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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13615301 No.13615301 [Reply] [Original]

How do I build credit? Im 22 and have no credit score or bank account. How do I do it.

>> No.13615312

They wouldn’t even let me finance a fucking 270$ cockatiel for my girlfriend because I had no credit history when it would only be like 25$ per month. Fuck kikes

>> No.13615328

open a credit card. you may want to do a secured one that is designed to build credit where you deposit and that is your credit limit. then buy everything using your credit card up to your limit and pay your balance on time only at the end of the month

>> No.13615337

Get a credit card and pay it in fucking full and never miss a payment. Start there

>> No.13615345


you are what''s wrong with america

>> No.13615352

>for my girlfriend
thats the problem sirs

>> No.13615367

Kek, brilliant trolling anon.

>> No.13615371

I’m sorry for trying to make white children

>> No.13615374

Any recommendations what my first credit card should be? Like what's a good company to start with? Visa or something?

>> No.13615380

you dont have 270 dollars?

just pay for the damn bird, why "finance" it

>> No.13615385

I wish I was trolling

>> No.13615391

your bank will probably have one through visa or amex

>> No.13615397

I had 400$ cash at the time and wasn’t interested in losing over half of it

>> No.13615399


My first cc was capital one.

Same story here anon. Gpodluxk

>> No.13615408

Bank with Chase and get the chase freedom unlimited credit card. You will have 15 months with 0% Apr to build your credit without getting charged interest. First thing I did when I got it was get $600 in debt then I stopped using my credit card for all payments and hid it in my drawers. I haven't even paid it all off yet because I've been adding to it but my credit score went from 680 to 719 in about 3 months doing it this way. Plus they just increased my credit line

>> No.13615471

Capitol one might give you an unsecured $300 one if you open a checking account with them. If not there are secured cards where you give them an amount as collateral & they issue a line of credit aka credit card for that amount.
t.Ex consumer finance mook at a big bank.

>> No.13615514
File: 38 KB, 354x295, 1556339065910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need birb
>finance it
>default on payments
>pet store threatens to repossess birb
>mail said birb carcass back to pet shop to settle outstanding amount
Why pet stores dont give loans to buy pets

>> No.13615529

>buying birds
wtf what kind of retard does this

>> No.13615548

No bank account at 22? Kys you are worthless

>> No.13615551

Fuck you birds are awesome

>> No.13616580

Discover It card

>> No.13616607

get a credit card
never go over 20% of the allowed limit
leave 2 bucks on the account every month so your credit is being "utilized"
never miss a payment

>> No.13616667

>finance a fucking 270$

Just buy it? Do you not have a spare $270?

>> No.13616686
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My dogs birthday was Feb 24th.
Hes a good boy

>> No.13616844

Get a credit card and pay everything off. It's easy and you get cash back. Only idiots don't use credit cards.

>> No.13616941
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Don't. Use crypto instead.

>> No.13616965

>up to your limit
never go past 20% of your limit
using up too much of your available credit lowers your score

>> No.13616976

>get a credit card
>avoiding the jew

>> No.13617049

It lowers your score until you pay it off.

Unironically here's how I did it

Max out four cards on crypto
Pay minimum payments every month
Build score
When I pay them off my score will instantly jump super high

>> No.13617935

No offense but you can't afford a bird what makes you think you can afford a baby

>> No.13617970
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Get that bitch a "hamster" like i did. Pet shop didnt let me pay by installments for it so i hunted a rat in an open sewer and gave it to her