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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13663009 No.13663009 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of going into finance as an advisor. Are these tests a meme?
They look pretty fucking hard, the CFA test requires over 300 hours of studying.

>> No.13663404
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>niggers shill shitcoins with thots as pic
>get 100 replies in less than a minute
>anon posts serious discussion about professional progression

The state of /biz

>> No.13663962
File: 96 KB, 398x400, B8FFEED8-A99A-4590-A43C-5E74122D2B3B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to consider that 80% of people are incompetant. They study half assed, they worked half assed, all in a rush to get home to do nothing and be entertained. If it is something that genuinely interests you, and you aren’t a brainlet, it won’t be hard. Go for it, anon.

>> No.13663983

It is when you could just buy Bitcoin. The entire 300 hours could be summed up with two words: buy bitcoin. You'd be the best adviser ever, you don't need a fancy title.

>> No.13664026
File: 66 KB, 508x635, 69A344EC-FF2F-4FA9-8CF4-4EC08479030B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 spelling error shame

>> No.13664233
File: 83 KB, 1080x1350, BBAE6E88-FA19-436C-827E-A97AFF91EA03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the stockbroker course in Canada and it helped me eat a job at a bank. It’s all sales after you do your course and get a job. It doesn’t matter how good of an analyst you are if you can’t sell your advice. Sell this, buy that, invest in this. You need to be able to convince the client of these things or you won’t make any money. Hope this helps.

>> No.13664246


>> No.13664392

I'm doing the CISI Level 4 (Investment Advice Diploma) at the moment. Ive done maybe 30-35 hours of online study (including a couple of mock exams) for each module so far and found the exams pretty straightforward. The website states 140 hours for each module - so, yeah...