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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13684281 No.13684281 [Reply] [Original]

hahahah holy shit LINKsters are going to market sell after mainnet for RLC

>> No.13684299

the past 2 years there have been projects that have said they are the chainlink killer only to later bend the knee
Why would this be any different?

>> No.13684312

take a look and see why yourself
link cannot compete

>> No.13684394


>> No.13684406

Check the charts faggot. The market gives zero fucks about your shilling. LINK is going to the moon regardless of what you post here so stop wasting everyones time and go see if you can catch a bullet in your mouth.

>> No.13684437

>nu/biz/ trying this hard to find a link killer

Pathetic, I hope you stay poor for the rest of your life.

>> No.13684464

autistic linkies literally rioting about this makes me bullish as fuck

>> No.13684482

No one givbes a fuck about the charts you stupid faggots it's hilarious how dumb you look.


>> No.13684499

But iexec themselves literally backpedaled already from their initial statements...

>> No.13684542

I just don't get why rlc niggers are obsessing over the oracle stuff, wasn't RLC supposed to be a coin about ai computing? It's like you've all suddenly lost faith in your fundamentals and are desperately trying to copy the ideas of others now.

>> No.13684586

>nobody gives a fuck about how much their investment is worth over time
How fucking dense are you? You think I buy shitcoins for fun? I want to get rich faggot.

>> No.13684593

IExec made a decentralized oracle as a side project while it took 2 years and a million big macs to Sergay to announce mainnet

>> No.13684608


>> No.13684614

This is what scam coins do. Whatever happens to be the “hot new thing” in crypto is what the coin claims to be doing. Its the same shit Komodo did. Hilariously, Komodo is still worth more than RLC.

>> No.13684751


>> No.13684876


RLC has made the jews obsolete

>> No.13684895


>> No.13684907


I thought it was for business analytics / machine learning?

Fuck knows what this shit scamcoin is really

>> No.13684942

Even RLC's memes are shitty copies of chainlink

>> No.13684952
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you stupid French.
Just wait till rlc dumps to 6k again. You'll feel baguettes coming out of your ass.

>> No.13684976

>shameful paid shills
RLC has no product and consists of a bunch of scammers good luck.

>> No.13685015


>> No.13685105
File: 407 KB, 998x500, 1549197916491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the brainlets amongst the Linkies that obsess about this non issue.