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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13616617 No.13616617 [Reply] [Original]

Okay linkers, here is your last chance to stock up.
In 2 days Sergey will announce mainnet + Microsoft.

>> No.13616627

when partnership with mc donalds?

>> No.13616631

wait. did you actually purchase chainlink? it's a 4chan joke dude.

>> No.13616638

dave who? apologies sir, im a very stinky linky and i cant recall any daves

>> No.13616648

Dave? Who the fuck is Dave?

>> No.13616675

He’s part of the clc bullshit

>> No.13616678



Another fucking LARPer peice of shit. Fucking kill yourself you absolute cunt. I will literally pray you get diagnosed with acute uncurable stage 4 terminal cancer tonight you namefag LARPing piece of fucking shit. KILL. YOUR. SELF.

>> No.13616703

what the fuck is clc

>> No.13616717

Rolling for trips to satiate insider

>> No.13616725

I need more links

>> No.13616750

Chainlink Larping Cucks

>> No.13616821

Sweet, just bought 10k Link..

>> No.13616834
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Yorke E. Rhodes III

>> No.13616852

Looking forward to it! Say hi to sharon for me.
Sent from my iPhone

>> No.13616854
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hodl'ing through the dump

>> No.13616856

You know in your heart of hearts nothing will be announced and it will dump HARD. I'm not even of the "link is a scam" opinion but I've sold. If something, somehow happens it's going to the moon anyway so i can buy in then.

>> No.13616869

Maybe the real gains was the entertainment we got from delusional linkies along the way.

>> No.13616883

hi guys. dave here. disregard previous post. I am a nigger faggot that likes to stroke my penis while larping to retarded linkies because they are so desperate and gullible. now that I have stroked to completion, this thread is concluded.

>> No.13616898

Whoa my name is Dave too.

>> No.13616975

Dave Chainlink! Oh my god, it's you! How long has it been; 2, 3 years? The guys still ask me 'How's Dave Chainlink?'. It's great to hear from you man. What are the chances of you getting a job as an insider at a company that you share you surname with?! Crazy huh? Next you be telling me there was an actual 'McDonald' who sold burgers! You got time for a brewski?

>> No.13616995
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Dice your tomatoes, Cardboard.

>> No.13617003
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>> No.13617008

Dave who?

>> No.13617037

Source or LARP

>> No.13617038

absolute unit

>> No.13617124

Once again, Yorke E. Rhodes III

>> No.13617192

We know about Rhodes and how he likes smiles, how does this prove anything will be announced in two days?

>> No.13617195

You’ve spoken to him I take it?

>> No.13617216

He spoke to his daughter, Lana, who's recovering from a sore bottom.

>> No.13617218

Spot on. Wasn't sure about MS though, you may know more...

>> No.13617294

Yes, I did.

>> No.13617326

If what you say is true, how high do people think a confirmed public Microsoft/chainlink partnership and mainnet take us ?

>> No.13617340


>> No.13617358

What would the price do with a Microsoft announcement? 2x......maybe.....then back to $.040 after it massively fails due to Big Mac overloads

Stay poor you fucking idiots.

>> No.13617427

Link can easily be 15$ this year.

>> No.13617519

I want to believe

>> No.13617642

Look at shitcoins like IOTA and XRP and how quickly they exploded into multi billion dollar market caps.

>> No.13617693


Link after MS partnershit = 30'000 sats = around 2$ / link = EOM price

>> No.13617713

Also very likely. Maybe even double that.
I'll make another thread in 2 days.
Have fun friends, and do the right thing

>> No.13617750

R u bullshittin dave?

>> No.13617780

It's not dave dummy, it's someone pretending to be him to discredit him when the announcement he claims will happen doesn't. Screencap this. 4d clcg fud. THANKS JUST BOUGHT 100K CLCG

>> No.13617811

Sergey stated himself that he won't announce anything...his business partners will do the announcing when the time is appropriate. It is not Sergey or the Chainlink team's style to shill anything.

>> No.13617983


>> No.13618033

Thank you lord larper for giving me strength for 2 more days

>> No.13618052
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>source: dude, trust me
Here we go again

>> No.13618056

ok thank you dave ! have a nice day, nigger larper. as if it would stop at 2$ with microsoft kek. also if they announce microsoft normies will wake up to the fact that we are literally working with swift and flock even more of their hard earned shekels in

>> No.13618075

also fuck discord trannies they are cancer. especially teemo the devil, indianbrappi and pedobaga.

>> No.13618080
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>> No.13618108

whats a 4chan?

>> No.13618115

based. also fuck niggers, jannies, and kikes