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13585001 No.13585001 [Reply] [Original]

have you anons been following the developments in the dark net recently?

the basic gestalt: law enforcement around the world appears to have teamed up and launched a blitzkrieg on darknet operators, shutting down all major players include dream and wall street(2 biggest drug) and Law enforcement has put so much heat on other sites that they've got scared and exit scammed or just shut down altogether.

There is also a bug in TOR that makes DDOS'ing easy for someone who appears to be blackmailing everyone possible. So basically the darknet is an empty void right now after - leaving its future, and the billion dollar black markets up in the air.

what do you think will happen next?

>> No.13585026

Something always fills market demands. What exactly is going on? Are those markets shut down? Is there no where to buy illegal items now? --sorry for noob question, not into darknet markets but find it interesting

>> No.13585029

Decentralized markets made possible by DLT, could take some time as everyone seems to be really altruistic in the space rn but as the tech becomes more accessible the criminal world will not hesitate to implement it

>> No.13585070

The CIA has basically announced that they control over 51% of the TOR network.
We will soon probably see some crypto p2p markets come up.

>> No.13585080

not sure how that would work with physical deliveries, those will always be the weak point of any clandestine markets

>> No.13585083

how the fuck am i supposed to get my benzos know riiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.13585099

the weak point was always the hosting. the delivery may be the weak point for the receiver.
pro-tip, start using amazon.

>> No.13585109

Interesting. Something will replace them but unsure what.

>> No.13585130

Gonna need a bit more info about this chief

>> No.13585140

This is a subtle Monero shill isnt it?

>> No.13585141

from what i understand - things have been running relatively smoothly in the darknet markets for the last few years, and operators became very complacent making child tier security mistakes leading to easy arrests. this coupled with the DDOS vulnerability has totally crippled the dark web.

for new anons wanting a breakdown


>pro-tip, start using amazon.
can you give us more on this

>> No.13585182

Tor was funded by US military interests, it’s very likely been compromised and was very likely designed as a way of undermining totalitarian and authoritative regimes, and not designed to enable privacy centric browsing habits in first world countries. There are plenty of markets that are invite only, in fact there are some “markets” that dont even have a .onion, anything else that springs up to replace the big honey pots that went down recently are also more honey pots.

>> No.13585196

Is that how these markets keep getting ganked? What if they built a smart contract powered delivery network?

>> No.13585213


>> No.13585266

invest in the future https://coinmarketcap.com/de/currencies/privatix/

>> No.13585290

Based law enforcement spurring the adoption of DLT

>> No.13585320

The dark net isn't just drug sites, boomer. It's the last bastion of free speech

>> No.13585378

In the dark net you can find files and articles, books and speechs that you will never ever find in any other place of the entire universe

>> No.13585428
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>pro-tip, start using amazon.

>> No.13585441

sorry but you are wrong, tor is a cia-nigger controlled honeypot. the last bastion of free speech is the blockchain.

>> No.13585904


>> No.13586014

Reminder: The faggots at Tor allow cp to stay up but deplatformed Andrew Anglin because he's a "nazi"

Imagine thinking these freaks won't sell zero days to LE whenever they want to buy a new lifesized my little pony, or whatever

>> No.13586033

Whatever the bug was, it was solved on dreddit by HugBunter.

The thing is that Empire is an alpha clone and only Beluchi marketplace can claim the throne at the end of this.

>> No.13586274

kek dream market is still up
fuck LEAs and fuck the government

>> No.13586313

What's the dark net homepage?

>> No.13586408

maybe hes saying because they aremt using the postal service for delivery but rather drop shippers

>> No.13586444

just use a VPN

>> No.13586471

Deepdotweb used to be a great clearnet resource but they got raided last week. Not sure if the hidden wiki is still around or what the onion link is.

>> No.13586507


>> No.13586541

nice try FBI.

>> No.13587046

Brother. It's too early for biz to know

>> No.13587100

>what do you think will happen next?

Someone will make a new ultra secure encrypted dark net.

>> No.13587140


>> No.13587261

skycoin/skywire might end up filling the gap of tor & traditional dnms if it actually materialises.

Post onions for books?