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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13613239 No.13613239 [Reply] [Original]

>my face when my country's fucking government wants me to give them a cut of my gains so they can feed old people and give refugees iphones

>> No.13613254

lets make our own country fren

>> No.13613261

pay your fair share OP

>> No.13613265
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stupid apu, you're showing the wrong finger.

>> No.13613295

We tried that it's called America and then someone let the Jews in and it was all downhill from there

>> No.13613378
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>my face when entitled zoomers think they deserve to use my country's fiat currency, social services, and have access to our single market without paying for the gains they made by gambling on the internet

you're a pathetic fucking freeloader who hasn't contributed anything, literally worse than boomers. And likely worse than refugees because you were at least born with opportunities, but instead scrounged them.

>> No.13613379

Does Turkish government even know what Bitcoin is?

>> No.13613492

>implying I use social services
>implying I use a "single market"
Stupid boomer

>> No.13613566


>> No.13613593

> implying you don't use other social stuff (Roads, Sewage, etc.) that your tax dollars goto
stop being a 14 year old edgelord

>> No.13613632

Can't use a road without a car. You pay taxes for the car already. Can't use the sewage system without a toilet. A part of your rent pays for your toilet being connected to the sewage system. Tax on capital gains has absolutely nothing to do with that and is pure kikery, especially since the institutions whose CEOs are the richest people in the country use every loophole to evade them, while you as an individual investor are being hit with full force.

>> No.13613808

Lousy Jews ruining everything they touch.

>> No.13613839

There is no such thing as a tax "loophole." There is only the tax code. The same rules and deductions apply to everyone, and if you aren't smart enough to do everything possible to keep the money that you earned then perhaps you deserve it when the government bends you over and transfers it to welfare queens and illegals.

>> No.13613845

Gay cunt spotted

>> No.13613848

Taking on financial risk is a huge leap to take. Why should my money be given to other people who risked nothing?

>> No.13613869

Almost all of your tax money is used to feed pigs.

>> No.13613897
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fixed ur shit apu faggot

>> No.13613909

Yeah, that's why CEOs are running their businesses by themselves instead of employing legal departments, right? Exploiting tax LOOPHOLES is a fulltime job for a professional who knows the law while knowing nothing about finance. That's why he signed a contract of employment with his boss. It's not something you can do alone.

>> No.13613960

pretty sure that's part of the joke

>> No.13613996

Again, how is it a loophole if it is available to everyone? People who have more resources need to spend more time managing those resources, hence why they hire people to do it for them. What's also interesting is that privately owned companies choose to pay their CEOs more than publicly traded companies do. Why would a private investor choose to invest even more money in his CEO if he could hire someone else to do it for $5 million less? When you are in charge of billions of dollars worth of assets it makes sense that you will be compensated handsomely to do it. The difference between hiring a great CEO and a bad CEO can make or break a business and all of its investors as well.

>> No.13614016

you would need virgin land for that. and an army that can hold it.

>> No.13614030

which pretty much leaves you with artificial/floating islands and a navy strong enough to beat small scale false flag state operations and pirate syndicates.

>> No.13614045

It's a loophole because it's so obscure that nobody knows about it. It might be exploted for years until someday the news reports that Amazon somehow pays 1% tax in this or that country. Even then it's not something that can be emulated by someone like me. My initial point was that capital gains tax has nothing to do with paying for municipal commodities, you already pay for those.

>> No.13614091
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I wouldn't be butthurt about paying taxes if the government was halfway fucking responsible with our money instead of using it to bribe votes with Obama phones, food stamps, and welfare checks for Shaniqua and her 10 kids, and shooting million dollar missiles at brown people from across the world

Until then I'm just not fucking selling until I can use my crypto as a fucking currency.

>> No.13614092

Specific tax revenues are not earmarked for specific things. It all goes into one big find which is then allocated downward and downward. And again, you don't know about obscure deductions because you don't have tons and tons of assets in different areas. If you did then you would know about these so called "loopholes." Perhaps you don't know where to find a certain obscure Asian ingredient in the grocery store, but the Chinese grandmother uses it everyday in her cooking, therefore she can find it readily whilst it is unknown to you. What a terrible culinary loophole she is using!

>> No.13614117
File: 489 KB, 1691x1123, D970BFCB-B5D5-4403-867E-582C90730B98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mfw knowing you can’t do anything about it.
Continue with the whining.

>> No.13614141

har har funny joke u filthy slav

>> No.13614146

You're not only paying for services with taxes, but with simple bills, which are obviously specific to the things they cover. So fuck off with "muh roads and sewage paid for with capital gains tax". Your food analogy doesn't contradict what I said about people with different fields of expertise working together for a common goal (money), and contradictory to simply finding a spice in a shelf, tax LOOPHOLES actually exist since not every legally relevant action and interaction is covered by tax codes, which means someone with the necessary expertise can find ways to evade taxes that are only feasible until someone notices how much tax money they are missing out on due to that person's actions and amends the code. Until that time there is that LOOPHOLE.

>> No.13614166

problem is with a democracy -and you kids dont know it otherwise- that lots of women and weaklings have a say. As soon as they are involved:
- costs rise
- efficiency drops
- crime rises
- national identity gets lost
- jobs get lost
- smarter countries take advantage of you

back when i was a kid i lived to see the Fuhrer. Boy in can tell you: One strong men gets more done in less time with fewer resources than like 30 kids or women. If countries abandon equal rights for chicks and re-introduce the Patriarchy everything will be just fine. Also Sieg Heil 14/88

>> No.13614177

Name a specific loophole. Oh wait, you can't.

>> No.13614190

No I can't, that's my problem.

>> No.13614317

>*is 21 trillion in debt*
taxes are a fucking meme when they make up trillions to cover expenses
taxes should be through the roof to pay for this 21 trillion shortcoming
we're never paying that back

>> No.13614326

What gets taxed in capital gains tax? Is it the amou t of extra money you made?

Say I invest 10k and cash out once I've made another 10k, giving me 20k. Do I pay tax on the 20k or the 10k I made?

>> No.13614353

Your gains, so 10k.

>> No.13614356

it's capital GAINS tax, so you're only taxed on what you GAIN

put 50k in, go up 20k, only the 20k gets taxed

>> No.13614360

Then how do you know they exist? Let me guess; the media or your local political candidate told you so and insisted that it was deeply immoral. Nothing that applies equally to everyone can be unfair.
Maybe if you had a specific bit of tax code that was poorly written or had nbers that were specifically too high or low when compared to other parts of tax code we could discuss the merits of it and change it if need be, but to say broadly that taxes have extra loopholes for wealthy people is totally nonsensical and not very productive discussion especially considering that anyone can read the tax code and apply it to their own finances.

>> No.13614370


>> No.13614396

Every time you exchange one asset for another you are taxed on the difference between the value of the asset when you purchased it and the value when it was sold. Any time you make a trade you should be reserving the tax due in usd otherwise you will get rekt.

>> No.13614404

>the media or your local political candidate told you so
Yes. I'm just a simple man with an education that pertains neither to finance nor law.
>taxes have extra loopholes for wealthy people
For sufficiently knowledgable people.

>> No.13614436

Then the only barrier to using the tax code to your benefit is your own level of intelligence, skill and due diligence. if you lack such things, then you will never become wealthy enough to even need to know tax code anyway

To read most laws you need above average reading comprehension. Does that make all criminal and civil law, by definition, unfair?

>> No.13614445

as long as you can prove your gains and investment, if you can't (e.g. you used monero) then they'll tax everything

>> No.13614461

Perhaps we should rewrite all laws in such a condensed and simple manner that even mentally retarded children who have suffered a head injury can understand them. Therefore, everyone can apply the law equally once and for all. Or maybe that's what judges, lawyers and arbitrators are for...

>> No.13614484

Where did I use the word unfair? I see the blame with the government, not the rich people. I also don't live off trading, I have a normal job. But it pisses me off that I have to pay a significant double digit amount of the gains I risked a lot for so useless people can get more free money per month than I make by taking these risks.

>> No.13614493

>virgin army

4chan got this covered

>> No.13614539

Ok I see what you are saying. I agree that capital gains taxes are outrageously high.

>> No.13614572

Honestly you should hire an accountant before next tax season. He can look at your specific situation and suggest ways for you to get extra deductions. It's not a team of lawyers like a huge corporation has, but he will be your own "tax team" to help make the most of your situation

>> No.13614627

>Oh, but feeding NEETs is way better

>> No.13614646
File: 74 KB, 900x900, 3725BB21-EA86-47FB-9F24-9629BE9082ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The country wants your gains to give to make up for corporations not paying a dime in taxes every year. Paying for old people and WellFare is a drop in the bucket as far as budget is concerned within the US. The amount of money we would received if you closed offshore corporate tax shore loopholes and made churches pay property taxes would remove the deficit with 8 years.

>> No.13614998

God damn you're a cuck, go suck hitler's dick fag.

>> No.13615535

>t. kike