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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 298x312, 07-14-09-1537635146131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13590293 No.13590293 [Reply] [Original]

>I'll shoot you an e-mail

>> No.13590303
File: 42 KB, 800x533, boomerreturns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets circle back and touch base on the key points from your power point and do a team huddle to reach consensus.

>> No.13590325

"Touch base" is, so help me God, the absolute most retarded fucking phrase I've ever heard in my life
And I've heard it countless times at my workplace

>> No.13590330

I have to say the same about "Deliverables". What the fucking fuck.

>> No.13590383

>sometimes you first have to be promoted horizontally to get promoted vertically

>> No.13590433


>> No.13590452

Beats my office
>kindly do the needful and raise any queries without fail

>> No.13590474

>lets pivot back to the main axis so we can do a deep dive on the subject

>> No.13590486

>i'll e-mail you an e-mail

>> No.13590491

>lets backflip into the backend data and squint if we can ding dong diddly finesse these figurines

>> No.13590500
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>What's the holdup you sack of shit? Don't make me come down to the site and beat some sense into your black ass. Fix the problem by tuesday or you are fucking done!
>Sent from my iPhone

>> No.13590507


>> No.13590518

that's a street shitter?

>> No.13590524

>let’s do a double deckered springbounce and recalibrate the circuits

>> No.13590528

Worse, it's a mexican.

>> No.13590540

My sides lmao

>> No.13590547
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>Let's circle back to that item later, it seems out of scope
>I added Ganesh's team to the weekly meeting, I'm hoping to leverage some synergy between groups if we focus on our core competencies
>We can touch base during tomorrow's standup, give you some time to get the lay of the land
>I want to highlite our value add and show that this is a win-win
>I'm feeling out of the loop here, when was the last time Frank ran the numbers?
>Rupesh is going to do a deep dive into the data and perform a drill down into our key customer segments
>This initiative is really going to move the needle on our top KPIs
>We can already make this a game changer by taking care of some low hanging fruit
>Let's take that offline, ping me when you know you'll be available
>We're not trying to boil the ocean here, our north star hasn't changed

>> No.13590590

>lets backward handstand into the meeting carnival and fandangle the sales reports from last nickel

>> No.13590607
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I use some of these, they convey the meaning quickly. I kinda enjoy the office life.

>> No.13590612

Per my last email, I'll just be a fly on the wall and we'll rendezvous and take this offline next team sync.

>> No.13590653
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>Wanted to pick your brain re: narrowing the scope of the timeline moving forward

>> No.13590699

>supercharge our growth


>work flow

>> No.13590727
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>So, what have you been working on this week?

>> No.13590735


>> No.13590737

underrated kek

>> No.13590952

This is making my blood boil

>> No.13590984
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have a (you)

>> No.13591034

>I fucking hate indians
>Cc ganesh + 45

>> No.13591113

>Weekly reminder to NOT take rolls of toilet paper from the bathroom

>> No.13591201
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>We invite you to attend to the diversity seminar Friday after work. Hope you can make it!
>PS: Attendance is mandatory

>> No.13591249

>3rd Thursday of every May is Bring Your Wife to get Blacked day
>Attendance is mandatory

>> No.13591271
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>scrum meeting

>> No.13591282

>attn: ALL
>Whoever is leaving loaves of bread in the toilet, I am going to break your fucking arms.

>> No.13591298
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>nice to e-meet you

>> No.13591349
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>Hello fellow employees, hope you are doing well
>We are pleased to anounce the first week of July we will celebrate our bianual office retreat. We will be enjoying nature at (insert shithole). For this we will deduct 500 EUR from your next paycheck.
>PS: Attention is mandatory

>> No.13591378

>ping me when your not busy

>> No.13591394

>office air breathing fee

>> No.13591417

I worked at a technical recruiting place where a guy said he couldn't find a particular type of engineer, and the manager called a surprise meeting to announce that the guy "found the end of the internet". He then sarcastically congratulated the guy and sent him home for the day at 1:00; meanwhile, everybody else went back to work.

>> No.13591433
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At 29 years old, you will never hear me say these baby boomer phrases

>> No.13591434


>> No.13591439

That's pajeet talk

>> No.13591440
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"Blast me an e-mither"

That's what i say now and again
some of the graddys started saying it

>> No.13591474
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>Just wanted to drop by and say "Have fun." Tonight should be a free-fire idea zone. Watch a DVD, eat some pizza, fuck each other. I'm serious. Fuck a chicken if that's what it takes. Watch a chicken fucking a horse. What? You think the guys who invented Google sat around watching Trumpton?

>> No.13591658

>not sure if you've seen my previous email, so...

>> No.13591671

>So what I THINK you’re saying is...
>Let’s put a pin in it and circle back later.

>> No.13591885
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>> No.13591928
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>> No.13591978

>get Fred to fire up that cisco box, anon!

>> No.13592186
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>I'll take half your money

>> No.13592341

>through put
>decision informed by
>at the end of the day
>internet of things

>> No.13592371

Holy shit, I'm an analytical chemist so most of my day is devoid of boomerspeak, but my cubicle where I analyze my data is right outside a side office with one of those 'jolly' mid aged, upper management boomers and his whole fucking clique of 40-60 year old faggots make the most obnoxious scene in the mornings. But they leave out food so it's whatever.

>> No.13592445

Hello Microsoft

>ramp up

>> No.13592602

>hey just sending you a follow up

>> No.13592668

>just to caveat off what ((insert name)) said...

>> No.13592703
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>> No.13592714

Hearty keks

>> No.13592727

>There he is!
Someone actually said that to me once back when I was working on site. How the fuck do you respond to this?

>> No.13592736
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>quick question
>I have a small doubt

>> No.13592747

>the one and only!

>the man, the myth, the legend

>y-you too

>> No.13592772
File: 355 KB, 594x606, Juggernaut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>move the needle

>> No.13592781

One time I was in the break room and I know fuck all about sports. So some dude that I've never talked to before comes into the breakroom and, after seeing me:
"Did you see the rams score three and two touchdowns with bases loaded and gRetsky on third with Woods shooting the three pointer past 3 and first down home run?"
At least that's what I sounded like to me.
I just starred at him like a deer in headlights.
He stared back like a deer in headlights, shocked that I was unable to respond.
We starred for what seemed eternity, then sort of silently went our separate ways.

>> No.13592793

kek’d hard. Why didnt you just say you dont watch sports?

>> No.13592794

>guy walks past my desk to leave for lunch
>says "lunchie time my friend" every single day

fucking lunchie time

>> No.13592806
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>This Fortune 500 company is now settling their inventory exchange contracts using Blockchain technology in the Cloud to reduce overhead costs.

>> No.13592818
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I'll never understand what it's supposed to mean, but I always think of Warhammer when I hear it

>Mfw touching base with my squad

>> No.13592821

>all hands meeting
>you're gonna have to redo you monthly developmental report
>there will he no overtime, also I need you to do overtime today
>10 new fancy names for boss

>> No.13592827

Better than touching tips I suppose

>> No.13592833

Good point! I should have but, man.. that was ackward.

The fucking cloud! I remember when every single phrase had the word cloud in it.
>Can we interest you in a cloud solution?
>All businesses are moving to the cloud.
>We believe the cloud can help innovate your IT infrastructure.
>Do you have a cloud strategy?

>> No.13592841

>All hands meeting
I remember that shit.
All fucking hands meeting.
What are we.. a fucking group of pirates? No motherfucker. ARRRR

>> No.13593066

>I get your point buddy

>> No.13594115


>> No.13594171


This one is out of control. So in your face marketing buzz. Don't think I've ever brought myself to say it to a client or even a colleague It's a fucking product we sell to make money. Just because every other company started using this term doesn't mean we need to hand over our dignity to the marketers.

>> No.13594186

Im not Michael Bublé

>> No.13594227

I always hated walking in on boomers taking a shit in the company restroom...
>hey there anon, another day another dollar
haha yeah
>Do you hear them bullfrogs?

>> No.13594276
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>Sent from my iPhone

>> No.13594321

truest of em all so far. My favorite:
>what’s the impact to the schedule

>> No.13594344

this is how I stay up to date on current events

>> No.13594354

what’s up?

>> No.13594408

Holy mother of kek

>> No.13594455
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>How's the job hunt going?

>> No.13594582


I feel the same whenever I hear someone use the word content. Even fans talk about things like marketers.

>> No.13594632

kek I'm in an engineering design class at uni and my professor uses this stupid fucking word for everything

>> No.13594686

Based and lmaopilled

>> No.13594709


>> No.13594990

>yeah let’s table that for a sec and get back to the topic at hand

>> No.13595216


>> No.13595321

This is only funny if the recruiter was fired or the manager quit. Otherwise it's just awkward.

>> No.13595750

fuck its too real

>> No.13595816
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>it's nice to put a face to the name

i once heard someone say this irl at a convention to someone who was a popular blogger in the space and whose face was recognized by everyone. talk about social skills.


lol, what a faggot you are

>> No.13595904


>> No.13595912

This is embarassing but mine is worse. My coworkers think I listen to rock and always ask me if I know some band/song and when I say I don’t they laugh and make fun of me for the rest of day

>> No.13595916


>> No.13596347


>> No.13596449

Not even remotely believable

>> No.13596570
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>Alright! Team huddle everyone, today we need volunteers to go home early since business is slow.

>> No.13596579
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>> No.13596622
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>Ask Dinesh in purchasing why we are paying so much for machine repair
>Make sure you run this across Steve (pajeet) before continuing the work for the convention
>Go ask Arturo in the warehouse why the jobs are put on hold
>Someone call fucking tech support to bring a technician here TODAY TO FIX OUR FUCKING MACHINE
>(Tech arrives, named Dahn) "Wat rong wit machin? You no clean mess on machin, dat why it break. Man my ga, people dumb"

>> No.13596637


>gamut chart

>Future potential

>Lets get this off the record and really talk about how to move forward regarding our current temperment in the room

>> No.13596650

lmao people do this?

>> No.13596669


yes. company from 2008 after the stock market went to hell. I was a tempt and everyone didnt want to lose their income/ get fired.

>> No.13596808

>we are delighted to welcome sarah to the team!
Fuck sarah that fucking bitch I don't need more competition showing how bad i am at my job

>> No.13596906

>let’s cut the fat and head straight for the meat

>> No.13597450
File: 154 KB, 600x900, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek my boss is stereotypical boomer, here's a few of his cringey go to lines:

>We need to start turning the handle on this
>can you tic tac with *insert name here*
>so I've set up a 'database'... (it's an excel spreadsheet)
>I have some work I need to catch up with you on and handover - translation: I've taken on some work that I now realise I don't know how to do and that may not even be possible - so I'm going to offload it onto you so you get the blame.

Is there anything worse than boomers in the workplace?