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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13604964 No.13604964 [Reply] [Original]

>"Bullrun" can't even get past 7K
Hahahaha enjoying the momentum for the next dump to see you faggots get destroyed.

Pic VERY related for bulltards.

>> No.13604980

Eeesh. Bad post.
Take a rest.

>> No.13604994

OP is going to be the faggot of the week again. Congrats, m8.

>> No.13604998

Dude no need to be so bitter, damn. We are all just having fun here.

>> No.13605010

t. missed the bull run

>> No.13605020

5 green months in a row we're not stopping now

>> No.13605356


>> No.13605379


>> No.13605436
File: 86 KB, 400x400, 1557463325255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying bobo?

>> No.13605459

BTC to 100k 2020

>> No.13605462

this didnt age well, just like bears, old sad faggots

>> No.13605596

Another Bobo poached the fuck out. Buahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.13605612

bears on suicide watch

>> No.13605627

...you were saying...?

>> No.13605628

I thankfully don't own any bitcoin, I have my investments in pension schemes and pokemon cards and Commander 2018 sets, in short I /investincardboard/

>> No.13605633

Back to the good ole days. Thread ages terribly after 40 minutes. Shit like this makes me realize the bullrun has started. Thanks for the Keks

>> No.13605655

eat shit faggot

>> No.13605656

Yeah, ok I was wrong, but look at the down trend, this is in no way organic growth it's wales haveing a LARP then regretting it almost immediately.

>> No.13605663


>> No.13605682

Mr. Shekelstein, why are you shilling against BTC so hard?

>> No.13605685

did you partake in the last bull run to 20k, or no? Genuinely curious if some of the bears are that new.

>> No.13605692 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 591x404, crop640x360000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy anon here, doing nothing while gaining money just using my phone, Pi network is the future.

Join now before its too late.

Download the pi network app, You need a referral code to join so here
Code : minepi.com/gone

>> No.13605706
File: 193 KB, 809x809, brapp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thankfully don't own any bitcoin

>> No.13606174

I did not. The main reason that I am a bear comes from the artificial inflation of graphics cards thanks to GPU miners it's clear to me somone in the tech industry set this up and people here think it's satoshi, who benefits from running your GPU on full throttle? the GPU companies and the power companies. People here refuse to connect the dots.