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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13671162 No.13671162 [Reply] [Original]

>be useless NEET living at home
>every day face crippling depression and suffocating anxiety
>can't find work, hard to leave the house
>Dad tries to hide his disgust for me, can hear mom when she thinks she's alone talking to her friends about what to do about me
>fail at everything, including killing myself
>one day browsing 4chan
>see "/biz/", decide to click on it instead of /b/
>cue chicago bulls theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsIB3-t2j3A
>learn about crypto for the first time
>watch autistic neets like me mooning to lamboland
>look at bank account
>$1000 and some change from birthday money over the years
>start to spend my nights learning about crypto instead of jacking off
>begin to trade, in the beginning get nervous and sell low buy high a lot
>lose half immediately, want to cry, I will never make anything out of my life
>decide to just keep going
>learn to steady my hands
>6 weeks later, have made 28k
>pull out 14k, pay off one of mom's maxed out credit cards
>parents are in awe. mom cries. for the first time dad looks at me and smiles
>celebrate as a family, haven't felt good at home since I was a child
>for the first time in my life, I have a spark of confidence
>maybe I don't have to be a retarded neet eating microwaved food my whole life
>maybe can be something one day
>take out $200 in BTC and buy some clothes that fit
>mom hugs me, dad enjoys talking to me again
>take my remaining 13.8k and hit the crypto markets, one day at a time, half my savings in HODL, day trading the other half
>depression is waning, anxiety still not good but manageable
>mfw see potential for a brighter future

thank you /biz/, wish me luck

>> No.13671390

>This much larp to shill for the coin you just fomod

>> No.13671420

Shitty pasta

>> No.13671433

you have shitty parents op. love is unconditional. mom treated me the same when i was a useless neet and when i made it

>> No.13671450

>paying for moms maxed out card

Jesus you're retarded, the dumb bitch will rack it back up in a week.

>> No.13671488

That's great and all but you realize you're making that money by taking it from gullible faggots, right?

>> No.13671501

>sentiment bots

>> No.13671999
File: 304 KB, 500x526, Catherine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>depression is waning, anxiety still not good but manageable
>>mfw see potential for a brighter future
>thank you /biz/, wish me luck

I see you found the secret spice of life. Find what you enjoy, and find success and it'll compound and prop you up further.

>> No.13672020

is that you in the pic?
did you just wake up out off a coma you got in the 90s?

>> No.13672026

and who gives a fuck? its pretty easy to make money in these markets if you're not an emotional mong.

>> No.13672031

Everything cool till tax season comes and his life is ruined.

>> No.13672125

>1 post by this ID
Lies. But nice fiction.
We're all gonna make it, even if OP is lying.

>> No.13672159

we will make it friend

>> No.13672348

Nice bloomer copypasta bro

>> No.13672503

Biggest truth, OP is a faggot and has a shit family.

>> No.13673286

n-no u

>> No.13673290

I had paranoia and anxiety and recently gave up all caffeine products and it's 1000x better.
Just putting it out there for you. I honestly can't believe something I've lived with my entire adult life is cured and it was really bad. I did go through flu like withdrawl though.

>> No.13673309

For the newfriends: This is pasta from the last bullrun.

>> No.13673510

the fucking pasta is stale and it's over seasoned with hopium.