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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13683716 No.13683716 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, what's gonna happen to the un-circulating supply? 650 million is a lot and it's the only real FUD left.

>> No.13683728

>what's gonna happen to the un-circulating supply?
It will start to circulate.

>> No.13683730

They’re all going to various companies who will hold them in nodes and not sell them into the general population

>> No.13683744

Sergey is going to market sell all of them on Binance when mainnet launches. That’s the true singularity.

>> No.13683755

Unironically, read the fucking WP

350m will go to help incentivize nkde operators. Do you think they are going to get it from Sergey and immediately dump on the open market? The other 300m will be sold off gradually to help maintain the project, pays devs, etc. Nobody is dumping 650m LINK. Hopefully, Sergey addresses it in the upcoming article.

>> No.13683805

Bumping this comment

>> No.13683822

dyor nigger

>> No.13683830

Sergey is going to dump it on your heads and buy RLC after he realizes they beat him to oracles.

>> No.13683838

>tfw singularity is a black hole with LINK infinitely approaching $0 and 0c

>> No.13683861


Not realizing that 650 million is likely already sold and gone.

Likely there is a timetable on the corporate sale of mass LINKIES, but at some point that will expire and early adopting companies will sell Chainlink network access at incredible prices.

Literally buy LINK, hodl and win.

>> No.13683862

>Implying anyone on /biz/ reads WPs

>> No.13683895

Its not fud, there is not even enough tokens for all the companies on their list to get 30k tokens a piece, once everyone figures out whats going on the fomo will be fucking insane. Im calling a prediction of 38.5$ per LINK once all of their partners lift their NDAs.

>> No.13683922

38 bucks per link? That's it? Or were you talking short term?

>> No.13683924

Market sold and price will go to -1000$EOY

>> No.13683926

Link can't do onchain SGX

>> No.13683931

Kek'd. I seriously can't see anything else happening. They haven't made ANYTHING and they announced a mainnet. Sergey will either kill himself or exit scam. Those are his options.

>> No.13683945

Palm Beach just shilled it in their newest issue just released. time to see it fly

>> No.13684018

stfu brainlet nigger

>> No.13684041


Oh yeah show proof or btfo fag

>> No.13684068

Do you have a link?

>> No.13684384
File: 723 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20190516-133031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you all have to dump since you hate teeka

>> No.13684397

i have 100k of them

>> No.13684450

Does everyone on this board have 100k link? Fuck...

>> No.13684475

I have 650m

>> No.13684488
File: 52 KB, 720x414, KEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>place no more than 500-1000$ for larger accounts.

>> No.13684490

No dude, the biggest FUD is some company like Alphabet acquiring Link

>> No.13684575

for real what's the point of this
who is this palm beach stuff targeted at? welfare shmucks?

>> No.13685144


“That’s it”? I would have half a million dollars. 38 bucks is insanely optimistic, delusional even.

>> No.13685156

That's a >60% dump

>> No.13685173

That will never happen lmao

>> No.13685231

When Sergey will release his Link belly all of /biz/ will dca in hope for the singularity. Except we'll get Req2.0 instead.
Praise Sergey !
1k suiciedes on mainnet launch !

>> No.13685275
File: 7 KB, 229x220, 1557943073409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't read the whitepaper

unironically neck yourself retard. people making such retarded LINK threads should kill themselves. just STFU and HODL, we don't need you asking retarded questions that were answered a million times in last years' threads.

>> No.13685299

No, the singularity is Link infinitely approaching 14 cents forever with 0 trade volume

>> No.13685333

I've never understood how muh 650 gorrillion was fud.

>> No.13685348

Is it a real one this time

>> No.13685412

>develops protocol for trustless transactions
>response to what happens with the majority of the tokens is 'dude, we won't market sell, trust us'

fuck link

>> No.13685552

Why in the world would sergey just give link to companies. Why do people think this is going to happen. You must provide incentive to use the network. Free link is not incentive to use the network.

>> No.13685667

Because Sergey has the keys to 650 million dollars and could market sell them if he chooses. If a project ever has a considerable amount in the hands of the dev it's best to be suspicious. Also lurk moar.

>> No.13685694

Should have FUDed to buy more, loser.