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13657435 No.13657435 [Reply] [Original]

houses start at half a million eurobucks here. I make about 50k eurobucks a year. RE prices constantly rising because the government brings in millions of shitskins who all live on welfare. how the fuck am I supposed to buy a house?!? My dad bought his house in his 30s and had a stable job, wife and kids. Im in my 30s and dont have a pot to piss in. fuck this shit. Im so sick and tired of living cuck apartments.

>> No.13657448

shoulda worked harder in school and gotten a better job then

>> No.13657449

Move somewhere else? In my area they're about $100,000 petrodollars. I bought one for 60k. Its a shitbucket. I'm fixing it up with the cash I saved. Should be able to flip it back onto the market in a few years (assuming the market doesn't take a shit).

>> No.13657456

>RE prices constantly rising because the government brings in millions of shitskins who all live on welfare.
that makes no sense whatsoever

>> No.13657463

Market will take a shit Q1 2020, sorry

>> No.13657468

You’ve identified the problem. The shitskins! Now instead of complaining about it be a man and start getting rid of them. Also get rid of (((those))) who bring them to us in the first place and the boomers who allowed this shit to happen while they got to enjoy their nice white societies in their youth.

>> No.13657509

>what is supply and demand>>13657449
>Move somewhere else?
where to? I live in a rural area but its expensive since all the fags here commute to banks and airports and shit. I dont wanna live in bumfuck nowhere.

>> No.13657531

i have a good job. shit I make almost twice the median income. Im still poor as fuck and can never afford a house at this rate. shits fucked up.

>> No.13657627

It makes perfect sense, unless of course you're the mug paying for the vermin to breed

>> No.13657691

It's just as bad in Australia bro, we have a shitload of government owned land heavily restricting the supply, and what isn't is owned by boomers or chinks who bought off boomers. I can only pray we have a massive real estate crash and I got to see boomers crying and hanging themselves and chink investors losing every penny. Fuck the nanny state, fuck kikes, fuck boomers and fuck chinks.

>> No.13657706

yeah chinks are buying up shittons of RE here as well. then you got millions of shitskins living off gibsmoney. and of course fucking boomer sitting on their houses they picked up for pennies decades ago. I would have to slave for 20 years and still couldnt afford a house. how the fuck are people not rioting over this shit.

>> No.13657719

the crazy shit is there is construction everywhere. in my small village alone you can see three huge cranes right now. buildings popping up everywhere yet the RE prices are are only going up, up, up. its insane.

>> No.13657723

thats not how it works in europe. NOT YET AMERIFAT!!

>> No.13657728

>how the fuck are people not rioting over this shit.
Because despite it all modern comforts are still too great. Nobody is really homeless or dying, they're just struggling, and that struggle takes up all their time and the rest is spent on bread and circuses to cope with it all. Even the people who are awake and aware of what's happening aren't doing anything. Like me and you. It's just all too tiresome. I just pray crypto pays off and I can go be a hermit somewhere while it all blows over.

>> No.13657743
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anon let me tell you a story. I earnt more than my mother, father and sister combined and because I was late to the housing party I could only afford a tiny flat while they lived in a massive house. Additionally I had a secretary who lived in a house I couldnt afford because she bought 10 years prior and I earnt 10 times what she did. Its pure bullshit

>> No.13657754

right on I just pray that BTC goes to 100k. its the only chance I get of ever owning real estate in this life. meanwhile I know some dude who inherited three fucking houses from his parents. he just sits back and collects rent money. my own boomer parents already told me theyre gonna sell their house and I wont inherit anything.

>> No.13657769

>my own boomer parents already told me theyre gonna sell their house and I wont inherit anything.
Rough. I'll inherit a house I have to split with my two brothers, and my parents are only 50, so I likely have 40 more years to wait and I'll be 60 then, so it's irrelevant.

>> No.13657810

>I likely have 40 more years to wait and I'll be 60 then, so it's irrelevant.

>> No.13657826

T. Sandnigger

>> No.13657874

In my city some people got filthy rich by buying apartment complexes at the start of the mass immigration to rent them for crazy prices to the government for refugee housing, removing apartments from the regular market in the process.

>> No.13657879

He probably has a masters degree in finance or engineering and a good career if he makes 50k...
You amerifats only need to learn some pajeet coding and be a code monkey and you get paid double, so easy for you to say

>> No.13657902

this shit is absolutely scandalous. locals getting priced out because the fucking government pays for shitskins. my sister just had to move out because her apartment block got bought out by chink investors. this shit makes my blood boil and nobody is doing anything about it. ironically the leftist party here who are all for open borders and bringing even more shitskings into the country... theyre also whining that we need more affordable real estate. sometimes I think I have taken insanity pills or something. everything is going to shit and nobody seems to give a fuck. living costs beside RE are exploding as well.

>> No.13657923

>nobody is doing anything about it.
what would you do about it? you'd presumably just let masses of people die because that way your mortgage is slightly cheaper?

>> No.13657948

>what would you do about it?
ban foreign investors from buying up all the real estate and driving up prices. stop giving free housing to every shitskin who walks into the country. stop printing money like crazy. stop giving out low interest credits that drive up RE demand even more. that is what I would do about it. I dont give a fuck if brown people are dying in their shithole countries. not my problem.

>> No.13657988

>not my problem.
you are the problem. this kind of whining is the reason the entire world is shit.

>> No.13658033

dude there are billions of poor people all around the world. you expect them all to come to my homeland and live off government gibs? they need to get their own shit together instead of destroying other countries as well. its exactly because of people like you that everything is going to hell

>> No.13658261

imagine how the world would look if the trillions of dollars we've wasted, had been spent on providing resources for the most impoverished areas on our planet. nuclear power stations, plumbing, medical assistance and sewers on every inhabited inch of planet earth. imagine if instead of polluting to the point of making millions of species extinct, we'd made the simple fucking effort to carry our shopping in a biodegradable bag.
we live on a poisonous, angry planet, because we've been fooled into believing that the best - nay, ONLY, system of resource allocation which is to be trusted and considered safe, is one which harms literally almost everyone and everything. it is a scam, and it is killing us all.

>> No.13658308

my country has put hundreds of billions in foreign aid money to shithole countries in africa. end result? a bunch of war lords get rich, the population explodes, their countries are still shit and now they all want to flood into europe. we have a ton of problems in MY country that need to be solved and I have no interest even discussing third world shitholes. they need to deal with their own problems and we need to deal with ours. also go back to plebbit.

>> No.13658327

50k euros is pretty decent. Its just the reality of living in nu-socialist europe when the government is using your financial output to replace you with browns.

>> No.13658331

im talking about concrete economic issues with very simple solutions here. and you faggot have nothing better to do than whine about muh open borders muh we need to help the third world muh plastic bags. absolute cancer, go kys.

>> No.13658346

> taxes high across the board
> building company subsidies for state housing
Means that private landowners are hit hard and real estate rises quickly. You then have constantly added new taxes, stamp duties etc.

The money for millions of new people's welfare, housing, healthcare, policing, native population hate crime policing and media control doesn't just come from nowhere.

>> No.13658351

i'm not suggesting it'd be possible without first achieving globalisation, there's no way to avoid near-infinite corruption if you have to trust 10,000 other people to share your vision and promise to not be a lying, stealing cunt, but i am suggesting that if the human race would pull itself together and stop being lying, stealing cunts who are quite happy to globalise because after fucking all it's precisely the globe we're trying to protect here, then with a proper leader with a proper trajectory in mind, the entire planet could and would benefit enormously from trying to treat itself as a single unit, not broken, competing bunches of seething spastics.
A.I with unimaginable intelligence is just around the corner, seems inevitable that that's the point at which we might stand a chance of not being total cunts to eachother. A.I capable of thinking 10,000 years worth of super-human thinking in a second, will put us all in our place, and we can perhaps start co-operating for a fucking change.

>> No.13658357

its not just that. if you have a limited supply of housing and increase demand by bringing in millions of foreigners and giving them government handouts. then of course prices will go up. but leftists cant understand simple economics. its the left wing party here always whining about rising housing cost while they keep pushing their open border propaganda. it is all so tiresome.

>> No.13658370

>how the fuck are people not rioting over this shit.
A riot is long overdue but it seems like people need to get fucked harder.

I'm cheating and so should you. I have 20k-30k fun money every year beside my job because I'm growing and selling weed. I blow a lot into btc and I always think "Man if I wouldn't do all of this I would be royally fucked. How the hell do people live without this?"

>> No.13658372

> the human race
We aren't all the same, in fact there are insurmountable differences between human subspecies so your utopian vision fails at a first glance unless it involves subjugating some. I don't want that but at least be clear about what you want.

>> No.13658377

50k euros is 60k USD. This guy is well above median income

>> No.13658385
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>> No.13658412

>muh globalist utopia
>muh benevolent AI ruler
>if only human nature would change
imagine being this retarded. thats why I hate democracy, tons of people like this jsut completely live in fantasyland.

yeah this. how do average people even get by here anymore on some shitjob? it doesnt make any sense. I make more than average and live like a bum. no car, no flashy shit, no expensive hobbies. Im still broke and will never be able to afford a house at this rate. none of this shit makes any sense.

>> No.13658444

Just move nation if you can. People may think 80% white euro nations are safe but they aren't. The governments are ensuring it changes incredibly rapidly and there's no recourse to stop them. Move to somewhere which has recourse like the US, some which doesn't but is a least whiter like Iceland, or both in eastern europe.

>> No.13658472

i have a job offer in south florida right now. but its full with nogs and the rent would be three times as high as back home. Im not sure how it would improve my situation.

>> No.13658480

The world is a prison.

A few hundred years ago you just went somewhere, took the land and build a house out of wood. You digged a hole and shat in it.

Today everything belongs to someone already. You have to get a job and then buy the land and then have someone else who's an expert build the house for you because of regulations. It's literally like being born in a prison.

>> No.13658492

thats how I feel as well. I already lived in EE and SEA. but its all the same shit, no matter where you go. youre always surrounded by morons and theres always some guy with his hands in your pocket.

>> No.13658515

Billions of africans and chinese have shown less than zero propensity to do anything that isnt in their immediate self interest - like the story about the western ngo who brought in mosquito nets as an antimalarial solution to a town in east africa. You know what the africans did? Used the nets to overfish their stocks, crash the fish population whilst simultaneously booming the human population and, of course, malarial infections.

I don’t think we can logic and reason our way to global conscientous behavior when iq has the geographic variations it does. Perhaps if we can start to move the human birth rate down such that the global population starts shrinking.

>> No.13658758

Perhaps take it then move elsewhere when possible.

>> No.13658789

Jobs are for losers.

>> No.13658972

The same policy that put these people into poverty and war by you and your shitfat ancestors brought your parents wealth and ease of life, time to pay back, it will only get worse for you shitfat.

>> No.13659056

>hurr durr its your fault theyre poor
>it has nothing to do with low IQ and corruption

>> No.13659075

Massive moron spotted.

Oh wait, a contender arises.
>if only socialism was done right, this time will be different.

>> No.13659078

so get a loan like the average person and pay it off for the next 30 years

>> No.13659097

>>if only socialism was done right, this time will be different.
yes thanks we've all heard multiple times how absolutely impossible it would supposedly be to find literally anything less damaging than the current state of polluted, diseased affairs in which nobody owns anything. get a fucking grip.

>> No.13659155
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>there are people like this who still think like this in 2019

Go buy a bunch of LSD and Shrooms and trip yourself out of that situation.

You're where you are supposed to be at all times, based on universal mathematics.

Your position is perfect for you to experience your present novelty. The parameters of the current experience depend on prior input. Prior input depends on your emotional maturity and ability to project your will and desire upon the collective concious network.

>> No.13659243

Gotta view life life is a competition and it's every man for himself because we live in a "dog eat dog" world. If you ain't hustlin' you ain't tryin'
Only the strong survive you whiny faggots

>> No.13659265

That mentality is how to stay poor and end up dead/lose all gains and spiritual experience.

Having to be recycled via the second death to be thrown back in here for a 10000th spin so that your soul's motion can generate unlimited free FOOD for the entities stuck here that coerced you to sell yourself to them as food.

''dog eat dog'' '' god ate god''

The more you act like a ''/b/tard from 2006'' the more you get just what you ask for.

>> No.13659266

thats a whitebois mentality, thats why every whitebuy gets cucked on the streets when a pack of brownbulls even seek eyecontact with him.
whitebois as a group will not make it

>> No.13659481

Guys doing PhDs can earn even 5 times less money in some countries. It's not a matter of hard job at this point anymore

>> No.13659648

Ive done lsd, shrooms ayahuasca. I even have a vague idea of what youre talking about. but how does it help me get a house. I need a roof over my head nomsayin.

>> No.13659940

So why aren't you accepting your queues.

You're being given what u ask for at all times, you just don't see it.

The door out of hell is right behind you and unlocked.

>> No.13659949

based abbo

>> No.13660484

While I'm holding my horses for this as well, the factors that led up to the last housing bubble were fundamentally different than the factors driving the current housing market upswing.

I want to buy a "starter home" that I can roll into a larger purchase, or rent out for relatively passive income. I am skilled in refurbishing / remodeling.

My real goal is to live far from shit humans, have some nice land to grow a nice big food forest on. I'm going to plant trees where me and my grandkids can build treehouses.

>> No.13660636

You don’t “need” a house you want one because you have been programmed to think it’s essential and you see everyone around you with one because they are borrowing it from the (((banks))) to play keeping up with the jones’s With the other normies. You are why you are suffering, change your mindset and you create your own reality.
Also this you have to find ways to “cheat” because (((they))) aren’t gonna give you a fair one. Not sure what the universal reason is but the system is pretty messed up, there are ways to operate on your own outside of it like this anon is doing. Just find a way that doesn’t harm yourself or others.

>> No.13660689

Also this, you seem to have a decent idea on spirituality how important do you think no fap is to developing spiritually if you are already take daily steps to observe your thinking and redirecting thoughts when your defects arise?

>> No.13660786
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Your parents have probably also not saved enough for retirement so they’ll reverse mortgage the place and leave you kids with the bill when they croak.

>> No.13660996

>A few hundred years ago you just went somewhere, took the land and build a house out of wood. You digged a hole and shat in it.
If you save a few thousand you can buy some bush land far away from a city and do the same.