok I will wait a week.

>> No.1371343

I do think as far as marketing is concerned people should try to take a leaf out of trumps book and utilize the power of SJW virtue signalling as he was doing at the beginning of his campaign.

>> No.1371345

What should noneuropeans know about trumpcoin? Difficulties in buying etc. Basically the differences.

>> No.1371347

ahaha i'm very much looking forward to implementing that when we kick off, got some plans on how to do that

>> No.1371351

>entire political campaign is over in under 120 days
>campaign donation has to come significantly before that
>devs keep making announcement about "this are coming next week xD"

I'm a large holder, but I'm considering taking profits. This coin has huge potential, but time is becoming a factor.

Objective thoughts?

>> No.1371352

Crap. I meant non-westerners.

>> No.1371353

you're panicking

>> No.1371355

I thought the same, but i figured we don't need that much time to get to the media; one big mention, event, and its going to spread quickly. Signal should release an update today, or in a few though

>> No.1371362

I agree, and controversy is the way to do it. It doesn't have to be good publicity.

think: "Trump supporters using trump cryptocurrency to fund --insertpoliticallyincorrectthinghere--"

>> No.1371364

I'm thinking something anti-BLM. That's pretty hot right now.

>> No.1371365


The way I see it, if Trump is not elected the meme will turn stale and the coins worthless faster than you can say dump Trump. If, on the other hand, he wins the presidency, the coins might go on to gain notoriety and value for years.

>> No.1371370

Thats why we rally the people up to support the coin during the campaign, in order to help secure Trump's victory.

>> No.1371376

Yes, the infighting wasn't all bad, drama caused some interesting on its own.

The next round needs to be outrage from people who would never invest anyway.

Fuck it. Maybe memes saying BLM and muslims are not welcome to invest in trump.

>> No.1371378

Absolutely, shit needs to be rolling next week at the latest.

>> No.1371393

Are they going to get it added to more exchanges soon? Something more reputable like poloniex

>> No.1371396

Probably once the dev is elected and the trump fund is secured; basically once we are an organized project

>> No.1371413


More like announcement within the week, not a couple weeks


They are working on their plans right now as fast and efficiently as they can. Yes there is a lot of work to be done soon but there will be quality people leading this initiative


Very true, just got to get the ball rolling bit by bit and then it could catch waves


Negative press isn't going to be as good as you think. It'll grab attention, true, but this is also a fundraising project for the Trump campaign and that is the ultimate goal


In the works right after they roll out the new development team announcements along with the marketing plans and other ideas

There is a lot to be done and they understand the concern of getting the coin on other exchanges

>> No.1371418

Daily reminder.. hell, do I even have to say it?

Hahahaha.. wew TC'ers.

>> No.1371427

say it anyway. Looks like btc halved and nothing really changed..

*pokes bitcoin*
> do something

>> No.1371474


We have plenty of time. Crypto does not act like ordinary stocks, its the stock market on steroids and on fast forward. 1 little possible media mention sent this thing to 1 million marketcap within a day.

The devs need to absolutely make sure that their platform is clean and professional before making it out to the media. Now everyone knows, including Chicken65 that this is a very serious project and they will be taking their time to make it so. And I hope they do.

Signal7 is updating us on the forum and things are moving very smoothly. As an early seed investor I am extremely happy at these developments, and I am confident that if the professionalism and dedication continues we will have a coin that hits top 50 marketcap.

>> No.1371486

I've asked this question in a few trumpcoin generals of the last few weeks and no one can seem to come up with a real answer.

I don't think anyone here even understands the question either. I think what he's getting at is that no one can actually take this seriously as a donation platform because there is no set date for when a donation will be made and for any donation to actually benefit the campaign it would have to be made as early in the campaign as possible. It wouldn't make any sense to make a donation in November of even October/September.

Also, what happens after the donation is made? I'd imagine that the value would plummet as the coin has served it's purpose. I don't understand at all when people say that they'll be holding into November

>> No.1371491

Chicken65 is a joke.

>> No.1371503

I've advocated that the fund should be kept at 200k, the larger the fund the more it will impact the price once it's liquidated.(As opposed to chicken who wants to increase the size; which will ultimately lead to the project being killed after the fund is liquidated.

Its also been suggested that once the fund is liquidated and the proceeds donated that the fund will then be re-filled slowly to 200k and the a new project will be targeted to do another round of donations (a pro-trump charity, a politician who stood with trump the entire time is up for rel-election, etc)

Keeping the fund relatively low, and rinsing and repeating the donation aspect once a years enables the project to live on forever.

It truly is the first campaign funding coin. Others have donated with BTC, sure, but naming a clone of the BTC technlogy after the main benefactor of the funding is a genius idea.

In addition, we need to promote the other things the coin offers (regardless if every other coin offers it, it's still a featuer) - you can send money anywhere in the world with Trumpcoin and Trump is an international business man so that can be used ESPECIALLY if he becomes president. Trumpcoin also is a storage of value, accrues interest, can be used to purchase stuff (eventually) etc.

If we are attempting to bring i new adapters to crypto, they aren't going to respond with "but other coins do that to" they are going to see it as a true feature.

>> No.1371543

Hrmmm. Have you told this to the people in charge?
longevity can separate us from the other altshit coins, trumps not going anywhere win or lose - why full stop the coin at all?

>you are now a moderator of Trumpcoin

>> No.1371558

I really like the idea of a perpetual coin that could be used to fund projects. I hope it would also enable bitbobbs rise to power as a mineral farming overlord.

>> No.1371600

Change the name to RightCoin

use it to battle the leftist disease by taking donations that fund right wing and conservative minded projects around the world and not just the American presidential election. America isn't the only country that needs support. Make the donation funds capped at a percentage of the market cap or something so liquidation doesn't mess up the value too bad, and so that the more the coin is worth, the more money the project gets. As the coin grows more projects could be supported simultaneously. And maybe some projects wouldn't be as urgent as a presidential election and could be cashed out more slowly over a few months instead of all at once.

>> No.1371605

>you sold your trumps cause you learned about poo in loo and trump look doom losing 80 percent of investment

>> No.1371607

Right now, Trumpcoin is the only way for a non-US-citizen to donate to Trump's campaign.

It should be marketed to foreigners in this regard.

>> No.1371622

it's illegal for a foreigner to donate, but it's not illegal for them to buy something that will raise the price of other people's same somethings. must clarify that or we will grt dvda'd by regulatory body

>> No.1371633

I said same shit about keeping fund at 200k to signal7 on BTC talk.

He agrees.

Chicken fuck wanted to hard fork to increase to like 500k or something. No chance of that happening now.

>> No.1371635


Chicken has finally wised up now to the potential of the coin and how his fuckery wasn't helping out. Thankfully we also found out he wasn't Pajeet and is actually who he says he is

While Signal is leading this for now he has also stated that the anonymous polling will dictate who truly is in charge. So even he could technically no longer run things if we voted him out too and I like the idea of that (although I'd never vote for him to leave) because they are really pushing for a clean cut operation and that's what the coin seriously needs. They are working hard and they have a lot to accomplish


I think we should keep the original 200k fund and then have donation options/store options available that will help contribute to the fund. That way it encourages activity and commitment from the community and doesn't dilute the value of the donation fund

You're right though, this is a very unique idea and I'm very excited to see the new development team be elected along with people posting their applications with their ideas


We need bitbob to mine all the moon rocks and minerals


That's a smart idea


This is also important and I believe the website will be updated to explain and go that angle too. It's a great way to show that the world supports Trump

>> No.1371641

Chicken needs to be voted the fuck away. All his BTC talk threads need to be deleted.

"Didn't the Dev like freak out and move the fund one time?"

"Yeah, he has nothing to do with the project anymore though."

>> No.1371643

If the fund is open to donations without registration, the SuperPAC/devs will get a problem, because they can't prove no foreigners donated.

Good for a media scandal, though, in the wake of "Trump supporters trying to funnel foreign money into the campaign", thereby attracting attention to the coin.

>> No.1371649
File: 3 KB, 125x82, 1467301473062s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You'll need to suggest that in the forums but you'll need to frame it nicely as there are still people and bag holders that are in support of chicken.

It'd be best to meet somewhere in the middle and suggest the two threads be closed and the new one launched when the new team has been voted upon


Honestly I think the superpac idea should be ditched and just allow foreign donations to come in. It'd be a unique way to show that the internet has Trump supporters coming together

There are certainly pros and cons for each option so maybe there will be a vote on that too

>> No.1371650

may be covered under the foreign subsidiaries of local companies being allowed

>> No.1371677

The charitable/alternative cause donation could also be a back up angle if the campaign did acknowledge the coin but refused to accept due to foreigners or any other reason.

>> No.1371687


Well Chicken is technically the Founder of Trumpcoin. I am sure we can find a place for him that plays to his strengths.

>> No.1371717
File: 148 KB, 920x499, worldclassbusinesscoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does TrumpCoin have a SuperPAC registered with the FEC?

>> No.1371736


DJ/Tour Manager/Promoter

Needs to do a live on stream concert fundraiser

>> No.1371879
File: 305 KB, 800x450, MORE SEVERE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the perfect scam, they've formulated the whole thing so that anyone trying to warn them is dismissed as filthy liberals. They have so perfectly taken advantage of blind internet tribalism, and it only suckers in Trump supporters, it's absolutely brilliant

>> No.1371888


How is it a scam?

>> No.1371890

>everyone ALWAYS posts "due your own DD, Never invest more than you can afford to lose"
pick one

>> No.1371901


Yeah I've never really understood that. No one here is encouraging people to put their emergency fund and savings into this

And if people aren't interested we don't really say anything else unless they're clearly trying to troll. Everyone here is pretty relaxed about selling. There was the occasion when Chicken was talking out of his ass but we've all acknowledged that and are moving on

Everyone here wants to see the coin and campaign succeed

>> No.1371947

Why have we not shilled based trumpcoin on /r/thedonald yet? I know its le reddit and shit, but they might actually bite

>> No.1371957

Does trumpcoin actually accrue interest when its in your wallet? if yes, at what percentage?

>> No.1371961


2% annual (Proof of Stake)

>> No.1371991

does this come in yearly, monthly or is it constant?

>> No.1372003
File: 105 KB, 507x338, 71041064-businessman-counting-money-gettyimages[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw made $1000 on Yocoin already

How's your Trumpcoin profit, guys?

>> No.1372073

really really good lad.
few g's

>> No.1372078

$1500 senpai (so far)
and I dont think chicken posts on the thread anymore

>> No.1372122
File: 9 KB, 239x498, 1460749473832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people do this?

>> No.1372135

The mods said it was a scam..

>> No.1372143

No clue, maybe to slowly buy or make the price look good idk
Only one mod said that, and he doesn't speak for the whole board

>> No.1372188

to make the order book look "strong" entice people to buy in. Or drown out a sell order that could scare viewers of the book

>> No.1372256
File: 86 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you guys are buying cuz i am tha thing will moon to 3$+ people who get in now will profit the most

>> No.1372294

4.13 a coin lad, we did the math

>> No.1372295

I really cant wait to see whats in store for this coin; it's so exciting

>> No.1372311

40 bucks a coin mate, whats your math

>> No.1372313

shiiit 40 dollars a coin and im buying a lambo or ferrari

>> No.1372322

You guys don't know shit.
Trumpcoin will obviously surpass bitcoin in terms of dollar value.

>> No.1372331


i think i'd actually cry

>> No.1372333

Posting from earlier

RonPaul coin was 10 dollars or higher for a total of 30 days!


a) hes a low energy candidate with low energy memes when compared to how Trump's face is literally everywhere online/social media
b) this was 2 years ago when cryptocurrency/bitcoin was harder to bring in new entries, more people are at least aware of cryptocurrency now, so the bridge will be easier to gap.

I'm gonna say the $10 Ron Paul was at least above for A MONTH, divided by 12 (550k marketcap vs 6.5mil) times a conservative 5 (multiplier that includes crypto being more well known, Trump being more polarizing and his internet presence being all over the place).

(10.00 / 12)*5 = 4.17 - and like I mentioned I'm being very conservative in my estimates of how much more well known crypto and trump is today.

>> No.1372336

i'd say trumpcoin could easily reach ethereum's peak if it gets publicised

>> No.1372339

4.17 is my conservative estimate m8 :^)

Let's do our part to ensure it's much higher!

>> No.1372341


>> No.1372342

I think 5 is extremely generous actually.

>> No.1372347

Trump is about 50 times more notable than Ron Paul ever was at his peak, I'd say 5 is conservative

>> No.1372349

first decentralized super pac, thats pretty big

>> No.1372365

do you even math? It's basically confirmed

>> No.1372380

constant while you have staking enabled (i.e. having your wallet unencrypted)

>> No.1372389

>yfw you are accruing 3 TrumpCoins a day thru staking which is the equivalent of what will be $15 a day in a few month

>> No.1372401

I reserved trump_coin on instagram, if we want to use that later. Trumpcoin was already taken though.

>> No.1372403

Nice work lad
>literally who
has trumpcoin username?

>> No.1372447

Good Job Bro

>> No.1372458

Eternal thanks for creating it.... I bet he's a rad dude.

However, internet requires a different set of social skills hasn't developed. Trumping doesn't have enough time for him to get it together.

>> No.1372463

How many coins you all holding?

Currently I'm sitting at 316 but wondering if I should buy more now

>> No.1372504

isn't that like $10? get committed to the project lad. i have c.45k.

>> No.1372546

when does the voting begin?

>> No.1372551

Are there any shops out there accepting trumpcoin as payment?

>> No.1372698

I, sadly, only have a mere 15,000 coins. It'll be a nice payout, but nothing to retire on unfortunately.

>> No.1372701
File: 121 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get like me bro

>> No.1372702

woah. I'm jealous

>> No.1372740


Are you the top holder?

>> No.1372750

No theres people w more than me i moved mine to seperate wallets of 20,000ish coins each

>> No.1372763


Well if you believe the price is going to go up in the near future with the announcements soon to come it might not be a bad idea

>> No.1372837

Does my wallet have to be open to accrue interest?

>> No.1372867


Yes and it has to be synced

>> No.1372868
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>> No.1372874

Alright then, guess that means i'll never turn off my PC

>> No.1372879

it's actually healthier for your computer if you don't turn it off.

>> No.1372884

not very healthy for my power bill though

>> No.1372887

priorities, I guess

computers aren't that power hungry

>> No.1372908

no its not faggot, the heat will destroy it faster

I would know i left my pc on all the time and it blew out my psu, it was a $70 psu so kinda budget but still.

Even laptops i think would decrease life faster because of heat

>> No.1372939

computer components are designed to "fire" every time you turn them on. It's increasingly more dangerous to turn on/off them it is is to leave them on.
an idle computer not running anything to significant uses negligible power, unless your a poverty fag, it's not a big deal.

>> No.1373019

is this bait

>> No.1373053

How high do you think the price will go? 4$? 5$? 10$?

>> No.1373056

I've always thought 40$ as a stable peak value

>> No.1373059

Well is it really realistic or are you just memeing?

>> No.1373070

4.17-ish or more for 30 days or so minimum

>> No.1373079

it will hit a peak of $28 for 2 days in late September, then over around a week it will drop to around $15 and stay stable there for the remainder of the campaign. After that depends on the result.
if trump loses, it will drop to below $10, but have a legitimacy as a good causes coin and the market cap will keep it being traded on the exchanges.

i know things you don't, but i won't expand on them. screencap this if you want. post it on 9/30 with a thank you note.

>> No.1373084

post you wallet address, gonna send you 1 trump with a note reminding myself to thank you 9-30

>> No.1373085

how do fampai ?

>> No.1373086

Done. btw what do you know :)?

>> No.1373088

you have insider info about trumpcoin, but dont know how to post a wallet address?


>> No.1373091
File: 525 KB, 1070x887, 8f57269827ceb47795f2677016297f4b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have bunch of TC's and I want it to succeed but I 'm fucking amazed if it can pass even $0.50

>> No.1373110

I want to believe.. Only time will tell, if it gets that high I'll send you a gift

>> No.1373115

I am holding some coins but I'm calling this bullshit. Screencap this.

>> No.1373119

wish i could believe, holding 3195 coins atm, and will transfer them on the trump wallet tomorrow for staking

>> No.1373132

screencaps, so hot right now

>> No.1373142

Why do you think I have insider info?
>check the ID again

Unrelated, but am I correct in understanding that whenever the donation occurs, anyone holding trumps at that time will lose their coins/value? This is intended as a donation vehicle after all.

>> No.1373147

less than ron paul's peak (45) which had a smaller supply but ron paul has far less attraction to coverage/had no real function that bitcoin didnt

i would not be floored if it briefly touched 100 bucks a coin

>> No.1373150

Replied to wrong anon.

To stake, downloaded a PC wallet, let it sync, and leave it running - you get 2% a year; but more importantly it's how this coin "mines" and processing transactions on the chain.

Even if you get 1 coin every few days, imagine what you're getting in terms of future value for just leaving your PC on

>> No.1373152

Possibly, we as a community are still in the process of figuring out how that will be dealt with. I'm sure there is a way to do so without harming the price too much.

>> No.1373155

To clarify. You get 2% of YOUR holdings, as long as they are in your wallet.

>> No.1373163

>2% per year
That's pretty much worthless considering that the coin will be dead by November if not sooner.

>> No.1373175
File: 143 KB, 942x954, home_trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin isn't worth staking. The staking works faster the more coins you have, if you don't have a lot of coin it'll take days. The electricity costs will way outweigh any potential gain of TrumpCoin

>> No.1373188

Given the low ball estimation of a dollar per coin, I'm sure someone could calculate how many coins you would need for staking to be profitable.

>> No.1373216

get more coins then poorfag.
>he turns his computer off when he's not using it
probably a mac user too

staking is optional anyway, turn your wallet off so you can afford some ramekin noodles this month then lad

>> No.1373249

what's trumpcoins transaction fee? is it fixed?

>> No.1373387


>> No.1373394

It isn't fixed, you set it when you send coins. I normally do 0.001 trump

>> No.1373430
File: 264 KB, 1160x629, static2.politico.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question, how does staking actually works? I know, 2% annually, but it says my coins are on stake and not spendable. If I turn off my wallet or lock it now will they return to normal spendable state?

>> No.1373436


>> No.1373442

After a short period

>> No.1373448
File: 83 KB, 652x365, vziqu81uvnqljtsrs9tu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks /biz/bro

>> No.1373539

This is a very generous estimate, but if your insider information is true then I have faith in this coin

>> No.1373555

I think if we can honestly get our media shit together we have a real chance at $1/coin. Maybe a small spike to $5/coin that doesn't even lost the whole day. Still a solid investment if you bought in early, or right now when it all looks like shit.

>> No.1373621


It's not worth it anyways. Just keep it on an exchange so you can quickly sell if need be.

>> No.1373718

I doubt it. It would have to reach over a 100 million dollar marketcap for that to happen and i just dont see anything over 60 million tops

>> No.1373724
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>> No.1373732

Fine. I'll keep it in my folder of coiner shill bullshit, to rub in your face later.

>> No.1373742

60 million cap fits nicely with the $4.19 narrative


>> No.1373753


Are you guys part of a skype group or something? Do you really think shilling here helps when we all are taking profits and know this isn't sustainable? I guess a couple of idiots with barely any money buy and hold no matter what but they are small fry.

>> No.1373771


At 5 cents it's really a great entry point if it reaches a dollar

>> No.1373780


>> No.1373782


>> No.1373783

3.... Trumpcoin is best investment of 2016

>> No.1373793
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>> No.1373797
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>> No.1373827
File: 142 KB, 643x544, india.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please buy into my pyramid scheme guys please i want to be rich!!!

>> No.1373972

This is a scam.

>> No.1373980

[citation needed]

>> No.1373984

Dont reply its bait

>> No.1374018

this seige faggot is getting annoying

>> No.1374031

Projected max market cap of $180million, down to a more stable $100million after a certain date.
It is unrelated to any other plan you've read about. I.e. unrelated to the bitcointalk forum project, although i was required to read all of that forum thread and assess it.

>> No.1374117

Time for a new TCG?

>> No.1374188

You serious? Id make over 3 million dollars if thats true

>> No.1374280


Well, it is Crypto. Crypto is extremely unpredictable, anything could happen. I would take posts like these with a grain of salt.

But with that being said, it is very much possible. At 180M it would take spot number 5, right behind Litecoin. The DAO is number 5 right now and it sits at 100M cap, and I've never heard of that coin.

So yeah, it's possible. Is it likely? Well, according to him, yes. To me....maybe. The toughest weeks of the project are coming up. This next month is going to be critical to the success of the coin.

>> No.1374478

Are you implying there's a narrative that's going to be pushed that hasn't been brought up, by a group outside the development team/biz lads?

Can you tell us a little about who you are and who your with?

>> No.1374486

>be me
>be trying to add twitter feed to my site that pulls trumpcoin news
>most posts coming thru are from that trumpcoin scam fag got

are you fucking kidding me.jpg

I'm guessing he bought at the top then got scared and sold at 3k sat, he will be the sa.e guy that's now even more angry when we double the old top price and he is bitter as fuck

>> No.1374519

basically that

i'm pretty sure that's exactly what he did

>> No.1374599


>> No.1374617

I should probably buy more of that shit soon

>> No.1374669

what did he mean by this?

llc now? meaning?

>> No.1374678


we just legitimised yo

>> No.1374714
File: 170 KB, 1894x980, ohwow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually real... I'm Impressed.

>> No.1374719

how do you llc something nobody technically owns anymore. block chain self sustains assuming nodes and stakers exist.

is there any president for this? any other alts form an llc?

>> No.1374733

apology for poor english

when were you when trum coin moon?

i was sat at home eating smegma butter when signal post

'trumpcoin is llc'


>> No.1374737

hi siege :^)

>> No.1374748

inb4 new /TCG/ LLC edition
inb4 giant price spike based on news
inb4 siege FUD

>> No.1374854

just woke up and read the news
signal coming thru in the clutch!
we back lads

>> No.1374923

Nerf trumpcoin plox

>> No.1375463

new thread up lads

>> No.1375489

Link it, fucker.