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File: 32 KB, 608x316, niggered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13594721 No.13594721 [Reply] [Original]

i just lost everything, the peanuts i had made from hard work (im a poorfag) are now gone

my 0.17 btc will never come back and i will miss the bullrun and never make it, i will probably kill myself until year end

sorry frens just feeling sad u can ignore and sage this thread

worst part is, this shit will probably dump as fuck next week and i got liquidated and have no money left

>> No.13594732

invest. no bitmex no moar

>> No.13594739
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>> No.13594746

How much to get a BJ?

>> No.13594753

what kind of investment other than trading with leverage or gambling on shitcoins can net a decent return on such little money? i can't even dream on having 1 whole btc, i was trading my way until that only and just keep it in a cold wallet forever... i started from 0.02 and built it up and now everything is gone after months of grinding and watching charts 24/7 like an autist

>> No.13594760

That's sucks but thats life

Welp see ya later!

>> No.13594769
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Don't short Bitcoin. Don't use Bitmex. Added to the screenshot of Bobo despair

>> No.13594771

cya fren i hope u make it

>> No.13594786

thanks for including me in the screenshot, at least i will be remembered as one of the fools who lost everything in this niggers gambling site

>> No.13594820

Yep. It's so others will learn. Good luck fren.

>> No.13594830

same to you fren. godspeed

>> No.13594836
File: 17 KB, 112x110, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is exactly why there will be an alt season. The majority do not want to trade with leverage.

Can't lose if you don't sell.

>> No.13594845

if i had >1 btc i would just chill in alts between cycles, for sure... that was my goal anyway. its much better indeed, this leverage shit eats you up

>> No.13594856

His name is Santiago

>> No.13594858

the first step in overcoming a gambling addiction is realizing you have a problem. The second step is realizing you never had enough to gamble at all. I predict this is your future


>> No.13594868

I feel for you OP. I think a lot of people decided to go to Bitmex during the bear just because it was the only way to make money while alts did nothing..... but with every BTC bull run comes alt season.

God speed to you.

>> No.13594881

santiago lost 21k, if i had what santiago had i sure as fuck wouldn't be on bitmex my dude

>> No.13594885

Don't use BITMEX. This is honestly what happens more often than not.

Just buy something like LINK, HOT or another smaller Mcap token that has a good chance of being top 5.

>> No.13594900

thanks anon, hopefully i will have some spare cash again later this year

my goal was getting to 1 btc (started with 0.02) and just chill on alts forever, im never touching leverage again and no fiat left to invest

>> No.13594903

typical tardo mistake. you need atleast 5k to start and you should never, ever trust bitmex nigga with a short position.

>> No.13594912

it will take me like a year to save up 5k, feels bad being poor as fuck

but yeah, if i ever get back to bitmex im never shorting again

>> No.13594952

>.17 BTC
Never had a chance desu

>> No.13594966

>/biz/ shorting the bottom
The new buy high sell low

>> No.13594968

well, i started with 0.02 so percent-wise it was a decent gain, but sadly its still peanuts yeah...

>> No.13594985

Options. Faster gains than crypto if you're lucky but much riskier.

>> No.13594998

is there a way to get into options without being american? to top it all off im from a shit tier poor country

>> No.13595044

Is Robinhood available in your country?

>> No.13595072

no, as far as i know you have to be US citizen to sign up and fund a robinhood account...

>> No.13595083

I don't know. Steal someone's Social Security number my fellow Americans don't value that shit at all. Buy puts on LYFT and turn $500 into $5000 each week.

>> No.13595085

Getting hurt is what helps you learn anon. Soldier on fren

>> No.13595108

there will be one day i will look back on today and wonder why i got so sad over just 1k USD... i believe it will

>> No.13595148

Are you on coinbase? I can hook you up with some free Stellar

>> No.13595165

sadly, coinbase isn't available in my country

i tried signing up for that free stellar giveaway on blockchain.com but after submitting my documents they just forgot about me, its been like 2 weeks already and still not confirmed.. i guess they put shithole countries back in the queue lolol

but thanks for the consideration fren :)

>> No.13595170

Doing Gods work

>> No.13595182

Actually this goes for anyone, if you want $50 in free XLM and $10 in free BAT message me on Discord. They hooked me up with a referral link that gives people I invite free crypto just for watching a couple dumb videos

My discord handle is Noxxy#7851 just send a DM and i'll hook you up.

>> No.13595199

It's like you really want to be poor.

>> No.13595260


>> No.13595273

Hey man if it makes you feel any better I lost around 1.2 btc in this past month which was practically my whole trading stack and im about to be homeless soon so I will have to cash out the rest.

>> No.13595290

if true I feel for you fren :( stay strong, we'll make it one day

>> No.13595309

Yeah im mad af about it and I know we will make it. I have like 6k wtc in cold storage that im not touching for years so I still have a decent chance.

>> No.13595323
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>> No.13595325

>$1100 worth of bitcoin
>2400 contracts

the math doesn't add up OP

>> No.13595328

before you kill youself OP, try going to church and finding God

money doesnt actually matter in this life

>> No.13595355

my short was early af and i had already been liqd on another position... this position was actually only 0.1 btc worth on 5x leverage when i opened it at 5150