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1359017 No.1359017 [Reply] [Original]

What Brexit, Old memes edition.

XPE is back
LRS a shit
GXY and RAP hanging strong

We need some Au/Ag stocks that aren't West Perth micro-cap shell companies trying to get into medicinal weed. What have we got?

>> No.1359080

AQI is still cheap. Has attracted Sprott.

Also BYR another goldie, but the fuckers pulled a CR today just the the SP was gaining a lot of momentum.

>> No.1359170

You know now that you mention it Platina resouces(PGM) based on the Gold Coast.. has a Gold mine as well as platinum and of course scandium!

>> No.1359178

Platina resouces (PGM) is also developing novel extraction processes like CLQ and LIT

>> No.1359183

bought gor & a2m today.

first trade ever.

>> No.1359186

PGM has Munni Munni gold resouces in Pilbara PGM Office however are base on the GOLD COAST QLD.http://www.platinaresources.com.au/projects/munni-munni/

>> No.1359258

could buy 2k worth of PGM now, would it be a good idea before it goes back up to 0.10?
if I bought for 0.093 would this be a good trade and sell it around 0.098 when it get back up to 0.10 again>

>> No.1359272

I own 1250 shares of GXY, should I invest further into GXY or diversify with PGM and/or AQI?

>> No.1359361

Just made 30% on RCG. Im thinking of taking a loss and selling my shares in LRS and MXC. Thoughts?

>> No.1359431


MXC is already making money. Its more of a long hold. If you need you cash back now then sell at a loss but hold for a year or more and you should be back in the green....depending on where you bought at.

>> No.1359448

I bought at 5.6 but averaged down to 5.2

So frustrating watching this stock and I'm down $200. Too stubborn to sell but I really want the money back to invest in other things.
Just not sure if it will take off sometime soon or at least return my investment.

>> No.1359466

Held strong with PLS when it dropped into the 40s knowing it was a solid investment. Just released a BOA and damn it's ready to fly.

Hoping my other lithium play (AGY) does something similar in the next few months

>> No.1359478

Anyone watching 1PG? Looks very bullish after being completely oversold from 5.50 to 0.4. Annoyed I haven't jumped it yet.

>> No.1359482



>> No.1359493

Was it oversold? Or was it simply overhyped and way overpriced at 5.50?

>> No.1359516


Just like Reffind, 1Page has nothing the market is willing to pay for. Their models simply don't work on a commercial basis.

It's quite easy to work out which tech companies have a model that works. Open the latest annual report and check the figures under cash flow from operating activities, and earnings before interest and tax.

>> No.1359521

bad day for RAP

those new shares getting released to blame?
anyone got any other ideas?

>> No.1359522


i know the feels. Im hoping it will be higher than that at years end but who knows

>> No.1359533

Bought at 0.052. Might as well leave it there for a year...car parts can wait.

>> No.1359557

Only thing i can think of is people who bought high before that june drop cashing in after the small rebound.

>> No.1359559

That's what i was thinking. There seemed to be a lot of hype when they listed about simply being on the ASX. Very unusual for a software company with no real product to be worth over a dollar, let alone $5.
Typical speculative hype for a software startup

>> No.1359578


XTV is going to skyrocket once the trading suspension is lifted.

kek @ anyone who didn't buy in prior to the halt. Shit's going to hit 10c by the end of the year.

>> No.1359585


Gotta start somewhere, but okay, thats cool, super helpful buddy

>> No.1359657

I fucking hope so.
I put $6000 into it before it crashed and went into trading halt. They have replaced a few member's of their board of directors and have been in temp. suspension for a few weeks now, just extended it to monday next week (who knows if they will come out then with good news or not). At any rate I am getting rid of my XTV holdings once it passes around 0.022

>> No.1359660


Yeah right. The second it resumes trading it will be dumped and hit the fucking floor.

>> No.1359836

Sup, I've been out for a while and I got a message today that IOT is now in a training g hault until Wednesday. Any idea why? I know it tanked after that vid release.

>> No.1361023

lol I've heard this sentiment before!

>> No.1361028

Capital Raising. They probably need bigger plants and manufacturing capability, apparently their presales have gone up from 250K to 400K

>> No.1361544

Welp, today was a shitty day.

>> No.1361549

Not if you're cool and hold MMJ

>> No.1361609
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Far out. Dem returns.

Anyone know whats going on with the banks? They dont seem to be doing so well recently.

>> No.1361653

>XTV is going to skyrocket

it's going to 0.001
they have nothing

>> No.1361905


>> No.1363475

>tfw down $900 on RAP

t-thanks people who suggested it. i have no fucking idea why it's crashing so hard rn.

>> No.1363801


its crashing because a bunch of shares just got released from escrow. also people are cashing out after holding for a year avoiding that CGT.

just fucking sit on it. wait until the end of the year and you will be sitting on some nice gains.

keep calm, stop checking it every 20mins

>> No.1363867
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why is the £ still getting weaker?

>> No.1363905
File: 22 KB, 480x270, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold PSC at 0.029 hoping to get the retrace after patiently holding for 2 months
>couple of hours laters its 0.035

>> No.1364313
File: 20 KB, 242x257, It's all over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people ITT who actually invested in XTV Networks

>> No.1364324

As a first time investor, should I invest in CBA?

>> No.1364327


You're probably already invested in them if you have superannuation

>> No.1364332

Serious question guys - what do you reckon about Austin Engineering? It's SP has tanked for ages, now I reckon it's going to retrace.. could double in price by the end of the year.

>> No.1364342


Mining services companies are a dime-a-dozen

>> No.1364344

This. The company I work for owns 13.

>> No.1364627

How do I short companies or ASX? I'm using comsec andy advice would be good.

I want to short long term, say 1 - 2 years.

>> No.1365294

Yeah I bought into the meme and lost $256

And that was selling out at 2.3 or something. Imagine if I let it go down to 0.08. Would have killed myself

>> No.1365984

Liberal Party winning ruling majority will see a rise in ASX listed stocks.


>> No.1366368

Man... fucking CIM

I inherited this stock and have seen it going up for the last 6 months but today it's copped a fucking hiding, down 15%.

I kind of thought something was fishy since they were bucking the trends of the general market.

>> No.1366383

This is the funniest post i've read all day. thanks for the laugh

>> No.1366544


Both parties are pretty similar in that they are shit for the economy.

Liberals are actually the worst of the two, if that wasn't obvious already.

So nothing will really happen as a result of the election.

No-one cares which fuckwits are doing nothing in Canberra anymore.

>> No.1366670

>worse for the economy


>> No.1366743


He's right

>> No.1366757

No, he's not.

Labour always get us deep into debt.

>> No.1366809

Just like the liberals are doing now.

>> No.1366900

Simple answer. Liberal is the better chance for Australia's economic stability! Now due to the hung parlement there is a grater risk of us losing our AAA credit rating, even with a liberal government. However had labour gotten in they had a budgeted 20 billion dollars more spending witch after all global events and current instability would have garunteed us loosing the AAA credit rating with in 12 months.

Please note I'm strictly speaking about there economic policy's. I do not talk about the other policy's in this therad.

>> No.1366975

lmao good joke

>> No.1367176

Should I sign up for Invest Smart? Are they any good?

>> No.1368121

Neither major party is interested in creating a dynamic economy. They are interested in three things :

Funnelling public money toward things that benefit their donors;

Signing restrictive trade agreements for political reasons and calling it """free trade"""

Propping up asset bubbles so speculation can continue unabated, enabling more private sector debt

>> No.1368127


>be so ashamed of your corporate behaviour that you change your name
>yep, this will be a good investment

>> No.1368315

yeah I agree with you but I still think Liberal would see a temporary short term boost for the ASX, just due to sentiment, not anything fundamental.

>> No.1368320

Hope whoever suggested LRS a couple weeks ago put their life savings in it and have since killed themselves.

>> No.1368377

>Caring one iota about government debt when borrowing is virtually free

>Not caring that the government sells off anything that could see a return to earn "surplus" meme points.
>Not caring that the government enters into contracts to essentially pay all expenses of the institutions they sold for meme points.
>Not caring that the government is building/investing in absolutely nothing to build the foundations necessary for the future of the economy.

I fucking hate almost all the political parties in this country, but if you genuinely believe the surplus meme you are a complete fucking retard and absolutely should NOT be giving advice on this board nor indeed risking investing yourself.

Please don't bring idiotic political propaganda here, we have /pol/ as a perfectly good containment board for morons.

>> No.1368647

I'm holding out for the cash rate cut next month and the credit downgrade before I probably buy into an ASX 200 ETF, probably STW.

Anyone here waiting for the crash before they buy the fuck in? Part of me feels like everything is going to shit and there is going to be a collapse. Brexit, Trump/Clinton, racewar, unstable government, etc.

>> No.1368809

Unless it's another GFC then it won't have much of an effect.

>> No.1368827

All they're doing is taxing the fuck out of everything and hoarding the money.

Richer government ≠ better economy.

>> No.1368863

>Liberals are actually the worst of the two
uhhhhhh what

can you tell me how "jobs and growth" as a slogan is WORSE for the economy than "save medicare from the great oogily-boogily"

>> No.1368889

In this cycle Libs and Labs both are bad, but Labs are worse of the two.

The stalemate in parliament will screw any chance we had of economic reforms so our credit rating is going to get rekt this year.

With regards to the share market it won't have much effect as nothing will get thro the senate, so just same same.

>> No.1368891

You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.1368892

...but I agree we should stick to asx.

>> No.1368895

So on that note...
PGM, LCD, AKK & still thinking about GTR

>> No.1368980
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Who's taking up their Vocus rights? I know I am.

>> No.1370291

Pretty sure my old boy owned them when they were Leighton..

>> No.1370678

Slogans mean nothing

It's literally just something to drum into stupid peoples heads so they'll vote for them

>"Oh they said Jobs and growth! That means they'll give us that! I don't need to know how they'll do it, they just told me they will!"