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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13600396 No.13600396[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How come women have zero sense for business?

I was in a brothel in Vienna(called a laufhaus) the other day, and right next to the brothel is a McDonald's. You can actually see the brothel through the windows on the upper floor. As i was eating(yes i know it sucks in America) i was looking at a very pretty girl who is cleaning the tables in McDonald's, so pretty that she could easily compete in any laufhaus in Vienna and make bank.

It boggles my mind that she stares at the brothel through the windows while she cleans tables for minimum wage without doing anything about it, how did it never occur to her to literally go right next door and make 10 times more money for less work instead of slaving away in a fucking McDonald's. The worst part is that i remember the girl from last time i was there like 3 months ago, and she is still cleaning tables.

It would be the equivalent of me seeing a flashing sign saying "help wanted, paying 10x what you are making now" from my office window.

>> No.13600406

I dunno maybe she doesn't want to be a whore?

>> No.13600412

She will find a husband and get paid 100x in a few years without getting fucked by strangers.

>> No.13600414


Shitty bait thread.

>> No.13600420

you mean "not that kind of whore"

>> No.13600423


Put your finger over her heels and look at what a little fucking midget this skank is in reality

>> No.13600430 [DELETED] 

>tfw fucked prime slags at the age of 15-19
feels good man

>> No.13600444

Why dont you suck cock on craigslist?

>> No.13600450

this is pasta. don't respond to this cretin.

>> No.13600456

he means a vector for vaginal diseases....hookers have a hard time finding quality husbands

>> No.13600468

its called dignity retard, not that you'd know anything about it

>> No.13600482

Women have no concept of dignity and cleaning tables at McDs is not dignified. It's not like those two are her only options.

>> No.13600494

Based and fpbp

>> No.13600540

>Women have no concept of dignity
only pleb women
> It's not like those two are her only options
crypto is not your only option to make it yet here we are, life's shit do you know her story?

>> No.13600562

>being a wagie at McDonald's

What is it with neo-serf wagecucks and their mental gymnastics?

>> No.13600663
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Waging at mcdonald's is better than fucking ugly losers.

>> No.13600707

That's extremely short sighted. Being a hooker may get you money easily, but it's only a short term game. In the long term you won't last in the industry and you'll end up having to deal with long term consequences (disease, murdered by a serial killer, etc).

That pretty girl at McDonalds might seem like a fool to you, but it could just be a temporary thing while she studies at a university. She might be thinking long term and sacrificing the short term

>> No.13600723

> t. zero life experience bluepill fearful fag

>> No.13600756

Literally getting cum on her face by 60 year olds. Ye

>> No.13600758

This is the power of money.

>> No.13600825

nice pasta

>> No.13600837

>cleaning tables at McDonald's
>long term career

wew lad

>> No.13600847


>but it could just be a temporary thing while she studies at a university.

top kek, nobody tell him

>> No.13600891
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tell her how make money as fuck prostitute

>> No.13600893

She is a woman in Austria (if she exists), that means life on easymode.

>> No.13600938

Maybe she has a bf already and aint a whore

>> No.13600945

you sell sperm

>> No.13601120

sounds like a potential wife material

>> No.13601294

Just so you know, prostitution in Austria is perfectly legal like any other job, and certainly better than cleaning tables at a fucking McDonald's

>> No.13602005

>perfectly legal
LOL listen to these FUCKING JEWS try and spread their filth


anyway, stale pasta is stale

>> No.13602023

Why is this a repost? Is this on behalf of Big Stripping?

>> No.13602169

Like that is a bad thing..

>> No.13602218

>how did it never occur to her to literally go right next door and make 10 times more money for less work instead of slaving away in a fucking McDonald's
Because she is not a whore you filthy jew.

>> No.13602309

Well then why dont you encourage your mother to become a whore? She sucked and fucked for decades. Whats the problem?

Have sex incel

>> No.13602540

legal =/= ethical
legal =/= respectable
if you don't inherently know this, congrats: you're a degenerate

>> No.13602625

So she have to sell her pussy in order to be a good woman? Op is a cuck.
Among all the thots you found a legit unicorn who rather make money by working min wage than to be a Thoth and sell herself for money and you actually disgusted by it? Cucked beyond repair.

>> No.13602662

So selling her pussy is dignified? More than regular working?
You are a cuck man.
People whine about women being manipulative and teasing men for money, and you insulting a woman who is a fucking unicorn?

>> No.13602683

This guy fucking found a unicorn and instead of going and marry her right away, wanting her to sell herself.
Guess what? He gonna go to incel forums and cry about “ women are thots and no virgin and have no shame”

>> No.13602703

So clicked that can’t think of any other way of making money beside selling himself or working at mc.
Man you are lost.

>> No.13602791

On a dignity scale, I think, THINK, that working in a fast food is more respectable than being a hooker.
If you had a daughter who had to choose between both options, I think that you'd suggest McDonald's.

>> No.13603339

Your emotions about the dignity of a certain profession is irrelevant, it is a FACT that she would make 10x or more money for far less work if she just went next door, and that fact that this has not occurred while she looks at the opportunity through the McDonald's window while she cleans tables is questionable to say the least.

>> No.13603423

you could make 10x your $ if you started selling coke right now, literally as easy as getting fucked, so why havent you jumped on the drug wagon anon? literally swimming in profits

>> No.13603446

would your rather be a gay prostitute who takes it in the ass for $100 an hour by fat old ugly men or work at mcdonalds for $10 an hour?

>> No.13603529

Money isn't everything, you know : if a dude gave you a $uitca$e & said "your silence for the death of your mother I ran over last night", would you take the millions or get this dude behind bars for killing your mom?

>> No.13603740

Not the same, first of all selling coke is illegal - prostitution in Austria is not
Second, you can't just suddenly start selling coke, you need connections etc.
Third, it is a far riskier profession than working in a laufhaus

>> No.13603773
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>tfw I've seen this thread before
>it's literally pasta now

Honest answer though. Most women don't choose to be prostitutes for the money. The ones who do typically get in, make their money, and get out with nobody any the wiser. They choose to be prostitutes because they're scratching a psychological itch of some kind or another.

>> No.13603809

fine, then start scamming then. Or stealing, or cheating.. probably far more profitable than anything you do.. i mean if you dont care about dignity or morals... you've already shown you'd get into the coke business if your ass was safe and knew the right people

>> No.13603810

Because porn, prostitution and general whoring fucks women up in the head
Its bad for the soul

>> No.13603825

Literary this.

>> No.13603886

Why don't you suck cocks for money?

>> No.13604266
File: 1.62 MB, 1008x756, unknown-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are going crazy while im earning money by doing nothing, Pi network is the future, get in now before its out of alpha.

Download the pi network app, after that you need a referral code to continue.

Code : minepi.com/Gone

>> No.13604283


>> No.13604302

In some places it’s also perfectly legal to fuck animals

>> No.13604333

How is it not, it's just a regular prostitute? No nudity involved

>> No.13604415

based pasta

>> No.13604420

Why aren't u sucking dick? Plenty of gay dudes would pay top dollar for a Str8 bloke, it would definitely pay more than shit posting on /biz/