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13657203 No.13657203 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13657240

>white person hijakcs a plane: wow so inspiring
>anyone else does it: fucking shitskin terrorist!!!
fuck whites

>> No.13657249

Don't act like Nick Jarrett.

>> No.13657262

Terrorists try to cause terror and kill as many people as possible. That dude wanted to free himself and avoid hurting anybody else but himself. You are an idiot mudskin.

>> No.13657280

He destroyed other people's property and an hero'd in the most attention-whoring way possible.

>> No.13657310

Stealing a plane, flying with no training and doing all moves he did when dropping red pills and chilling on radio is attention-whoring now. The current state of estrogen nation.

>> No.13657372

>He destroyed other people's property

He crashed it into a remote island. The plane was the property of the company he was an employed by. He destroyed company property. Get your facts right next time before you post like a pompous snowflake

>> No.13657385

Was a reason ever found on why he did it? I still feel bad for the guy, he sounded like a cool dude.

>> No.13657445

I think he summed it up pretty well when he mentioned that he just realized a “few screws were loose” in his head

>> No.13657466

white men are think that they are the superior race and that life should be easy, when they realize it isnt the case:
>they go on mass shootings
>they rape children
>they become serial killers
>they crash planes into mountains
this is the nature of the white man.

>> No.13657481

nigger, 37% of inmates are niggers

go back to your cuckreddit

>> No.13657487

you're only upset because you know it's true.
this is why the Other Races of the World have decided to breed out the White gene, the main cause of this mental disease.

>> No.13657530

what is true? that every other race besides asian have lower IQ? that every other race besides part of asians are still in the 1800 of the white race?

>> No.13657536
File: 393 KB, 1368x885, skyking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13657545

observe how the White male is so easy to anger

>> No.13657556

in full anger while i give thots some of the racist white male crypto

>> No.13657751

If you commit suicide with the expectation that it will make it to the news, then you're attention whoring. He wasn't redpilling anyone. He's angry over not being able to get a better job in his industry, which is already dominated by White people.

Companies are still owned by people. By your logic, burning down public libraries is okay because it's not "owned by anyone".

>> No.13657757

Also, why is stealing okay when White people do it?

>> No.13657766

No no no, those are jew fag kikes and therefore not white.

>> No.13657774


>> No.13657777

I heard that he bought crypto at the top of 2017 bubble with loans. Is that true?

>> No.13657778

>Chinese wage slaves jump from the top floor of the factory.
>American wage slaves steal planes, do barrel rolls, and kiss the sky before death.

If you didn't understand the American spirit before, you do now.

RIP Skyking

>> No.13657785
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>> No.13657809

Judging by the digits, it appears so.

>> No.13657898

Nano iirc, someone looked into reddi usernames.

>> No.13657906

Fucking checked