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13622441 No.13622441 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>apply for high paying yacht cleaning summer job online
>meet owner for interview
>mid 30s libertarian dude with piercing
>present myself as ideal candidate for job
>have him interested in my field of study at uni
>both of us are laughing
>talked to him for 30 min. Sounded like an absolute shoe in
>tells me to send him two references
>get home
>email him two A1 references and also ask if it's ok that I won't be there for X days
>he says it's fine
>no response next day
>I email him asking if he made decision
>says he went with different hire
>confused as fuck
>thank him for his time and ask which references he spoke to, so I can thank them

>his response

"I did not speak to either.
For what it’s worth, you interviewed very well and I think you would fit in the position great! I was, however, very turned off by the style choice of a cigarette tucked behind your ear for a job interview. Piercings, tattoos, clothes, etc. are all wonderful expressions that need not be covered up or taken off or changed for an interview. But purposely tucking a cigarette behind your ear is a different brand of expression that told me hiring you came with certain risks. None of this was deal-breaking, but it does count.
anon's would-be boss

Sent from my iPhone"

we were slinging a fair bit of sarcasm during the interview, but is this over the top? I've never smoked a cigarette in my life. Is he misremembering me or is this a joke? Just seems very ill placed. This job was perfect believe it or not, 4 days a week $20hr

>> No.13622468

Whether you had the cigarette or not just move on man. Shit doesn't always work out and if the guy is misremembering that hard then he's probably a weirdo anyway. You'll find something else.

>> No.13622469

just tell him that wasn't you with the cigarette behind your ear retard. why would you not just say it you already didnt get the job.

>> No.13622501

I think sometimes people like to push away people they like. The guy must have something wrong with him. Did you get any weird vibes from him?

>> No.13622534

This, OP
If you didn't have the cigarette behind your ear then say so, you have nothing to lose by doing this

>> No.13622552

oh my god fucking tell him it wasn't you dumbass.

>> No.13622571

I'm not good at reading people, but no, not at all. He was a straight shooter, told me what would get me canned on the spot, realistic expectations of the job. Very funny. Quite intelligent as well. Runs a profitable business with 9 employees.

I really don't understand this. There was a two day gap in between the emails and when I met him. I knew he was interviewing others. But how the fuck could you have such a bad lapse in memory?

I really thought I was perfect for the job. And that's what he communicated. My only flaw was my shitty car which he questioned, but I explained I'd have it taken care of and would have no problems ever getting to work. And I also have to leave for a few days at the end of the month. That's it.

I'm not a delusional fucker I just know that I was the best candidate he could have found for the job, given he's really only looking at a pool of college kids home on break, and I have the closest thing to relevant experience.

>> No.13622574

tell him youve never smoked in your life and you can run under a 6 minute mile to prove it

>> No.13622575

Tell him he's a fucking retard and he has the wrong person.

>> No.13622582

I aint a cuck of course I'm gonna say it just thought maybe I was misreading a joke or some shit

>> No.13622730

Hmmm still, so strange. I mean, otherwise he’s hiring a guy he doesn’t want, or will be surprised it’s not who he thinks it is (you). You could wait to see if he responds back with an oh shit moment. But really otherwise he’s weird and making excuses. Good luck man

>> No.13622765

replied with this to remain cordial:

"You must have the wrong person, or at least the wrong reason(s) in mind. I'm the genetic engineering guy--we spoke on the dock in Eliot this past Friday afternoon? I've never smoked a cigarette in my life."

>or will be surprised it’s not who he thinks it is (you).
that would be interesting, hadn't considered it. Could go either way I guess. Thanks man

>> No.13622777

you sound retarded, i wouldn't hire you either

>> No.13622797

>kek being wrong
how did this happen

>> No.13622856

That was a dumb move. Should have just sent him a picture of your face because the cigarette guy probably has a job now.

Either way this guy is a dumfuck and you'd hate it there anyway

>> No.13622873

Hey OP, your would-be-boss here. I decided to hire an illegal Mexican who would work for 5 dollars and hour under the table instead of your pasty NEET ass. Just made up the story for shits and giggles, have a great summer!

>> No.13622893

He hired a whore(pronounced who-ah)

>> No.13622896

He probably also had some big chested cute girl apply OP. You'd do the same.

>> No.13622897
File: 1.71 MB, 5731x6107, 1497744709155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his face when he accidentally mixed up people
>expect OP on day 1 and the weirdo with a cigarette behind his ear shows up instead
i know youre feeling like shit OP because of this but this is fucking hilarious when you think about it

>> No.13622904

Begging isn't the best idea. You should've just said that that certainly wasn't you but thanks for the interview and to let you know if he needs anyone in future.

>> No.13622953

what's the difference if he realizes it on the first day of work

don't think it came across as begging. But whatever. Just gonna hold my LINK bags tight

>> No.13622964

>Sent from my iPhone
Dodged a bullet there, OP. I mean, what kind of nigger thinks anyone gives a shit how you managed to send an e-mail in 2019?

>> No.13622967

>But purposely tucking a cigarette behind your ear is a different brand of expression that told me hiring you came with certain risks. None of this was deal-breaking, but it does count.
this is a valid reason for denyign you, if you didnt have a cig behind your ear he's probably mixed you up with another candidate, reply to him asking about it? Even for the sake of getting a clear story

>> No.13623009

it appears automatically when you send an email from an iphone you stupid tech illiterate nigger

>> No.13623125

your dicklet did it anon. socks or sucks.

>> No.13623140

>corporatelet detected
Imagine working in 2020-1 without a company iPhone and ipad

>> No.13623162

> Yfw he accidentally hired cigarette behind ear guy

>> No.13623242

The uncontested best part of this whole larp is he probably hired the deadbeat wigger with a ciggy behind his ear thinking it was you.

>> No.13623256
File: 59 KB, 225x225, CA29A9EC-6F5A-4193-9318-EA095EB9F8DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking sides

>> No.13623259

He hired a girl instead.

>> No.13623670

The nigger who doesn't know how to disable it si the one that's tech illiterate, double nigger.

>> No.13623710

OP did he reply?

>> No.13623750

>cigarette tucked behind your ear for a job interview.
lol you are some tit.

>> No.13623862

he probably had a handful of people he interviewed and mixed up the names of people HE NEVER MET BEFORE!!!

for fucks sake at least tell the guy he is mistaken. The funny thing is the guy he might end up saying got the job is the guy with the cig behind the ear. kek

>> No.13623938

This. Perhaps you should have genetically-engineered yourself a pair of pert E cups in the weeks prior to the interview.

Sorry anon, some things just don't work out. Try not to dwell on this and move on to the next opportunity. Don't hold any bitterness, it's not healthy.

>> No.13623944

OP, go check your ears in the mirror. If there's no cigarette, post pics of ears. Perhaps you have a growth that looks like a cigarette that no-one's been honest enough to tell you about before.

We just want to help you so this never happens again.

>> No.13623953

Now he thinks you had a cig behind ur ear, next thing you know he says he definetely left his LV sportsbag with money in it here on the yacht, where is it you fucking thief, give it vack or ill call the cops, sont tell me you havent seen the bag, it was right here, never mind the cops, ill beat you up myself

>> No.13623968

KEK, I think OP dodged a bullet there.

>> No.13623985
File: 330 KB, 1080x1350, 1557681464886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big tiddy "yacht" cleaner

>> No.13624135

Cops beat up first person they see with a cigarette.

>> No.13624152

it's pointless.
it's op's word against his.

op will say it wasnt him, boss will say it was him and not to try bullshitting him.
either way, he's fucked.

>> No.13624160


Oh yeah he hired a roastie that he will also fuck

>> No.13624164

he sounds like a retard. you dodged a bullet op.

>> No.13624218

He probably mixed your email up and actually hired the pierced, tattooed, purple hair freak with a cigarette behind her(male) ear.

>> No.13624310

Here's a simpler one, he's procrastinating on informing OP that he's hired, neither one is hired yet.

>> No.13624318

OP didn't mention shooting.

>> No.13624327

Could be. Maybe he had a boating accident.

>> No.13624360

what is a reference?

>> No.13624414

It's a type of kys.

>> No.13624444

>going to a job interview

>> No.13624948
File: 391 KB, 1242x1547, 1557653230744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing pants at job interview

>> No.13624963

anon are you on meth?
did you get nervous and forget you had a ciggy in yer ear?