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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 3 KB, 339x149, nano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13675878 No.13675878 [Reply] [Original]

It just works, you know

>> No.13676031

Strapped in for the moon mission

>> No.13676236


Imagine believing this. Captcha reward shitcoin that only Reddit believed in

>> No.13676272

believing what?

unlike vaporware shitcoins you don't have to believe in Nano

it literally WORKS for everybody to see and use

>> No.13676337

i bet you hold chainlink and think people will actually use it lmfao

>> No.13676377

>believing retail investors will buy your autist tokens
State of linkhodlers

It's a fucking speculative market and normies will flock into things like nano, xrp etc.

>> No.13676397

Everyone in crypto should be backing this shit - will make the whole ecosystem (exchanges, decentralization, reliance on china, simplicity (SAT/BYTE fees LOL). Step back and just use your brains. this is the facebook, the uber, the netflix of crypto value transfer. Other coins are good too but this is supreme for the ecosystem of actual decentralized money. Its a buy from me

>> No.13676401
File: 46 KB, 851x465, nanohightech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gtfo you autist link faggot

Only nano chads allowed in here

>> No.13676424

Link has its spot bros lets not be hatin on eachother. Nano + Link can join forces for ultimate chat portfolio

>> No.13676431

Nano is flawed tech. Newbies should know this was debated and agreed back in the day on bitcointalk. The dev then deleted all his posts. Its shit with normie pr.

>> No.13676454

>this was debated and agreed back in the day on bitcointalk
