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13640171 No.13640171 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Share tips and ideas to save as much money as possible

>> No.13640485

Oats and eggs is all you really need nutritional wise

>> No.13640504

go to a fucking fleamarket garage sale and flip stuff on ebay.

everyone can make 20.000 a year doing this.
you only have to do one thing: get up and do it.

>> No.13640507

need some greens too frend

>> No.13640517

Eggs are horrible for your health.

>> No.13640520


brown rice, lentils, peanut butter

>> No.13640522
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>shower every other day
>use toilet paper only if I have diarrhea, otherwise use water
>use DIY soap which lasts me 2+ months and costs me only 50 cents
>don't use ((((shampoo)))
>buy clothes only one time a year when they're on discount
>try to ask landlord/internet provider etc to lower the price every month before I pay the bills
>dumpsterdive every other day to get stuff for free
>never go to (((doctor))), just eat smashed raw garlic when you're eating sick
>do 72 hours water fast every weekend to save money on food
>steal neighbors' cats/dogs and then give them back once they offer a reward (if it's too low try selling the pet on craigslist first)
>shoplift expensive groceries every once in a while so it's not too suspicious (security doesn't mind if you shop there often)

That's about it, you can save around 10k a year if you do this stuff right. Share your tricks

>> No.13640525

If you're too poor to afford paying a fat-brapper chick to sit on your face, you can simulate the smell and warmth by boiling cabbage, onions, garlic, and eggs in a pot and inhaling the vapor from it. Also, you can eat all the boiled items after you're done and get some good nutritional value. It's a two-for-one deal.

>> No.13640526

piss in the top of the toilet. shit where you sit. you'll flush with your piss and save on water

>> No.13640527

kill yourself

>> No.13640528

Egg whites are goat food.
Chicken, broccoli with egg whites with a multi is all you need

>> No.13640529

Get your toilet paper from public toilets. Go in with an empty cardboard roll and just spool it on. I do this with about five empty rolls whenever I need. Don't use the same toilet every time tho

>> No.13640547
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>>steal neighbors' cats/dogs and then give them back once they offer a reward (if it's too low try selling the pet on craigslist first)

i am a black person but you are a nigger

>> No.13640560
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You just sound like a slob/douchebag/criminal

>> No.13640613

Also, steal everything you can from work. I have a side job where i work at a stadium i work there only to bring back home a buttload of cheeseburgers


>> No.13640670

>buttload of cheeseburgers

>> No.13640755
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>buy clothes from chink online shops
>grow weed on the windowsill
>cancel all paid online services and pirate instead
>download aircrack-ng to get free internet

>> No.13640787

>buying clothes

>> No.13640960

enjoy your fabric color poisoning

>> No.13640982

Egg soldier

>> No.13640991


Any appliance you need, you can just "borrow" from Walmart (or other stores) and take it back after X amount of days. They don't give a fuck why you're returning it. My Mom does this with everything. She even returned a 2 year old mattress to Kohl's recently.

>> No.13641007

wtf you still believe in that boomer's meme

>> No.13641032

That is the most aesthetically pleasing ID I have seen on this board

>> No.13641096

>trap pigeons for meat
>steal apartment neighbor's electricity by cutting through wall and splice your wiring with theirs
>clean clothes by soaking them in soap water and air drying them
>get free paper towels and tissue from workplace
>get free beer from office refrigerator
>get free drinks from kiosks at fast-food restaurants
>get free internet outside of cafes/restaurants with wifi

>> No.13641104

>live with parents for free

>> No.13641212

I dont do this but I know of people I work with that have:
>work in large manufacturing facility
>8 vending machines in the cafeteria
>vending company gives managers "tokens" that they can hand out to employees for doing -something- above their normal duties
>the machines accept them as dollar coins
>have access to bags of these tokens
>put tokens in vending machine
>hit the return button
>machine does not give tokens or $1 coins as change
>get a pocket full of quarters in exchange for your free, otherwise worthless tokens

Guy who did it told me he would sometimes yank $10 worth of tokens a day. That way he would "technically" make $1.25 more per hour at 8 hours for that day.

>> No.13641235

Kys vegan fag

>> No.13641273

If you are hardcore (like me), just go and live in China for 2 years and get the company to pay for your accommodation then live on rice, chicken and vegetables. I'll probably save about $40,000 this year living like this.

>> No.13641280

Stealing pets? I hope you get caught in the act.

>> No.13641541

Drive an old manual 4 cyl shitbox. Any car you borrow money for is a car you cant afford.
Have modest mortgage. Rent out spare rooms. Rent if you must but understand you're still paying a mortgage, just not your own.
Buy shit on special, plan meals in advance so you don't get tempted to buy extravagant stuff when shopping, or worse, stuff that doesn't get used and ends up being thrown away
Buy the cheapest alcohol you can stomach, if you drink. Anything more is a waste. Drink for social interactions, not out of habit.
Eat at home before going out
Borrow tools or appliances you'll only use once from friends or family rather than buy

>> No.13641958

go to self cashout grocery stores

>> No.13642489

if you want to increase your prostate cancer risk by hundreds of % that's the way to go

>> No.13642496

Don't buy brand name shit. I just shop at Aldi and have saved a nice but of money doing that.

>> No.13642509
File: 348 KB, 1600x1205, diy-cinder-block-bookshelf-with-six-grey-concrete-blocks-and-light-regard-to-wood-15-bookshelves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we post more frugal images? I find stuff like this creative, like the cinder block and wood plank bookshelf hippies used to have.

>> No.13642530

Suck one dick a day on your lunch break. If you're a twink you can rack in a bit, if not then hey at least you get some nice juicy dick in your throat.

>> No.13642564

>"Oh anon, it looks.....
It looks nice, I guess"

>> No.13642575

ur still a nigger, but this guy is a fucking asshole.

>> No.13642581

eggs are literally one of the best foods you can consume, i eat 3 a day

>> No.13642607

Oh I would never have it personally. Just find it fascinating. Like watching a stoner get desperate and cut the middle right out of someones garden hose.
Some ideas might be worthwhile but yeah not gonna get you laid.

>> No.13642641

pic related. you know they sell flat doors right

>> No.13642657
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I eat 6 a day because non farmed salmon and pasture raised meat is fucking expensive.

Canned sardines are cheap as fuck but holy shit they are a chore to eat every day.

>> No.13642676

It's fine to eat 2-3 eggs per day if you exercise regularly, however if you are sedentary then the cholesterol and fat will be bad for your heart

>> No.13642721

always poop at work or in a public toilet, saves on toilet paper and water

never buy new gum, just keep your old gum and wrap it when you aren't using it

steal office supplies from work and resell them on craigslist

bring your phone charger to work and use the works electricity to charge your phone

>> No.13642758

How to start?
I'm not sure whether to pick a niche or just try to cover all I can in terms of categories.

Should I just walk around and check whatever looks interesting to it's sales numbers on ebay etc?

I've sold a few small items like a bronze coffee grinder etc, but not too much.

>> No.13642802

>Not using shampoo

Patricians hygene

I learned in Afghanistan when I didn't get the chance to take a shower or change clothes for 2 months in the desert that my acne and my dandruff went away completely. Don't strip your face and hair of it's needed oils familia.

>> No.13642810

How do you sell weed? I haven't hung out with edgy teens or druggies for years and I don't feel like walking up to random niggers or highschoolers on the street.

Also one of mine
>buy shit from China, ALWAYS demand a refund for item-not-arrived (Chinese don't use trackers)
>modify my sales items in photoshop to make them look better, but do it crafty so they can't ever claim not-as-described
>Sell shit and don't send it if I'm feeling risky, tell the buyer that there was a strike and they should wait X weeks (until the refund timeframe has expired so they can't claim anymore)
Feel like a dick about it but I'm dirtpoor. Still haven't sunk so low to steal iphones from fat chicks and sell those, though.

>> No.13642815

t. UN & NWO propaganda to keep humanity docile and weak

>> No.13642863

You were taking dirt baths the entire time though.

>> No.13643019
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Take tip from old boomer:

Invest in yourself, buy high quality healthy food, sleep enough, don't do stupid drugs. Get proper education.

>> No.13643288

I'm serious man don't wash your face or your hair. Just rinse it out with water

>> No.13643296
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>muh klester all

>> No.13643311


>> No.13643326

do not ever buy any internet funny money a.k.a cryptocurrency

>> No.13643407


>> No.13643433
File: 37 KB, 670x670, 1551647871847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frequent thrift stores in wealthy areas to flip or own. You'd be fucking shocked what people discard.

Don't risk your job or freedom stealing cheap, easy to obtain items.

Facebook marketplace has also been good to me, 60%+ purchase rate (over Craigslist). Price items to move. Easily covers my monthly bills.

I don't touch my savings.

>> No.13643454

>i am a black person but you are a nigger
based brownie

>> No.13643467

do you not see his "devilish" picture?

>> No.13643506

wash your face but only use a warm hand towel with no soap
gets rid of the oily feeling while still leaving plenty of good oil on your face
it's the soap that fucks up the balance

>> No.13644319

Buy a straight razor and a pack of blades, depending on how often you shave this can last you an entire year and cost less than cartridges for normie blades.

Also buy shaving soap and a brush to apply for that juice lather.