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13655471 No.13655471 [Reply] [Original]

My GF has a $50k she's holding. She's debt free and wants to invest. I told her about chainlink. She wants to go all in. Although I know it's a sure shot, don't really wanna risk our relationship when it goes through the first dip and she can't handle it. I already told her to only invest what she's comfortable losing and to not fret if things go down because they always do and to think long term. On one hand, I'm all for it and I think it would change our life forever, on the other, if she does what all women do, this is our demise. What do you anons think?

>> No.13655524

>"babe lets share our wallet"
>make gf invest 50k
>never tell her the private key
>run away and cash out

How are you not seeing this opportunity?

>> No.13655541

Funny to think about it, sure but I've been with this person for 10 years. I would never do that.

>> No.13655547
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You waited too long. Now is the worst time to buy. It's the local ATH. You should have bought when it was trading between 20-30 cents. I would buy at minimum when it hits 60 cents local low in the next few months. But because you waited so long, nobody knows if it will crash to a single digit shitcoin or moon to be worth a few dollars. Your best bet at this point is to wait either for it to drop relative to the local ATH or find a new project. But you're probably too much of a newfag to know how to do these things, so you're going to FOMO in and lose all of her money like a retard, or get goxxed / accidently sell everything for a fraction of its worth on ED / delete your private key

>> No.13655578

Just put her money in a vanguard target retirement fund dude not fucking chainlink are you kidding?

>> No.13655596

this is actually a pretty good larp nicely done

>> No.13655600

why so salty? I'm 100% sure I have a bigger stack than you. Thanks for reminding me this is a cesspool.

>> No.13655610

all of this shit has happened to me but i survived

>> No.13655617

bitch ass nigga get her in on the meme magic

show her the vids tell her the story,

tell her what meme magic is

tell her suicide stack is 1k

to make it is 10k link

tell her anything under a dollar is a blessing.

explain who sergey is.

thats what i did to my GF

she said her money is my money.

i tell my gf everything i read on here

literally for the past two years

>> No.13655620
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If you don't know what you're doing ya better hit the sidelines woadie
Also lole if you think she won't file a lawsuit against you if you fuck something up

>> No.13655638

I'm not salty, what you are saying sounds retarded and I'm trying to prevent you from getting anally mutilated. If you lose your own money nobody cares, if you lose someone else's money, you're fucked. Specifically if that person has dirt on you. It's the people that are closest to you that can do the most damage, not random strangers. This is because they know things about you

If you lose your own money nobody cares, if you lose someone else's money, you're fucked. Specifically if that person has dirt on you. It's the people that are closest to you that can do the most damage, not random strangers. This is because they know things about you

50K is a large amount of money and you could face criminal charges if you fuck something up

>> No.13655688

The main thing you need to think about is whether you really want to risk her whole stack on something risky. If you do that and fail she will have a bad taste for investing for the rest of her life. You need to keep her interested by going a nice mix of vanguard index and then maybe one or two bitcoin. Nothing exotic and definitely not link. If you do this right she'll get hooked and you'll have an investing partner for life, otherwise you will be sneaking money behind her back to invest if you do ever get married. Play it safe and ease her in on very safe investments

>> No.13655699

Dude, what the fuck happened to you? Criminal charges? Do you even know how the law works? Dirt on me? I'm sorry you never had the chance to have a meaningful and long relationship with a woman who loves you. You're living in your own head. Go out more.

>> No.13655727
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You are so fucked dude

>>13655688 and I tried to help you

Let me know when Jamal is shoving the BBC up your anal hole and if it feels good or not. Personally I've been reading up on prostate play and it seems pretty fun, heard you can cummie more than once

>> No.13655757

Dude’s right. You are too late to the party and would be better off researching other projects to invest in. This is the point where people who bought earlier should be cashing out, not new guys coming in. Even if it were a few months ago, it would still be a good idea to diversify rather than pinning everything on one project.

>> No.13655764

Fucking retard pushing retarded propaganda. I'll be ignoring you from now on since it's proven you're a troll and not even a funny one at that.

>> No.13655780

Wtf did I do to deserve an bbc anal raping?

>> No.13655796
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My sweet summer child...

>> No.13655870

Before fomo investing your gf's money, I'd at least look at price data of other projects when they reached mainnet. Better to potentially miss out than on gains than feel an immediate drop and lose her confidence in your judgement. Wait for a better entry price

>> No.13655959
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i say go all in

it's more alpha so even if you blow it, she'll respect you even more

>> No.13656017

He's got dubs though. What do you got? Nothin.

>> No.13656018


>> No.13656054

tell her to go 1/4 eth then the remaining 3/4 you split between xrp and bat.

and i agree with you. these kissless virgin retards have no idea what a long meaningful relationship with a real woman is about

>> No.13656140


shes probably seen what you keep on that external hardrive bro

>> No.13656480
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Blame bitcoin hackers or some shit.
Hide money secretly.
Stay with woman.
Learn to LARP you retarded quick scam con artists. The real secret is long therm parasitism you losers.

Confirmed for lack of vision.

>> No.13656495

> promiscuity
> meaningful
lol fucking christcuck

>> No.13657027

>anon gives legitimate good advice with a touch of /biz/ friendly shitposting
kys faggot. Invest everything so that you and your gf can suck my dick for 2 years to recoup the loss once you get rekt and sell at ATL

>> No.13657038

As a Chad i have no problem spending girls money on me. Ur a beta cuck lmao
>considering her feelings
Not even once my guy

>> No.13657775

yes be a good cuck and buy now

>> No.13657786

Dont risk a relationship on Link.

Make sensible investments together anon.

Put 10k in BTC and the rest on ETFs when the next crash arrives.

You are gonna make it.

>> No.13658135

I'll probably wait to see if the price retraces a little. Probably gonna get 1 BTC, a few ETH and the rest in LINK. Not in any rush. Even if I end up not investing her money, we're already financially independently. We'll make it either way.

>> No.13658172

pleased you've had a long summer anon.
Beware the Ides of Winter tho. The female is a complicated beast, prone to sudden violence. Especially when you just stuck $50k of their savings in the trashpipe and smoke it

>> No.13658364


Yet you'd trick her into giving all her money to pajeets?

Vanguard ETF. Don't be stupid.

Keep this in mind, 50k in a vanguard fund compounded at the average of 7% per year is 750k in 40 years. (Including inflation, so that's 750k's worth of todays money in future money).

That's enough to retire on, and make 30k annually forever. Throw in a few days of work at the local supermarket to see your old people friends and that's a happy retirement sorted out... With no further contributions ever.

Don't gamble that with Pajeet.

>> No.13658541

>i tell my gf everything i read on here
>literally for the past two years


>> No.13658631

>financially independently

You woke up the legendary Matos anon, congrats. Go all in on link, lose everything and kys

>> No.13658640
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>> No.13658651

Or OP could dollar cost average , buy 10-15k worth now and keep buying it as it drops to hopefully average a buy in under 60-70 cent , then if it moons over 1 dolllar at least he’s bought in

>> No.13659077
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go all in
> it dumps

dont buy
> it moons

you're welcome

>> No.13659104
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