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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13620405 No.13620405 [Reply] [Original]

>medically discharged from military
>having trouble getting new job
>cant get interviews
>justd by crypto
>kicked out of my parents place after a month
>no friends in city
>no family support network
>no car
>no gf
>borderline homeless

Just cant catch a break. I'm considering taking my savings and running to the Ukraine. Other than dealing drugs what can I do to make money?

>> No.13620416

How the fuck do you have trouble getting a job as a veteran?

>> No.13620417

Take the scam pill

>> No.13620418

what make you believe a beta male like you can deal drugs

>> No.13620419

Rough man keep it together it'll work out, get any job and buy min 2 BTC

>> No.13620424

Company's like low test bois

>> No.13620438


Im in Australia so things are a little different. Cant even get an interview at fucking McDonalds. I went to a place called the local RSL (Returned Service League) club, which was set up after the first world war to support veterans. They wouldn't even give me a job as a bar tender.

>> No.13620439

You apply to city, state, and federal jobs, silly goose.

>> No.13620445 [DELETED] 

Did you file your VA claim? I assume your medical discharge, you're DoD rated at a certain point.

Did you get the medical retirement or the severance?

Either way file your VA disability claim and claim everything and get that 3k a month tax free

>> No.13620465


>> No.13620469

ill be living in my car in literally 3 days so i feel you. i have a decent work history but medical issues have devoured my savings (basically blind at night among other things). no gf friendless loner like any proper 4channer as well

>> No.13620489

Literally any govt job you go to the top of the list as a vet, brainlet

>> No.13620501


Australia is different bro. I've been applying for gov jobs and consistently get a polite "no thank you" letter

>> No.13620525

Australian here, getting a job is hard as fuck. Try call centres and warehouses, pretty much always looking for people but massive turnover. 50-65k aud annual as a casual but even on 50 its possible to get back on your feet using that as a springboard so you don't go homeless. Also apply for all the benefits

>> No.13620526

>medically discharged
use gi bill and go to any easy college you want for free. use whatever medical money you get to invest in shit coins. you will be chilling for 4 years minimum and forever if you dont massively fuck up

>> No.13620532

have you tried sucking dick?

>> No.13620555

Is your resume good? Up to date? What jobs are you even applying for? You must not be in the USA

>> No.13620563

Australian here, not a vet but have a few friends who are, and what you're experiencing is not unusual.

Can't offer you work but am happy to chat/talk shit if you want.

Brisbane here.

Drop an email to:


If you want to chat/vent Hahaha

>> No.13620565


>everyone i know from school still lives at home
>no one has a real career, all juggling part time service jobs
>rent for a room ia $350 a week in a pajeet share house of 5
>country over run by chinks and poos
>have qualifications, a degree and military experience
>cant land a job to save my life

How does anyone in this country survive?

>> No.13620566

Also to add, I need to go out so unlikely to still be monitoring thread.

Stay strong, man, the only way forward from bottom is up.

>> No.13620764

if your medical condition isn't to bad you could become a cop or security guard

>> No.13620767


T-thanks bro

>> No.13620826
File: 34 KB, 680x591, 1556739977884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finish enlistment
>fuck around for a few months
>take security clearance and go get 140k year job overseas
>buy condo at 28
>rent it out while working
>now making 160k a year and gaining equity in real estate
>on track to soft retire at 36
>occasionally hear about vet who can't even get a menial labor job
>realize it is because they have severe brain problems they can't hide, not because the system failed them

>> No.13620998

biz you know what he can do?

>> No.13621216


>> No.13622418

All good, man

>> No.13622839


I sent an email venting.