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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13647694 No.13647694 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13647697
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>> No.13647713


>> No.13647759

$32 volume


>> No.13647776
File: 35 KB, 554x465, Screenshot_20190514-135256_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that was a good laugh. I was actually thinking about you and your scam yesterday but I couldn't remember the name of the coin, thought it was CAVE lmao

>> No.13647780


only 15m coins anon

>> No.13647801
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this pajeet didn't even have enough money to push the daily volume to at least 5k
that's so sad but I actually kek'd

>> No.13647813


That is my point, people haven't realised it is being revived yet. This shows that even with a tiny amount of volume it pumps 223%. Imagine what happens when the market realises it is being revived? It's all time was like 124k satoshis. >>13647697

>> No.13647824


>> No.13647865


>> No.13647868
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Laugh it up /biz/, I will be posting when it 30x's, and then I will be posting again when it 1000x's. The CRAVE revival will be one of the most glorious upcoming altcoin pumps.

>> No.13647941

>only 15m coins anon

People fail to realize this. $32 is 2329 CRAVE coins, 2329 is 0.015156200623584% of the total supply of 15366648 CRAVE coins in existence.

>> No.13648065

nobody is going to buy your 15mil coins you fucking fraudster
this shit is dead and you wasted your last 100$ to buy up all the tokens hoping to find retards who actually buy this crap

>> No.13648150
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? No, I noticed that it was going to be revived and have been buying some. Sure, I want to spread the word to speed up the process, but I am in the same boat as anyone that buys in. I am not selling until at least 30x gains, but I am hoping for higher gains, 100x's or even 1000x. Just look at the chart man, it only went down in price due to being ditched by the last team (that was a revival to begin with itself). I truly believe this will be a success again under the new leadership.

They have a new roadmap coming out at the end of the month by the way.

They are keeping active generally https://crave.cc/news_item/1000/community-update--notice-of-intent---marketing.html


How can you completely dismiss these things? Especially considering the price and the fact the market hasn't noticed these things yet. It's still priced as though it were dead.

>> No.13648181

Thanks for shilling this, it's worth a shot

>> No.13648193 [DELETED] 

You're responsible for the $32 volume in the last 24hrs eh. You're waiting for your 30X so you can almost have 1k, how many toilets does that buy you

>> No.13648225

nice vpn you got there, or did you reply with your phone?
get the fuck out of here with your utter shitcoin

>> No.13648249

Volume is 32 dollars. If you don't know what this means then go ahead and lose your money.

>> No.13648292

don't laugh, he saved up for 6 months for it

>> No.13648311


No problem lad, same reason I have bought in. If I were to give any advice, if possible I would try to buy in slowly so as to not pump the price yet. I bought most of my crave by setting up a buy order and waiting for several days. The trouble with buying the sell orders is that it pumps the price with the slightest amount of volume. Of course, it is good to lock in some CRAVE at least in as soon as possible incase it pumps early.

Also, another good point. CRAVE is actually listed on Cryptopia, so it will be back up there once Cryptopia is revived. https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Exchange/?market=CRAVE_BTC

>> No.13648312

LMFAO you post this but couldn’t screenshot a little more and include the $32. Fucking Kek. I know that $32 in your village can go a long way but that’s basically a nice dinner for me. I feel bad for you Ranjeesh. It wasn’t your fault that you were born not knowing what a toilet is. Work on your shill skills and maybe one day you’ll make it. This isn’t the one though

>> No.13648328


No I am not, I have been waiting to have my buy orders filled for the most part rather than buying the seller orders. I have accumulated quite a lot without pumping the price by buying the seller orders.

>> No.13648351


Read this >>13647813
and this >>13647697

>> No.13648403


without buying the sell orders*

>> No.13648467

ITT: Pajeets who don't know that there is a such thing as "liquidity" and that without it the value of your shitcoin is ZERO.

>> No.13648480

that volume :D

>> No.13648555


My man, you need to think further. Yes, low liquidity makes it hard to sell large amounts without dumping the price to dirt.... BUT by that same token, low liquidity also makes it hard to buy large amounts without pumping the price to the moon.

Now, think what will happen when people begin to realize the coin is not dead and is actually being revived? Think what happens when the new roadmap comes out at the end of this month.. Think what happens as the new team continues work with new updates...

>> No.13648622


Wait until the volume is even $500 and see the price then ;p

>> No.13648644

obvious desperate pajeet is obvious

>> No.13648799
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>> No.13648805


Not desperate or a pajeet, just an investor that sees a lot of potential in a coin that is being revived and nobody has noticed yet.

>> No.13648823


>> No.13648868
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>> No.13648934


People laughed at me on 4chan when I said Trump and Brexit would win too. I swear some people here would rather buy CRAVE at the top than at the bottom. Just wait a few months, you will see CRAVE pop up and fomo in.

>> No.13648962
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yeah yeah go fuck yourself with your position 1400 coin with 30$ volume, and daily pajeet ms paint shills. nobody will buy this garbage you fuckin twerp

>> No.13649058


Do you understand anything? Being rank 1400 doesn't matter, if anything it can be a positive if there is reason to believe it will go up, as the increase will be much larger than top 100 coins. And the volume, I don't know how many times I will have to explain this. CRAVE died, the price got crushed. Now, a new team is taking it over and reviving it, but the market hasn't noticed yet, therefore the volume is low and the price has not moved much. What does that tell you to do? To me it seems pretty obvious that the wise thing to do is to buy before everyone realises it is being revived, as once even a small amount of volume comes in on the buying side, the price will pump ludicrously high. I mean look at today, you have $30 volume and the price has pump over 200%... This is a sign of what little it takes for this coin to pump, just imagine what will happen as it gains exposure and the team makes developments (they have a roadmap coming out at the end of the month). To me this is the most obvious buy, I have been buying a good amount already and will be in the same boat as anyone else that gets in early.

>> No.13649167
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>CRAVE died, the price got crushed
Becaus devs exit scammed, they were probably drinking ganges piss water from the same pitch of dirt next to you couple weeks prior. Now gtfo of my board and enjoy being brown and desperate. Why all of you fuckin pajeets come here and trying to scam people is beyond me. Like you have zero fuckin self-respect and would rather post the same fuckin thread with same red skulls ms paint 1400 dead fuckin shit coin shill with 30 bucks volume on some fuckin exchanges written in html probably that infest your computer and mail with another virus like yourself. Get money honestly or off yourself. You could take those 30 bucks and invest in LINK with your village,because i suppose those 30 bucks came from at least 50 of your kind, then you would be up 25% in a day, but instead you chose to fuckin spam my board with this daily.

Also reported and saged. Hope they ban india from this board finally.


>> No.13649191



>> No.13649204
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>Becaus devs exit scammed,

Look at this new post from the new leadership. It was just posted a few minutes ago.

>> No.13649213



>> No.13649317

>Humm, well,
stopped there. don't buy anything related to this retard

>> No.13649363


I don't understand people like you. Show us your folios?

>> No.13649369

dude i would post my huge white balls here for you to look at, and they will be more relevant to crypto than this fuckin scam. stop wasting space here, and whenever you will post anything related to this board again, you will get same treatment. now beat it b4 i post my balls

>> No.13649399
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this look like thorecoin chart

>> No.13649406

>Do you understand anything?
>I don't understand

are you fucking dumb? do you think your shit team can do something with this shit coin that isn't already over saturated as fuck?
the time for shit coin pumps is over

if you are actually not part of the team trying to pump this, then good luck in life

>> No.13649414

i don't have a folio, but i have 21 btc and 8 btc worth of eth in cold storage and some shitcoins on binance

>> No.13649444
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that's what came next

>> No.13649450

I found a cool looking rock and sold it to a kid for 10 cents. Infinite % price increase. We're going to the moooon.

>> No.13649483


Ok that sounds good to me, smaller coins like this are for different people. I am not comparing this to BTC or ETH lmao.

>> No.13649498
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>looking into usd price when BTC moons
>implying any project was actually successful
>being this stupid

>> No.13649514

i don't even know anything about your coin but that nigger wrote "humm, well," at the start of his sentence which clearly shows that he's full of shit that's all i was pointing out

>> No.13649563


Heh we can agree to differ. For me coins like this are higher risk/higher reward. Of course having a core of BTC is the most important, alts like ETH are also pretty safe. If anyone thinks I am saying this coin is a potential top 100 that is incorrect. I hope for somewhere in the top 500 though eventually. With its previous history I think this is possible again.

>> No.13649830

>higher risk
>higher reward
$31 volume. There is literally no reward fucking kek

>> No.13649883
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The future man, please read my first post I have explained all of this.