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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13651745 No.13651745 [Reply] [Original]

So t minus 6 or so hours until binance allows deposits again. Will this kill or trigger the bullrun?

I'm expecting it to kill it. There's a lot of BTC wrapped up in binance, and its the only reason I think this pump happened.

>> No.13651766

Bitcoin will continue up, but alts will all spike once it is open. The normies can't even buy their alts that's why they're bleeding. Anyone who doesn't see that is not going to make it

>> No.13651778
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Who fucking knows? This whole market is a crap shoot and none of the moves make any sense

>> No.13651785

That’s what I’m wondering too. Should I buy into BTC at this current price or wait until the Binance open tonight? Or should I buy into BTC now and move it all into LTC, XMR, and ETH when Binance opens?

>> No.13651801

You’re fucked either way. The only way to win is to end up with more usd than when you started, which is the only goal for all the exchanges. Everything else is a meme designed to prey on your greed.

>> No.13651806

>six hours six hours six hours bros
You've been spouting this for 24 hours now

>> No.13651824

It will trigger a alt season unlike you can ever fathom

>> No.13651854

BTC will crash back below $6k, BNB will go ATH, most alts will do well.

>> No.13652053

Please link me anything over an hour where you read that

>> No.13652130

I think people have changed their mind about selling their BTC and when full function is restored, it will be alt season. Low market shit will be pumped.

>> No.13652158

> a lot of greedy anons waiting to be unleashed

>> No.13652166

I can afford to lose it, but unless BTC is never hitting an ATH again buying or waiting for me is more a matter of deciding whether or not I should try to get nearly 1 BTC or about 2/3

>> No.13652172

fuck hews

>> No.13652193

Boy, lotta talk about this coming "alt pump" on /biz/.

Seems to be a consensus that it's going to happen.

And you know what that means.

>> No.13652251

Getting fiat out of an exchange is harder so they will opt for BTC to transfer out. Add in the Tether dumping they haven't been able to do. This means a premium for BTC will form and the price will go up very fast. Shorts are going to get absolutely BTFO.

>> No.13652297

Thinking of buying 1500$ in BTC now and keeping 1500 on standby to see what the price does

>> No.13652381

It's impossible to know. It's also possible that during the deposit only stage the price stays stable and then when they enable selling everything takes a massive dump.