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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13633465 No.13633465 [Reply] [Original]

i have no idea how to invest in this market anymore. even as this goes up more and more, I just grow more skeptical about all of it. i'm fucking shocked people are buying at $8k right now. i mean srsly, congrats on you who have fucking rode this pump because my dumbass couldn't do it.

it's been fun /biz/...goodbye

>> No.13633478

later bro


>> No.13633492

Not just you mate.
I was invested even at recent lows in December, but sold with Profit as its just way to crazy.
I feel its a manipulated pump and you can never know if it continues or dumps right on you.

>> No.13633507

Most people couldn't do it. Which is one of the reason why there's so much buy pressure now. People who sold are FOMOing.

>> No.13633518

right there with you OP. this shit is fucking insane esp right after the Tether & Binance news. I mean wtf is going on??

>> No.13633547

all these kms threads how much are you even having in usd/ready to put in?
are we talking $1000 or $100,000?

>> No.13633568

I would say enough to not risk losing it for some possible % in short term.

>> No.13633588

Got in at 4.6 sold at 6.3 listening to a dumbass twitter fuker who called the bottom. fomo'd back into bch while btc was 8k.

>> No.13633592
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LOL git gud cuck

>> No.13633603

reminder to self:
> let winners ride.
> dont get greedy with short targets.
> Dollar cost average in.
> Watch for uptrends on higher timeframes.

I also fucked up. But plenty of chances to come anon.

>> No.13633621

Since we broke 8 we probably wont see the correction till 10 but that's when normies would fomo so it's still to damn wishy washy to tell

>> No.13633627
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you do realise that ANY pump in ANY MARKET is technically manipulated

in forex the banks control every move any way they fucking want

stop coping with that bullshit

in real trading you just ride the signals the big dogs give, that's it, no need for retarded speculation, the ones that base their trading that way end up mainly buying highs and selling lows the moment they decide to jump in like complete brainlets out of that insane skepticism and fear which has proven for centuries is completely useless in trading ...

>> No.13634046

I tend to avoid analyzing markets with a tin-foil lense since manipulation is just part and parcel of trading - and the whales' motivations are usually transparent

However, it really feels like there's an element of psychological warfare at play right now; as opposed to the typical "buy low sell high" PnD. I've given up on making any predictions. Literally anything could happen at this point

>> No.13634108

Exactly I was lucky the first time around to sell at 15k, and then saw so many people who FOMO’d at that level just to see them hold through the fall from 19k to 12k, 11k etc

>> No.13634161

let's be serious for a moment. if you looked at the BTC chart and imagine that was some shitcoin. would you EVER buy it with that chart? what would EVER make you buy when you look at that chart? what sort of news?
Now think, what news did we have on Bitcoin? Nothing really. bakkt and all those investment firms for cryptos popping up, these are not news worthy of such pump, they never did. Consensus? meme. The only "big" crypto news we had recently is the whole tether and bitfinex (and binance "hack"). And yet the price is pumping... connect the dots.
Never ever FOMO into anything. take some time and meditate, close the charts and biz and think about this whole situation rationally. You're experiencing extreme FOMO and the last thing you want to do is dump your life savings because of your EMOTIONS.

>> No.13634210

hmmmmmm, nope definitely no positive news at all.

>> No.13634242

oh, and amazon

>> No.13634260

Amazon and Microsoft are using their own blockchains

>> No.13634282

who cares

>> No.13634303

>what news
you do realize the pump comes before the news right? by the time you know it's a good investment it's already too late...are you new?

>> No.13634322

you don't understand what marketing is. they will release NOTHING. they just talk to get some positive news coverage. they do shit like that all the time.

>> No.13634324

Do you really want to miss out on the memes tho?

>> No.13634326

exactly anon that's why I'm so shocked this is still going. i would never FOMO into this shit on any circumstance. i'm stuck in skepticism

>> No.13634528

keep meditating while we're getting rich as fuck lmao

>> No.13634576
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Already hold 12 BTC and picked up 5 more at $8K today.

This will seem like a bargain in a few months.

We will see it flying past the all time high very very soon.

Stop overthinking it. Just buy.

>> No.13634613

so you're saying it will dump very soon?
curious to know why you think it's pumping

good for you my man, however if you're on the sidelines I do not recommend under any circumstance to enter right now