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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13603486 No.13603486 [Reply] [Original]

Is 500 LINK enough for a suicide stack? I'm kicking myself for not buying more. And fuck the discord trannies who shilled me against this shit. Youre all going to age poorly and youll look like a circus act at 35

>> No.13603510

At least get 1000

>> No.13603534

>fuck the discord trannies who shilled me against this shit

OP, you did this to yourself. All you had to do was dyor. Stop blaming others for your failures.

>> No.13603552

I read the white paper, but the trannies were like a devil on my shoulder. I'll at least scoop another 500

>> No.13604143

The fud last spring and summer was overwhelming. It almost got to me, but I kept accumulating because I felt confident in it and saw it as the next evolution of the crypto space. The fud during recent months is so low-IQ it's embarrassing.

>> No.13604282

I only have 1130 linkies, was hoping to accumulate at least 5k linkies before the next bullrun, which I believed would happen at the end of the year.
Oh well, I can still make if link hits at last between $30 or $50, $250 would be maximum comfy and the highest I was going to go anyway.
The best would be making at least U$ 250,000. Multiply that for 3,6 and you would have almost a million where I live, give or take some fluctuation on the dollar.