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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13655775 No.13655775 [Reply] [Original]

>there are anons on this board right now with $100k in crypto.

>crypto is still a baby market in terms of potential growth and is easily accessible by everyone in the world. A +10,000% is imminent

>if I was some boomer and I didn't have at least 100k in crypto rn I would rope.


>t.21 zoomer who has dumped 40% net worth in crypto

I realize I'm not gonna /make it/ from this bull run but I'll at least be comfy by the end, what's your story anon and talk to me about crypto dreams

>> No.13655802

My portfolio is currently worth $12k while there's less than 5k in my bank. I wish I would have made payments on my car instead of paying it all at once, I could have put a lot more in.

>> No.13655804
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i want to be a super hero

>> No.13655811

>tfw can't even make $10k in crypto

>> No.13655813
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I'm a literal 30 year old boomer with over $100k in crypto. This rally will fail like all the others.

>> No.13655819

Does silly shit like this really make biztards buy worthless garbage?

>> No.13655820

My crypto portfolio is 143k CAD, mostly bitcoin because I’m not fucking retarded

>> No.13655822

>t. $140k in BAT

Just waiting for a catalyst. It was good enough for Peter Thiel to invest in, so its good enough for me.

>> No.13655824

$114.11k here. t. 30 year old boomer. *sips*

>> No.13655832


>> No.13655841

I made around $180k during the last pump. I sold it all and put a T H I C C downpayment on a small apartment complex.

My current stack is back up to about $15k, and actually a lot of it is just leftover memelinkies, lmfao. You guys convinced me to buy that shitcoin a couple of years ago, and it is actually making me money now. Incredible.

If we top me up to >$100k again, I'm going to pull it out, buy more apartments, and GOTO1.

>> No.13655848

150k, 29 be sipping and boomin soon.

>> No.13655863

Reminder that Tim Draper invested in vechain.

>> No.13655869

this. though it was his venture capital firm that invested. but still. majority of my portfolio is BAT. ETH #2 and XRP #3 and yes i fomo bought XRP at 43 cents

>> No.13655873

30 yo boomer here. 20 mil in crypto kitties

>> No.13655877

What an absolute dog shit portfolio

>> No.13655881

How come no one ever came up with CryptoTitties?

>> No.13655908

Congrats man, sounds good

>> No.13655932


>> No.13655951

There were VC firms that invested also.

>> No.13655970
File: 20 KB, 301x285, BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love BAT but I'm just not sure it'll outperform these other shitcoins. This whole market is driven by hype, TRON and XRP prove that. You don't need utility, in fact utility may even hurt the price.

That's why cryptocurrency is depressing - a lot of the price action is driven by traders and is just a whole bunch of bullshit. Something like BAT has incredible potential as far as use goes but I just haven't seen the market respond positively to that - yet.

Hopefully it goes sky high once BAT gets some more hype/partnerships/uses going.

>> No.13655976
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>> No.13655999

reddit and twitter tipping could set it off some. also there are purportedly advertisers waiting on the sidelines to start buying BAT ads. it'll probably reach a few dollars which is more than enough for most BAT holders

>> No.13656027

>I could have put a lot more in
I sold my car for $3k to put it into crypto when bitcoin went sub $4k. Wish I sold more shit I wasn't using desu. But it's never enough

>> No.13656060
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My linkies are worth around 100k, about the same price they were worth during the height of the last bull run.