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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13619873 No.13619873[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What happened in the discord?

>> No.13619910

Clarify ?

>> No.13620018

what you talking about?
what discord?

>> No.13620027

it's unironically over

>> No.13620062

It’s fucking over I can’t believe it. 1.5 years of my salary put to waste. Sell while you still can before others find out

>> No.13620078
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spill the beans right fucking now faggots

>> No.13620091
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based LARP post

>> No.13620094 [DELETED] 

Sergey came out as a transgender?

>> No.13620101

If you mean the link discord, what happened is that rutagina came back and the whole server went to shit.

>> No.13620104

get out now anon

>> No.13620165

one of the people they made a mod was a pedo

>> No.13620185

Fuck off moy

>> No.13620206

Just buy back in already and consider getting therapy Brap.

>> No.13620208

Hi braaaap

>> No.13620216

Wait, braaaap still isn’t in? Wtf?

>> No.13620249

You know how the cycle of memes on this website is usually smart people pretending to be retarded and then by memetic effect actual retards start to repeat and adopt the retarded shit unironically, until the smart people feel disgust and exit, this is what's currently happening with chainlink community. The discord was always trannies but used to have smart trannies with smart discussions but progressively it got overrun with the worst of 4chan retards, underage idiots straight from b it seems, who are only receptive to meme and shit posting but have no brain cells for anything else, as the idiots started pouring in the smart trannies exited. This is unironically bearish for chainlink. I see the Twitter fags and the discord morons and I realize this is the opposite of the smart crowd that made me feel confident in the project in the first place. Disgusting. I don't know where the smart linkies went, but I can only assume they moved on to another project because biz has been dead and low iq lately too and it's not only because of the stealth meme or boredom.

>> No.13620266

/biz/ is so much better now that anons have to read the chat room gossip of a bunch of fucking drama queen namefags holy shit.
Stay in your containment chat room you fucking atrocious faggots.

>> No.13620308
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it's more of a vocal minority
there are still a few oldfags around here who hold intelligent discussions, not very often though since we had so many threads last year.
i checked out that discord and left nearly immediately, pretty cringe overall. in any case, /biz/ shouldn't hold that much influence over your investing decisions. always do your own research.

>> No.13620387 [DELETED] 
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I don't understand or trust Zoomers on general principle, if something like Discord is one of their emblemd. Seriously, what the FUCK is wrong with your entire age group?

>> No.13620412

They made a pedophile a mod. Not a good look for a server with Thomas and Jonny in it. It sure would be a shame if someone made the team aware...

>> No.13620447
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I don't understand or trust Zoomers on general principle, if something like Discord is one of their emblems. Seriously, what the FUCK is wrong with your entire age group?

>> No.13620449
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>I don't like discord I prefer the intellectual discussion on biz

>> No.13620466
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>> No.13620474

i just went in there and saw nothing really being talked about
what are you faggots even on
which one is the pedo?
sergeys shirt?

>> No.13620495

According to brap it’s ruta

>> No.13620512

Rutabaga. """she""" used to brag about saving underaged nudes.

>> No.13620538
File: 27 KB, 230x384, Screenshot-20190512204509-230x384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess im in the wrong discord

>> No.13620593

I literally got banned from the LINK discord for spoiling endgame, trash server.

>> No.13620629

>I need a name and an avatar picture so my internet investment zoomer friends know who I am

>> No.13620741

RubandTugga is a faggot piece of poop.

>> No.13620848

Offline members are not shown.

>> No.13621115

Underage like Dany broccoli or literally loli tier?
Loli = pedo
Adult looking 15 yo are fine

>> No.13621162

the mods there are massive faggots
they banned the guy who posted >>7777777

>> No.13621168
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and yea im the shloppydoggo

>> No.13621178

indeed. i'd break most of those faggots legs if i knew who the fuck they were.

>> No.13621231

>discord user is a tranny and a pedophile

Is this supposed to be surprising

>> No.13621247

One of the admins who created the group left when a tranny joined and then got modded

>> No.13621274
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But there isn't an 18th month anon

>> No.13621299

kill yourself.

>> No.13621308

May 15

>> No.13621371

Sir schloppy. Come to the link yacht club. Good bants, link talk as well. No overmodded faggotry.

>> No.13621397

send me an invite here admin@tricitiescryptocurrency.com
thx m8

>> No.13621573
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No u

>> No.13621917


>> No.13621933

Dude I have never once been in the discord but I know from your biz posts that you are such an attention seeking faggot. Constantly bragging about your get. It’s fucking pitiful. Go to Leddit or something if you’re looking for karma.

>> No.13622125

u kiding me? i invested like 100k into bigbrainchain or whatever the fuck until it crashed

>> No.13622140
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kek deepbrainchain

>> No.13622198

don't bring your discord tranny nonsense onto /biz/ you fucking faggots

I know Mods won't delete this because they're probably mods on the discord too, fucking queers

>> No.13622233

>group chugging along just fine
>suddenly attention whore pedophile reappears when link is at it's ATH
>immediately made into a mod
>entire group goes to shit and all the chats are purged

A tale as old as time itself

>> No.13622312

true story desu and nice full house dude fucking checked

>> No.13622333


>> No.13622495

I’ve been to the discord a few times and I would guarantee you would not break my legs partner

>> No.13622557
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A (((woman))) appeared that’s what happened

>> No.13622572

that discord has needed to die for a long time now. just leave the server

>> No.13622754

How did ruta even get modded? By who?

>> No.13622805

I think cryptobadger

>> No.13622892


>> No.13622974

This unironically. She was a legend to some but the group didn't realize they matured. All she talks about is how much drugs she's and her exes. It went from getting the chainlink team in there to absolute shit the second she got back

>> No.13622979

I don't think she was a pedo but she was a mod of a a dating app and was posting a bunch of private info. Then the discord thought it would be a good idea to mod her from what I heard.

>> No.13622987

good question.

>> No.13623112

Mods can't make new mods

>> No.13623123 [DELETED] 

What the fuck? she has no business being a moderator after what she did

>> No.13623173 [DELETED] 

also lecturing people about priveledge when she was the one compromising innocent peoples privacy. fuck that cunt

>> No.13623184
File: 830 KB, 800x1281, 2DE9227A-1D98-4796-86D9-F0F26408E705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this rumour is spread, seemingly, by 1 person. What actually happened was she was discussing her job modding a dating app, which involved modding underage pics. She then started discussing the dick pics she mods and said she’d save em for the lulz. Cuz she types fast her messages sometimes get jumbled but you have to be a complete autist to not see what she was really saying, that or you hate women so much you’ll twist words to ruin lives. I suspect that you resent a woman having a modicum of power over you, never mind a woman who probably has more links than you. Sad!

>all she talks about
1. Dude, if a man talked about that shit in off-topic, you wouldn’t care.
2. You have no idea the amount of dot connecting ruta did, she automatically dug every damn day during the horrific dumps, if you have link pastas saved she probably wrote half of them, if you have dots saved as images she probably made them. If you ever replied to a 300+ comment thread calling the OP “based”, newsflash, that was probably her too. So no, she doesn’t “only” talk about her personal interests.
3. You are OBSESSED with this woman. It’s sad as fuck. Sad and scary. Like serial killer scary. I will be advising her to take all precautions to avoid getting murdered.

She was one of the originals to join the server in early 2018 and during her time from the very beginning there was more autistic than most of you. Now she’s back, and not just a larp, of course she was modded. She only left because of harassment, rape/death threats. She was so freaked she even went to the police. Picking up where we left off seems reasonable.

Imagine if Adelyn joined and you are there spewing sexist crap. Smart? You are such a cry baby: you make personal and repeated sexist attacks directed towards the only woman in the server then complain about getting striked for it?

>> No.13623200

Why are you even on 4chan if you don’t find screengrabs of unsolicited dick pics funny? Saged and downvoted.

>> No.13623202

Hi Ruta!

>> No.13623218

she not only said she would save them but she would data dump them..i think on biz. That is not something you want to hear even if joking from a mod of the discord you participate in.

>> No.13623222

stfu you fuckin tranny

>> No.13623230

you miserable faggots make me want to market sell my LINK for fucking $0.000000001

>> No.13623236

stinky linky white knight confirm

>> No.13623240

Nah it's literally Ruta white knighting herself. Recognize that typing style anywhere

>> No.13623247

If you check warosu you’ll see that every single anon found the dick pics funny as fuck.
>innocent people
Dude these are creeps sending dick pics to girls then complaining bitch lasagne when she reports them, innocent kek right

>> No.13623260

literal white knight

>> No.13623268

See >>13623236

>> No.13623280

>whining about pedophiles on 4chan
>discord drama
Kill everyone itt

>> No.13623315

why do i feel like some people from that discord are going to get doxxed and black mailed for link.

>> No.13623349

You shills are truly great for keeping this scam still going.

>> No.13623357
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Are we posting our /r/chainlink warnings?

>> No.13623410

This discord is shit, anything and everything is banned

A new biz link discord needs to be made

>> No.13623419
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>> No.13623433

It's a reddit discord what do you expect

Delphi is the biz link discord

>> No.13623440

That's a nice analysis about smart contracts, not for a middleware for unsigned ssl api endpoints.

>> No.13623448

>abuses position of trust as a mod and saves underage pics, collecting them for "the lulz"
>"if you think this is wrong you must hate women!"
>"also this is 4chan so it's actually funny and ok lol"

If you had a lick of self-awareness you'd abandon your name with a history like that. But you can't because you're an attention whore. The fact that you were made a mod in a chat room visited by actual team members in spite of all this is just pathetic. Shut the fuck up and stop dragging Link down into your discord tranny drama bullshit.

>> No.13623450

I hate black people how do I get in?

>> No.13623527

>saves underage pics
Again, not true
>"if you think this is wrong you must hate women!"
Straw man. It’s the rape/murder threats and incessant abuse are indicative of hatred towards woman.
>you're an attention whore
Attention whores don’t post pasta-worthy info and autistic research anonymously on biz, though, do they? You’d be mortified if you knew how much of your LINK folder was authored by a woman.
>Shut the fuck up and stop dragging Link down into your discord tranny drama
The ones targeting ruta are the one causing drama and bullshit lmao.

>> No.13623533

Lol hi again Ruta

>> No.13623548

Jesus this is why woman can't into crypto

>> No.13623557

>I don't know where the smart linkies went
I'm all in 100% for over a year now and have a huge stack I've been holding since ICO. I spend maybe an hour or two on /biz/ a week and avoid twitter and discord like the plague. There isn't any reason to waste a single second exposing yourself to that kind of cancer. I only come here to scroll through pages upon pages of inane shitposts to see if I can find any news updates and then abruptly close the window.

>> No.13623565

I hate biz

>> No.13623597

U mad ruta has a bigger stack than you? Kek