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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13678496 No.13678496 [Reply] [Original]

is it worth joining their telegram?
when will be the next token burn/buy back?

>> No.13678582

The token burns/buybacks are spread out over a long period of time in random intervals to not shock the price from what I understand. The telegram is good because the team frequently does AMAs there. I was in it for a while but I left because the fanboyism is rampant there. I think VIDT is a good long term hold, but the people in that telegram are fucking delusional. They were actually celebrating whales dumping on them. Its a little mind blowing and I couldnt handle it anymore lol.

>> No.13678643
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okay thanks for the info anon

>> No.13678669

>is it worth joining their telegram
if you want to have a good laugh at low iQ 3rd worlders that fell for yet another erc-20 money grab and now begin to realise what they got into, it's totally worth a look. i've seen better ones though, some of those people are still deluded, better wait until the other 2/3rd of the token supply gets unlocked by the team and dumped on the buy order books

>> No.13678908

2/3 of supply never gets unlocked but okay

>> No.13678927

>using telegram. Ever

Just say no.

>> No.13679059

V-id is many things, but the scam fud has been definitively debunked at this point. In case you havent been keeping up with the discord, the new VIDT coordinated fud is “token not needed”.

>> No.13679376

i don't know what the fuck vidt is, but id you're unaware of the fact that 99.5% of erc-20 token's only purpose is funding while the token itself is intirely useless (ofc they make it seem like it was somewhat useful but everyone above 100 iQ can easily look through that) then you're just part of the retards wasting their precious btc/eth on erc-20 cash grabs

>> No.13679382

token not needed retard

>> No.13679431

so you don't even have experience about their telegram group and you say this shit? lmao

most telegram groups are full of pajeets and moonbois but the VIDT telegram is the most non-cancerous i've been in. granted, there are some moonbois and some amount of delusion but thats w/e.

>> No.13679671
File: 107 KB, 1686x677, VIDT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do, i went to their telegram to check the sentiment before i sold my bags. they seemed delusional as fuck so i figured it'd be a good time to drop them

>> No.13679679

kek I was the 2nd member in that tg and left because whenever I talked critically about vidt and raised a few weak points (while I held 400k) they start spewing shit like "still early", "top 50 soon", etc. they're the biggest shills and are so married to their shitcoin they can't have an educated conversation about it.

>> No.13679735

Do what you want OP but if the big brains that lurk here on biz say it's a scam and not to buy it probably means it's time to buy. Then when everyone on biz says it's the next antshares you sell very easy.

>> No.13679813

Unironically this.
It's a bit like the plebbit raiblocks/nano sub.

>> No.13679826

Id say it’s a pretty comfy hold. Never good to get married to shitcoins but this one doesn’t reek of curry

>> No.13679841


lol you wrote up a big long essay in the telegram about how you sold and bought matic..No one gives a fuck faggot. Just sell and be on your way. I loaded up for cheap yesterday and will happily hold this till it lands on new exchanges and new partnerships are revealed. This shit is undervalued as fuck at 1.6 mil market cap. Unlike 90% of the shit out there they actually have a working product thats being used

>> No.13680047

Big facts.

>> No.13680188


Clients who are actually using the product -

Airbus Defence and Space

Baanvelgen (Ferrari, Maserati and Lambo part manufacturer)

JWC Superyachts

Krohne (measurement instrument manufacturer with over 500M USD yearly sales)

Vitrum Net

64M max supply

16M team fund locked for 5 years with 20% release scheduled each year

25M tokens allocated for clients to purchase. Which leave s a circ. Supply of 23M

20% of tokens used for client validations get burnt quarterly and 10% of total amount tokens used for client validations get market bought quarterly as well.

Plus they said they are in talks with several major exchanges and they'll be listing on a couple of them very soon. This shit is like buying CHX at a 2mil cap

>> No.13680372

>Plus they said they are in talks with several major exchanges and they'll be listing on a couple of them very soon
source? did they say this in tg?

>> No.13680386


>> No.13680452

what are they using the "product" for?

>> No.13680552



"We are in contact with several large exchanges. the most important reason that we would like to list at a larger exchange is a rise in price."

Admins in telegram hinted that new exchanges were around the corner too

>> No.13680571

Imagine the smell in a telegram

>> No.13680601


Document validation. Here's the wallet they use for it - https://etherscan.io/token/0x445f51299ef3307dbd75036dd896565f5b4bf7a5?a=0xe7c54558a04f2f673ce271b6c908839e9342a50a

They buy back 10% of these tokens used. I'm assuming this will happen when it gets to 1 million but who knows. They say they will do it randomly to prevent the price jumping all over the place

>> No.13681234

sounds good, thanks

>> No.13682414

The only problem i have with V-ID is that they seem to be searching everything reall close to home, and moreso at the smaller niche establishments.

It doesn't seem that they are packing the power to go international or even intercontinental in the long run.

>> No.13683004

i think you first need reputation until you can go international
maybe they want to build a foundation first before they go for more u know