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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13652561 No.13652561 [Reply] [Original]

So I know of using the ltgc rates for 15% but isnt there a way to form an LLC and gift the crypto to the organization and then actually build a business out of that crypto money to create losses allowing you to run the business and defer taxes like Amazon did? I want my own business and im gonna use my coins to fund it next year.

>> No.13652586

iunno I just buy amazon gift cards for "other" people

>> No.13652814

First off you're gonna need to get some dogs. Then you register as a stray dog charity. Setup a website asking for donations and write something like, 'we accept Bitcoin' with a link to the wallet address. Then you pay yourself $xxxx a week to look after your dogs.

>> No.13652897

Lol, I believe this to be true.

>> No.13653476

Llcs are had they entities so you the owner or manner pays income tax on it.

>> No.13653772
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>> No.13653880
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bumping for important business venture knowledge

>> No.13653989
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Bumping because my earnings will fund my business as well.

>> No.13654108

NEETS don't understand this.

T. S corp master race.

>> No.13654276
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>> No.13654487
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Thinking through this...

1. If I set up an LLC and the LLC inherits the money. Assuming that gifted money isn't taxed, I can fund the company expenses.

2. I pay taxes on earnings from the company. But I have writeoffs, I pay bonuses, and I spend every extra dime on infrastructure, software, and marketing.

3. 2 years down the road I haven't spent the money in the coffers (the crypto gifted). It's just sitting there, say, 2/3 remaining.

4. Does the government tax the coffers at some point?

Tax anons welcome. Anyone know?

>> No.13654634


>> No.13654709

This. You need to make it look like you actually run a shelter though so routinely take in dogs once a month, keep them around for a few days and then bring them to a pool or lake to drown them. This way in case anyone comes asking questions or anything you can look like legit without actually having to pay for food, vets, etc.

>> No.13654765

>just launder money bro

>> No.13654767


>> No.13654806

setting up an llc costs money and is the saved money worth jail? if your killing it in crypto move to another country like the cayman islands