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13622243 No.13622243 [Reply] [Original]

Yo I need to kill myself but I don't want to leave my family in a bad spot, so how can I earn as much money as I can if I can just kill myself and clear my debt. I can maybe take another 2-3 years before I need to die.

For context, I'll be graduating from college doing CompSci next year, so I can have an income for around 1-2 years.

Gimme all your loan shark, life insurance techniques.

>> No.13622250
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just leave them in a bad spot

do it now

>> No.13622260
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Buy Bitcoin, fag. Next cycle ends late 2021 early 2022. If you go broke you get to kill yourself like you want, or else you'll be rich as fuck.

>> No.13622264

You’re an idiot. Stop being such a beta bitch. Man the fuck up and live the only life you’ll ever have. Fuck is wrong with you man. Smh.

>> No.13622279

How much can I realistically make from bitcoin in 2-3 years though? I don't have that much cash at hand right now to even buy it.

>> No.13622282

Tijuana, sell your body parts, bring a lot of guys with you so they just not steal them.

Also get an insurance, let the guys drop your head somewhere.

This way you get the $ fron selling yourself and the insurance for your family.

Also research ways of getting credit and not passint the deb to your family

>> No.13622313

I don't know about letting some dudes cut my body up, and I wanna donate my organs rather than have them go on the black market.

Also if I just give the money to my family before I kill myself then the debt wouldn't pass on to them right?

>> No.13622330

get a high life insurance policy and die within the deaths covered by the policy

>> No.13622364

Is it realistic to stack multiple life insurance policies?

>> No.13622395
File: 35 KB, 636x431, 1A2184E2-203A-4C6D-B03A-B881BF74F210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought most don’t cover suicide in policies?

>> No.13622403

I'll find a way to make it look like an accident. That's a whole different beast but I got a couple years to figure it out though.

>> No.13622423

Car crash

>> No.13622454

That's one way but I need to guarantee my death, living physically crippled is the one thing worse than being mentally crippled, the combination would fucking suck

>> No.13622489

Just go really fast

>> No.13622517

id gopro swimming with great white sharks and petting wild lions if i live if get tons of views and fame

>> No.13622940

Make sure to livestream